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    It was a few months ago, It was on C Span I think.

    The major networks never give coverage to anyone but the R and D, with the exception of Glenn Beck who has had Barr on his program 2-3 times since that Convention.

    For all their claim of Fair and Balanced, Fox news hasn't mentioned the third party candidates anymore than their major rivals MSNBC, CNN (with Beck excluded), ABC, CBS, etc.

    It's why we keep sending bad people to Washington. The Constitution does not establish a 2 party system, we have allowed the major political parties and media to overly influence elections by their selective coverage and in many states unconstitutional (for those states) ballot access laws.).

    Also there are the rules that are bent for the Republicans and Democrats that are not bent for other parties. For example in the State of Texas you have to be certified by the state as a candidate by August 5th to appear on the ballot. Neither Obama nor McCain were chosen by that date, and thus legally neither should appear on the ballot. Meaning the only candidate for Texas who certified in time was Bob Barr. No doubt the R and D in Texas will somehow bend the rules for their candidates.

    In North Carolina wrong information was posted by the state in accordance with the deadline for turning in submissions for write in status. Despite the state's error they disallowed Chuck Baldwin as a write in candidate because he missed a deadline, even though he was following what they had posted.....

    That's how crooked our system is. I hope Texas keeps Obama and McCain off the list this year in accordance with their law but I know how things get bent for R and D and frankly that's what is wrong with our election process.

    I'm hoping Munger wins Governor of North Carolina he has election reform as part of his platform. Wants to clean up ballot access laws etc.

    Web Addresses:

    Libertarian Party:

    Constitution Party:

    Constitution Party The Party of "Integrity, Liberty, & Prosperity!" AMERICA IS IN CRISIS!

    Green Party:

    This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

    US Socialist Party

    Two Party Tyranny political system in the United States, by advocating third parties based on a fairer system including ballot access, public funding and candidate accessibility and exposure.

    Independent Candidates:

    Due to election laws in most states not all of these people will appear on the ballots. Barr I think will be in 40+, Baldwin 25+, McKinney not sure at least a dozen, Moore not sure probably a dozen, Nader really not sure. You should check to see who you can vote for legally.

    (I do hope Texas keeps the R and D off the ballot, that might make it that means there is little way that Texas electoral votes won't go to if CA would just vote for the Green Party it would be very very interesting)
    May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
    July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
    September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


      double post
      May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
      July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
      September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


        JR my biggest problem with the Libertarians is as i remember their desire to remove all restraint from the media and their belief in absolute capitalism. It goes way beyond what society should allow. I would really examine what they stand for and look into all of the documents time would allow that are available on the web.

        As I get older entitlements loom large in my views, unfortunately. I keep myself in check and continue to press R realizing that the entitlements may kill any prosperity i hope my boys will have. I am really not terribly excited about either candidate. I would have liked Huckabee or Thompson. Nope, didn't watch the acceptance speach, already picked my man based on what I believe to be the lesser of two weevils.
        "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

        Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


          Originally posted by robivi3 View Post
          JR my biggest problem with the Libertarians is as i remember their desire to remove all restraint from the media and their belief in absolute capitalism. It goes way beyond what society should allow. I would really examine what they stand for and look into all of the documents time would allow that are available on the web.

          As I get older entitlements loom large in my views, unfortunately. I keep myself in check and continue to press R realizing that the entitlements may kill any prosperity i hope my boys will have. I am really not terribly excited about either candidate. I would have liked Huckabee or Thompson. Nope, didn't watch the acceptance speach, already picked my man based on what I believe to be the lesser of two weevils.
          Huckabee is a joke, he put more money in his own pocket as Governor of Arkansas than he helped the folks. He had 5 ethical violations related to the improper handling of money he held.

          While there are some sides of the Libertarians that may not appeal to even myself, their primary goal isn't the legalization of things, it is that the Federal government should return the usurped power to the states.

          For example the FDA. The oversight of food and drugs is not a power enumerated unto the Federal Congress in the constitution and thus should be a state right by the bill of rights. Thus each state should be allowed to make their own laws about drugs and food. (Same with alcohol, tobacco, education, your so called entitlement programs, etc).

          The Libertarians want to return things to the state that the federal government has usurped. Personally I'd rather vote for Chuck Baldwin but because of my state saying that Baldwin is disqualified for following the rules it had posted......I feel Barr is the next best thing.

          I want folks to understand we cannot afford these entitlement programs. We never have been able to all we have done is sold our children and grandchildren down the river. The tax burden necessary for them to maintain just what we have within 3 decades will be almost three times the tax burden you have today. We cannot maintain them in their present form. Its time to be honest with people and tell them the truth.
          May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
          July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
          September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


            I am very torn this year, I don't believe any of them so I am trying to pick the lesser of two evils. One thing I hate about politics and the conventions in general is that all their speeches are pre-written by speech writers. The entire speech of Palin ripping on Obama that everyone flipped out about how great and smart she is was written "prior" to her even being selected VP by a speech writer.

