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You haven't applied for any payday loans have you? When I apply for a payday loan, a rep from the company calls and just ask if I still "work there." They just want to make sure you are currently employed, end of story. Just a wild guess???
July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
It has been a while since I read this but I believe that if a collection agency is calling a third party, and the person who answers the phone point blank asks them if they are a collection agency, then they can/have to divulge it. If you don't care about your employers knowing, I would have your employer ask that question if they call again.
You haven't applied for any payday loans have you? When I apply for a payday loan, a rep from the company calls and just ask if I still "work there." They just want to make sure you are currently employed, end of story. Just a wild guess???
I have not applied for anything for over 6 months but I sure do get a lot of applications in the mail. Could it be columbia house DVD? You know buy 7 for 49 cent. I joined that just to give me somthing to help pass the time with over the next few months. I hate that whole outfit but am feeling trapped & it seemed like an outlet for awhile.
They/he called again three times on monday...same old thing refusing to identify who they are. My employer keeps giving them the same old story & until they indentify who they are, they get no information & all their calls will be forwarded to him.
It has been a while since I read this but I believe that if a collection agency is calling a third party, and the person who answers the phone point blank asks them if they are a collection agency, then they can/have to divulge it. If you don't care about your employers knowing, I would have your employer ask that question if they call again.
Sorry you have to go through this. Scary.
I dont think it is collections because I am not behind on anything. I sure will be after this month though, now that I will be paying second installment of $505.00 every two months for health insurance.
My employer knows everything that happened to me the last year & what caused my troubles. My face was wired shut for a long time & that was kind of hard to hide
I wonder if it could be Blue Cross Blue Shield?
It is ritarded whoever it is.
I did check it about 2 months ago & everything was perfect but that was the first & only time I have ever looked at it in my entire life. I also have a lot of debt in just 6 months time from medical problems being off of work and all that goes with it. I just bought a health insurance plan & and still waiting for approval on that, but wouldn't they reveal themselves if they were to call my job?
I was just thinking that someone wants to make sure I am still working or have I skipped town? But why they would not reveal it, is probably what I should look at.
It has to be someone who knows where I work first of all...Why would someone want to know if I am still employed but not reveal who they are? iT is kind of scary because I just wonder if this happens to very many people & they never find out who the mystery man calling is, & just shrug it off.
I would think if it were collections or a Bank I would have to be late or behind on something...and there are machines to change someones voice.
My other thought is, someone hires someone else to be undercover so to speak- stranger things have happened. You know?
You are right though- it could be something thru the credit reports because that stuff bores me to all get out & I do not keep up with it, never have & never want to.
You had better take the time to check all 3 credit reports to see what is going on with them. This sounds like an identity theft situation.
If there's anything on any of those reports that looks suspicious, you should file a fraud alert with the credit reporting agencies immediately, to try to stop this situation from getting any worse.
The other thing you might try is to tell your boss to go ahead and tell the caller that yes you do work there, and then see what the response is after that.
If you're trying to avoid wage garnishment, it's already too late because they obviously assume you work there anyways. That only works if they have idea where you're working, and obviously if they keep calling, they know you probably work here.
By getting your employer to admit you work here, it will move whatever it is on to the next stage of action, whatever that may be.
The world's simplest C & D Letter:
"I demand that you cease and desist from any communication with me." Notice that I never actually mention or acknowledge the debt in my letter.