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Is President Obama Fixing the Economy?? Yes, Maybe, No - weigh in here

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    Typical liberal. America is evil. Can't trust any American.

    Where do I start?

    America is evil? No - but does America at times do things are one could consider evil, like TORTURE people? Yes - and I have and will for all time protest against it - because it goes against everything this country stands for.

    And God help our solders when they are captured now - tks for Bubba Bush, Chaney and gang. And they will walk free with not even the typical slap on the wrist for what they have done to this country.

    What rights don't the states protect? Only ones I can think of are the unalienable rights of the unborn.

    Surely you jest? Being raised at a time and place where we had "colored" waiting rooms and drinking fountains and "they" didn't dare enter any place of business or even go to the same schools, I can tell you all about "the states" protection of rights. (Some of our more "enlighten" citizens even had ax handles at their place of business - and were elected Governor of the State!)

    It was NOT the State governments that did away with this but the Federal government - because if one does not let EVERYONE VOTE or, even worse, if the majority does not protect the rights of the minority, they will have no rights.

    Only ones I can think of are the unalienable rights of the unborn.

    And you wonder why I call you Hypocrites? You are all FOR a persons rights - UNTIL that right, the right of a woman to choose in this case, goes against what YOU believe. Then, as usual, you want to force YOUR believes on others, to H**L with the Constitution, the people or the country.

    And you ask what rights the states DON'T protect?

    I have an optimistic view of our citizenry. Most libs are pessimistic.

    Only partly right.

    I think "most" liberals are pessimistic about the direction this country has been going in - the trashing of the Constitution, totally taken over by large corps, trashing our beautiful country and slowly dismantling everything put in place to protect the individual, the country or the world.

    For almost 8 years we lived in a dictatorship in this country - and you fine, upstanding Patriotic Republican Hypocrites not only said not a word but worked to give them even more power.

    Sad - how very, very sad. - jb
    jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
    Filed - 2/27/09
    341 - 4/3/09
    Discharged - 6/20/2009


      Originally posted by blankslate View Post
      McCain couldn't have done any better in this amount of time. He didn't have a plan at all or even acknowledge what was happening until it was undeniable. I actually liked McCain for many years and when he announced he was throwing his hat in the ring, I thought right away I would vote for him. I didn't, he didn't impress me in the end.

      Cant we just put our right and left opinions aside and just be glad someone is at least working on the problem? I would've been happy if the last administration had addressed it and at least tried.
      I was seriously considering voting for McCain in 2000 - until Bubba Bush and company smeared him in SC with nothing but lies and a short time later he is standing on stage with a big smile on his face and supporting Bubba.

      I want someone that doesn't sell out in the name of politics.

      And when the Swift Boat Assassins did their number on Kerry, it was the last straw for me and the Republican party. If seems smear tactics, lies and halftruths is the only way they can get elected - and far, far to many Americas are to dumb to see through it.

      And yes, thank God, if you are inclined to do so, that for the first time in well over a hundred years we have elected a man that truly is working for the people and the country.

      Our founding fathers came up with some amazing documents in putting this country together but one thing they should have put in was that no one that has anything to do with making laws, protecting laws, defending laws, ruling on laws or in any way could influence that procedure could not hold public office.

      That would take judges, attorneys and the like out of the mix and then maybe we could get some people that, for a while, would have the interest of the people at heart when they enter.

      And if what this country has seen over the last few years does not bring about term limits I don't know what it will take.

      IMHO, the only reason President Obama is working for the people is simply because he had not been in public office long enough to have been bought and paid for by large corps. - jb
      jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
      Filed - 2/27/09
      341 - 4/3/09
      Discharged - 6/20/2009


        Originally posted by jeb View Post

        And God help our solders when they are captured now - tks for Bubba Bush, Chaney and gang. And they will walk free with not even the typical slap on the wrist for what they have done to this country.

        I see your point. I forgot those fine Terrorists we're engaging follow the rules of the Geneva Convention in the way they treat our captured soldiers and others. They don't behead them or fly airplanes into our buildings UNLESS they see we are waterboarding some maggot who would gladly die for his cause. This attitude of yours is the basis behind Stalin's reference to the left in this country as Useful Idiots.

        UNTIL that right, the right of a woman to choose in this case, goes against what YOU believe. ....force YOUR believes on others, to H**L with the Constitution

        Absolutely she has choice whether to behave in such a way as to become pregnant or not. I could not care less about anyone else's sexual behavior. Once she CHOOSES to become pregnant she has created a life.

        Please quote the paragraph in the Constitution that guarantees a woman's right to an abortion. Thank you.

        For almost 8 years we lived in a dictatorship in this country -

        Yes, please provide the proof behind this thinking. I'd love to see how you fedine the last eight years as a dictatorship. Your credibility is shot with nonsensical posts such as this.

        Sad - how very, very sad. - jb
        I couldn't agree more. Your thought process is sad indeed.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          Originally posted by blankslate View Post
          Funny, I have a lot of liberal friends and I've never gotten that opinion.

