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According to the stimulus package, individuals who pay income taxes would get up to 600 U.S. dollars, working couples 1,200 dollars and those with children an additional 300 dollars per child.
Workers who make at least 3,000 dollars but don't pay taxes would get 300 dollar rebates.
In reading todays articles on msn and local paper internet I did not see mention of the 300 per child that I had originally seen when it was before the house???
In reading todays articles on msn and local paper internet I did not see mention of the 300 per child that I had originally seen when it was before the house???
I can't find where I saw that at.
ETA: I just read something that said the 300$ per child is still valid. And the Senate plan says 500$ to 1000$ as the rebate.
good, it'll offset 100% with pennies left over what I would have owed this year, worked out fine. Glad to have it, but it's kinda like those folks jumping up and down on Price is Right over the thousand dollars on the wheel, I don't think I could work that much excitement out of it. It just isn't much since it's already our money. We already earned, they just took it by force. Yeah, I know we gotta pay, fair share and all that. Thank you Mr. Bush and Mr. Senator for not taking all of my money that you could have...
Basically, in my life, I probably barely paid for John Sununu's famous haircut. Still think I am paying off the techs who installed Nixon's Tape Recorder!
$300.00 to a disabled VET? Thank you oh gracious Julius Ceasar and wondrous King Alexander, unfortunately 300 bucks won't buy that little farm in Italy or vineyard in Greece after the long and ardous campaign. So I lost my arm taking Londunium or in Teutorborg Forest along with all my friends and can't buy a weeks worth of groceries...
These Political elitists fondle our money, waste it and want GRATITUDE when they steal less? After 25 years working blue collar, dirty hands for a beauracracy I have never seen one beauraucrat give up money or power, they only expand, they never get smaller. They find ways to grab power and money and when the Courts fail them they turn to regulatory bodies that can damage the little guy far worse. If they need your land they get it one way or the other. They "gave" us our own money to make us happy in an election year.
I'll take it but I'll remember all beauraucrats are guilty of something.
Yours truly,
A happily indebted slave/troglodite to the New World Order (I do not get to live in Cloud City I guess).
Now Bandit that MAKES SENSE! That is how I used my refund in '03. Thanks for pulling me back with silver cord from the swirling vortex of my own loathing for the body politic!
Good fellow!!!! Use it against them in a sense!!!!!! Grand, grand, excellent... I need a reality smack frquently. I forgot that when you are starting that money is crucial and i am happy for you guys who need the bucks for the retainer. I WAS THERE ONCE, God Bless while you pass through it.
Yours truly,
A happily indebted slave/troglodite to the New World Order (I do not get to live in Cloud City I guess).
your whole post rocked but I will just comment on this part
These Political elitists fondle our money, waste it and want GRATITUDE when they steal less? After 25 years working blue collar, dirty hands for a beauracracy I have never seen one beauracrat give up money or power, they only expand, they never get smaller.
woo hoo!
put me on a roll toight. they sit at their big massive desks with private foot massage & french style round tables & have lobster & filet for lunch (on us)... with their never used high end lap tops in front of them during meetings where nothing is ever done-then prance their stinky butts out to their mercedes & rolls in the private garage (as if they will melt if they get too much sun or rained on) then complain about going broke...but they never do
There is going to be class war in this country if it does not stop.
Not to get off subject but I could show you some massive beautiful credenzas that they "got tired of" that are being used to stack things on and in warehouses being batted around. You folks have no idea how deep the rabbit hole of spending and wasting YOUR MONEY goes. You would be shocked. The Road Worker slacking that the fat slob on the News catches? My living god, that is a bloody joke compared to the real waste, a stupid bloody joke bloated by some fat fool whose whole job is to fill three minutes on the nightly local news.
Use that money in good health, they didn't "give it", it was yours to begin with.
I saw a fifteen million dollar facility built in '83 and closed one year later for no other reason than a new one to satisfy some "named to me but nameless for this post" politicians need for another area, dormant to this day. He is dead but his legacy remains.
AMEN TO YOUR CLOSING STATEMENT. I BELIEVE THE GLOBALIST BIG BOYS WANT IT. I am not a Bircher nor a CFR nut but I do believe that the big players argue and conspire and plot and such to swing things a certain way. The conspiracy may be loose and not so tightly wrapped but it does exist.
Poor Bill Gates was an apolitical enteprenuer and never hired a lobbyist until the big boys decided that he had a huge effect on the world and so they forced him to play the game. Martha Stewart was kicked out of the club once she got a little to high, guess they didn't want her. Oprah played the game, became a globalist, joined the big players and talks the political line and is in the club, no breakup, investigation, or accusations. Smart Lady, she does put her $$$ to honorable use, that's one thing i like about her. No $1000.00 checks and a photo op, no phony adoptions, she puts her money where her mouth is. Obama won't get my vote but Oprah will, she's the better part of that team.
