He hasn't been feeling well for a few months. I finally convinced him to go to the doc. The blood work came back with all kinds of red flags for his liver.
We did the ultra-sound Friday. We have to go to the doc next Friday to get the results, unless they call him earlier. They aren't exactly fast around here with results.
He's been having pain on his upper right abdomen which is where the liver is.
Thank God I have insurance. I really hope this isn't too serious. He's thinking the worst and I am trying to stay strong for him.
We did the ultra-sound Friday. We have to go to the doc next Friday to get the results, unless they call him earlier. They aren't exactly fast around here with results.
He's been having pain on his upper right abdomen which is where the liver is.
Thank God I have insurance. I really hope this isn't too serious. He's thinking the worst and I am trying to stay strong for him.