          Honestly it's this closed minded bias that is getting us nowhere. You're either with us or you're an idiot because I said so. It's c**p. I can see both sides of the spectrum and really don't understand why no one in congress can.

          I'm optimistic about the future. I saw the current state of our economy coming long before anyone else did and tried to warn people but everyone looked at me like I was a nut. I'm probably the only person right now that really does feel hopeful. Things are going to level out now and people will figure it out. I've been living in shambles for 5 years and I hate to see others crashing down to the same place but at least I got a head start.

          McCain couldn't have done any better in this amount of time. He didn't have a plan at all or even acknowledge what was happening until it was undeniable. I actually liked McCain for many years and when he announced he was throwing his hat in the ring, I thought right away I would vote for him. I didn't, he didn't impress me in the end.

          Cant we just put our right and left opinions aside and just be glad someone is at least working on the problem? I would've been happy if the last administration had addressed it and at least tried.
          McCain wasn't the best choice for the R, I think Romney would have been a much more qualified and better person. However Huckabee's campaign smearing Mormons in essence cost both Romney and Huckabee any chance of winning. The Anti Mormon sentiment stirred up in the south meant Romney couldn't have won the election, and Huckabee's campaign attacks against them would have cost him the western states which means he couldn't have won. Religion should never have entered into the race, I'd vote for Muslim or Buddhist if I thought the were the right man for the job. Bringing it into the race to me was ignoring the first amendment.

          On the D side, Clinton would have been better than Obama too. To many were taken in by a great orator only to find out now he was a mostly hollow shell. Although she would have been better it would have sent a bad message to the world too. We have had to much of a dynasty going and it was necessary to break that cycle. A Bush or Clinton had been President or Vice President from 1981 til 2009. However Clinton was far more qualified than Obama.

          It isn't your president that matters as much as who represents you in Congress and a realization that the government cannot provide everything for you without taking everything from you. To many ignore the congressional elections and just concentrate on the Presidential elections. Presidents come and go as dictated by the constitutional limit on their terms, but members of Congress are far to often left in their for life. Jefferson had once said that the beauty of the system was these people would leave office and return to normal life and thus they'd never do anything to harm themselves. Its a shame him and the other founding fathers did not include term limits in the Constitution. We could probably have avoided many of the woes we now face had they done so.
          May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
          July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
          September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


            Originally posted by JRScott View Post
            We could probably have avoided many of the woes we now face had they done so.
            Certainly true. - jb
            jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
            Filed - 2/27/09
            341 - 4/3/09
            Discharged - 6/20/2009


              Got Help This Country(?)

              I have not figured out why so many people seem to forget that Obama has not been in office that long and the problem with the economy was never his fault in the first place. Give the man a break. Haters...all of you and shame for thinking that one man could come in and clean up all this b.s. that was started by others who just could have cared less. Yeah I said it...Bush...the other president.


                Like Some of you on the Site has Never Cheated on your Taxes

                It is real sad to see so many people against the president, not giving him a chance, using the phrase "out of his league" and so on. As I sit and watch the many presidents who have come and gone, I wonder sometimes why people get so upset when people of color say that folks talk this trash because the man is black, knowing full well any idiot who has ever been in office has made mistakes a lot worst than the few mishaps Obama has made.

                Nobody had nothing to say about that. You let these idiots stay in office and screw up all of your hard earned money and you could have cared less what color he was. All that was important was that he was the leader of the free world. I can not wait to see what the next 16yrs will be like once Obama is no longer president. If you think things are bad now, just wait and see and maybe you'll understand that it does not matter who the president is as long as all parties are on board to assist. Clinton had this same issue dealing with idiots who wanted to be president themselves like Boehner does now and they roadblock all the president has to do. Its a game to them....not realizing that the greater good is good for all.


                  I think President Obama is at least working for the people and that's a TON (prob a 100 tons) more than I can say for the last government.


                    Originally posted by CoCoChanel View Post
                    I have not figured out why so many people seem to forget that Obama has not been in office that long and the problem with the economy was never his fault in the first place. Give the man a break. Haters...all of you and shame for thinking that one man could come in and clean up all this b.s. that was started by others who just could have cared less. Yeah I said it...Bush...the other president.
                    Of course it's not his fault (nor Bush's fault). It IS his problem though. And every step he has taken to solve it has either been a disaster or is a clear step toward Mraxism.

                    I'll give Obama a break when you admit you are wrong for your "hating" GWB. I don't hate Obama. I simply recognize he's a professional campaigner, a terrific telepromter reader and a man of no real substance or administrative talent. He reminds me of the character Tom Hanks played in the movie Big.

                    BTW, it's not "could have cared less". I think you mean "could NOT HAVE cared less". The way you write it indicated there was room to care less. That the evil Republicans cared but could have cared less.