Now Bandit that MAKES SENSE! That is how I used my refund in '03. Thanks for pulling me back with silver cord from the swirling vortex of my own loathing for the body politic!
Good fellow!!!! Use it against them in a sense!!!!!! Grand, grand, excellent... I need a reality smack frquently. I forgot that when you are starting that money is crucial and i am happy for you guys who need the bucks for the retainer. I WAS THERE ONCE, God Bless while you pass through it.
Well robivi3, I had the greater portion covered with my income tax but was still wondering about the retainer fee you know, which is a third of it all.
Then trying to figure out May (thanks to this) looks like the best time to retain, for me, & probably go in mid or late summer to file.
Thank you for the Blessing & the same back to you.
AMEN TO YOUR CLOSING STATEMENT. I BELIEVE THE GLOBALIST BIG BOYS WANT IT. I am not a Bircher nor a CFR nut but I do believe that the big players argue and conspire and plot and such to swing things a certain way. The conspiracy may be loose and not so tightly wrapped but it does exist.
Very well said. not being tightly wrapped...that is perfectly spoken. You can see them sweating bullets when their big plans fail (so to speak) as they think they are doing favors for each other & harming someone else in the process- BUT! the big problem is they do not know who the enemy is any more.
The attacks on 911 were very well plotted & conspired! (not to get off course here- but nobody knows who was really behind it & they still don't know for sure)
WMD's? Get over yourself Bush cause you now have a bout 5 and half billion enemies in your perfect little thought out, rich oil world.
We used to know who the enemy is but it is becoming more & more difficult. Bush set the extreme example of this through his entire office smashing the country with fear over his personal vendetta.
Oh, is that a dagger behind your back?, What big shifty eyes you have in your speeches and are those blood drenched fangs in your smile?
Maybe you are right. Maybe the globalists do want it as they are sleeping together, drunken off our labor and already soaked in the blood of innocent lives. It thrills them. Put these stubborn, selfish, greedy, lying Kings who start WAR and want to rule the world in the same arena & they can fight it out by sword until they are all dead & set the soldiers free.
Cheiftan123 I agree,
Looking at photos from my friends hometown of Union City Ohio I have to agree. Looking at the conditions in the North of the US. The unique hands of Yankee Inginuity that fostered the greatest industrial advancements in human history are idle and welfared. It is disgusting. Generations of folks who perfected plows, invented machines in barns, FLEW, FED THE WORLD with one tenth of the agricultural labor required in any other Countries farms and they are freaking cause I can't say the real word unfriiking employed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because their jobs were farmed out???? Henry Ford could barely read and write yet was the father of modern mass production, the Bill Gates of his day who changed the face of the planet. Orville and Wilbur conquered aerodynamics in their HEADS before they steamed and bent the first plank of wood. This is about taxes, so please no anti-union stuff. Eastern had Union problems down here, yes. But Labor issues begin in the Executive Rooms, not the frikking locker rooms.
They had freedom, we have restriction, they had growth and encouragement to do well, we have "downsizing, small thought and stinking speeches about empowering those who never aspire to well".
And in the South G.W. Carver, one man alone at first, found that the peanut replenished the soil that cotton had destroyed. He and his fellows in their lab at an underfunded, poor college invented a thousand uses for the peanut in home and industry. Then amazingly, to save rich and poor farmers and Plantation owners from a dustbowl in the South convinced them man by man to grow peanuts! He likely saved the Southern economy from collapse, ON HIS OWN, a Southern and local Bill Gates if you will. Nearly forgotten, people always say which one was the peanut guy (Carver or Washington)? How many Carver's have the Politicians courted on the Public Breast and killed their need to exceed? George Wallace did it in Alabama with great success after he "re-invented" himself.
Government and regulation beyond reason get in good peoples way. Politicians and bearaucrats are useless appendages whose sole purpose is themselves. They dole out contracts to cousins, brothers and cronies and spend $40 million of their own money for a job that makes you look old and pay 300 or 400 grand for a maximum eight years????!!!
And then want your vote when they give you YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reps and Dems, sometimes I love them, sometimes not. I never trust them even though I know that some really want the public good. I just get mad when they act like they are doing a favor by giving us the money they stole from us.
They dole out contracts to cousins, brothers and cronies and spend $40 million of their own money for a job that makes you look old and pay 300 or 400 grand for a maximum eight years????!!!
This is so funny. It was just before Christmas that city hall here was arguing over why we keep using the same company to put up Christmas lights downtown. IN 15 years they never even looked for a different company to do it. Then someone realized it was a relative of someone on one of the boards who was doing it. ROFL!!
I mean nothing wrong with that I guess, but there is when someone else can do the same quality job for half, when this guy keeps charging 10% more every year (& that is what caught the councils attention).