            Everything is fake!

            Anyhow, I would love to check out the other parties but I think everyone knows they don't have a chance and never will to do anything. I didn't even know all those listed above existed! How this could change in the future I don't know.
            Filed 10/20/08
            Discharged 1/27/09


              I spent the night watching football. The Giants absolutely pummeled the Skins the first half of the game.
              Hi, I'm new here.

              (Link Removed By Moderator)


                Originally posted by Mark80 View Post
                I am very torn this year, I don't believe any of them so I am trying to pick the lesser of two evils. One thing I hate about politics and the conventions in general is that all their speeches are pre-written by speech writers. The entire speech of Palin ripping on Obama that everyone flipped out about how great and smart she is was written "prior" to her even being selected VP by a speech writer.

                Everything is fake!

                Anyhow, I would love to check out the other parties but I think everyone knows they don't have a chance and never will to do anything. I didn't even know all those listed above existed! How this could change in the future I don't know.
                I wish every American who thought well can't vote for them it would be wasting my vote would vote for a third party candidate. If they did we'd have a lot fewer R and D in office.

                There are actually a lot more parties than that. There are some 30 or so recognized in one form or another in the United States, those are the ones I know who have a presidential candidate this year. The ballot laws are such that most third party candidates have difficulty getting on the ballot.

                If you go to your state board of elections website, you should be able to find a list of candidates who will appear on the November ballot or have write in status. Then you could use their names to do a search for them or their parties if I don't have them listed above.

                It's a shame our media wants to stifle freedom by only covering 2 parties.

                You're also correct there are relatively few politicians today on the national level who write their own material. Where indeed have the George Washington's and Abraham Lincoln's gone.
                May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                  Originally posted by JRScott View Post

                  If you go to your state board of elections website, you should be able to find a list of candidates who will appear on the November ballot or have write in status. Then you could use their names to do a search for them or their parties if I don't have them listed above.
                  Thanks for posting this info. I just went to the Arkansas site and found out these are my choices other than R/D:

                  I have been leaning Libertarian, but am going to check out what I can find on these candidates, as I have a feeling I am probably more Constitutionalist.
                  Chapter 13 filed -8/12/04
                  Plan approved- 7/11/05
                  Date discharged--10-12-2007
                  Date closed- 12/6/2007:yes2::yes2:


                    Originally posted by Frogge View Post
                    BTW --- because my DH is a vet and my mom is a life-long dem, we will not be making any family get-together plans until waaaaay after this election. LOL *scary*
                    Not trying to ruffle any feathers here, but the way you worded your post implies that all vets are Republicans, by default? I'm afraid that's yet another Republican myth. It is certainly the way Mccain and his clan have painted the military throughout this campaign.

                    My brother and two oldest cousins are career vets. My brother and one cousin have always been Democrats, while the other cousin was always a Democrat but changed to Republican around the time of Reagan. While the latter and his family are quite RW now, we still manage to have highly, uh.. animated.. yet congenial family get-togethers. LOL
                    BK 7 filed and discharged in 2004 after 30+ years of perfect credit. Life HAPPENS.


                      Originally posted by arkienurse View Post
                      Thanks for posting this info. I just went to the Arkansas site and found out these are my choices other than R/D:

                      I have been leaning Libertarian, but am going to check out what I can find on these candidates, as I have a feeling I am probably more Constitutionalist.
                      I wish I could vote for Chuck Baldwin here, but NC denied him access . So I'll vote for the L candidate . I am actually more closely associated with the Constitution party.

                      You're welcome
                      May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                      July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                      September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                        Gene Amondson/Leroy Platten Prohibition

                        Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle Constitution

                        Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian

                        Roger Calero/Alyson Kennedy Socialist Workers

                        Charles Jay/Thomas L Knapp Boston Tea Party

                        Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear Socialism & Liberation

                        John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican

                        Frank McEnulty/David Mangan New American Independent

                        Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green

                        Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander Socialist

                        Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent, Peace and Freedom

                        Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic

                        Ted Weill/Frank McEnulty Reform
                        May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                        July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                        September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                          Originally posted by robivi3 View Post
                          Oh I don't know. It's all alot of BS, especially that enduring torture, not being able to raise his arms and that "character and honor thing" about not taking the "easy out" from prison. I really am sure that he realized that "I better not muff this sewer greens and worms and broken limb thing becuase one day I'll be runnin' for the White House". I'll need it for my "BS".

                          I read Howard Rutledges book in 1980 (name forgotten), Mccain was mentioned several times and I believe that he was one of the three who held church services against the orders of his captors and was led away to solitary singing God Bless America. Of course none of that speaks about character.

                          takin a chill pill...
                          Thumbs UP for that Rob
                          And it's obvious the libs are running around scared sh**less of Palin and what she has brought to the ticket. I'm trying not to waste much time arguing with libs on forums because it can consume a lot of time....sometimes you just cant fix stupid (sorry if i offended anyone)

                          How could anyone vote for obama after watching this
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