                    When you can't write clearly your message loses worth. Your name calling doesn't help either. Thus, I've discounted your opinion to unreasoned and limited.
                    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                      Originally posted by CoCoChanel View Post
                      It is real sad to see so many people against the president, not giving him a chance, using the phrase "out of his league" and so on. As I sit and watch the many presidents who have come and gone, I wonder sometimes why people get so upset when people of color say that folks talk this trash because the man is black, knowing full well any idiot who has ever been in office has made mistakes a lot worst than the few mishaps Obama has made.

                      Nobody had nothing to say about that. You let these idiots stay in office and screw up all of your hard earned money and you could have cared less what color he was. All that was important was that he was the leader of the free world. I can not wait to see what the next 16yrs will be like once Obama is no longer president. If you think things are bad now, just wait and see and maybe you'll understand that it does not matter who the president is as long as all parties are on board to assist. Clinton had this same issue dealing with idiots who wanted to be president themselves like Boehner does now and they roadblock all the president has to do. Its a game to them....not realizing that the greater good is good for all.
                      You seem to bring a lot of racist bias to this conversation as well as a fair share of double negatives. You need to work on your anger toward people of other racial backgrounds and your writing skills.

                      Have a great day.
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        Originally posted by spearmint View Post
                        I think President Obama is at least working for the people and that's a TON (prob a 100 tons) more than I can say for the last government.
                        Which people do you think he's working for? Not our children or grandchildren who he is burdening with debt so fast their lives are going to be third world in nature.

                        Obama is a politician. He's not working for anyone except his narcissitic ego.
                        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                          Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                          Which people do you think he's working for? Not our children or grandchildren who he is burdening with debt so fast their lives are going to be third world in nature.

                          Obama is a politician. He's not working for anyone except his narcissitic ego.
                          Very true. Sadly Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Rangle, Mitch McConnell, Chris Dodd, etc are of the same cloth.
                          May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                          July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                          September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                            Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                            Your name calling doesn't help either. Thus, I've discounted your opinion to unreasoned and limited.
                            That's funny, because that's the exact same thing I have thought about you while reading this thread. You're far from innocent when it comes to name calling. Things are never going to change in this country until people learn to respect each other and work together. All the generalizing and name calling is childish.


                              "WE are not Guantanamo."

                              Statement from a N. Korean spokesman when asked if the two American reporters they are holding were going to be charged.

                              Thank you, Republican Hypocrites and those that support them. May your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren never have to pay for what you have helped create for them. - jb
                              jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                              Filed - 2/27/09
                              341 - 4/3/09
                              Discharged - 6/20/2009


                                Of course it's not his fault (nor Bush's fault).

                                Of course it's not his fault - nice of you to admit it - but it IS, in a large part, Bubba Bush's and the Republican Hypocrites fault.

                                It IS his problem though. And every step he has taken to solve it has either been a disaster or is a clear step toward Mraxism.

                                And, yes it is his problem and from where I sit he is doing far, far better at solving it that I would have ever begin to expect - the stock market has regained the losses it had taken after he came into office, the housing market has seen an indication that it is bottoming out in everything except home values, i.e., home sales up and new home starts up, some of the stimulus money has just started to make it's way down to those that need it and spend it (BTW, I am still waiting for Reagan's great "triclke down" to get to me! .

                                Overall, I would say that he is doing an outstanding job.

                                And MARXISM? Surly you are kidding? Do you even know what Marxism is? Have you ever read anything about it? OR, are you just another of the Republican Hypocrites that throw out statements like that without even having a clue as to what you have said?

                                I'll give Obama a break when you admit you are wrong for your "hating" GWB.

                                Hate? NO - I don't hate Bubba Bush. I feel sorry for him - a man that obviously isn't the sharpest tack in the box, who was never a success at anything he ever did even when done on Daddy's dime, a man put into office by his Dad and then surrounded himself by his puppeteers who, at least for the first 5-6 years made all the decisions.

                                NO, not hate but contempt - total and complete contempt like I have never had for anyone in my life.

                                I don't hate Obama. I simply recognize he's a professional campaigner, a terrific telepromter reader and a man of no real substance or administrative talent. He reminds me of the character Tom Hanks played in the movie Big.

                                Have you noticed that it is getting very, very lonely where you stand on this. Every day, you have fewer and fewer who believe like you - even Newt Gringrich has had some favorable things to say about President Obama of late.

                                Yup, just you, Palin, that good 'ld boy, Rust Limbow and a ever smaller group still believe as you.

                                BTW, it's not "could have cared less". I think you mean "could NOT HAVE cared less". The way you write it indicated there was room to care less. That the evil Republicans cared but could have cared less.

                                When you can't write clearly your message loses worth. Your name calling doesn't help either. Thus, I've discounted your opinion to unreasoned and limited.

                                "Your name calling doesn't help either." Can you say, HYPOCRITE???? - jb
                                jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                                Filed - 2/27/09
                                341 - 4/3/09
                                Discharged - 6/20/2009


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