I got this idea from another forum that I am a member. In these days of gloom sometimes we forget what to be happy about.
I am happy because I have a wonderful husband that truly loves me for me. I have 4 beautiful children naturally even considering having diabetes all my life. I have a roof over my head, a career that I can go back to at any time when I am ready, food in the fridge, enough money in the bank to make it until next payday, two running cars, I woke up, I can see even if one eye is legally blind, my overall health is good, I got discharged from chpt 7 on my birthday, My mother is still my best friend, my teenage daughter still thinks I am the most beautiful women in the world and wants to look like me (trust me that means a lot, LOL) Life isn't perfect but life is good.
I am really happy that this is the life God gave me and I know how to live it even with its ups and downs.
So today, reflect on what makes you happy, please share.

I am happy because I have a wonderful husband that truly loves me for me. I have 4 beautiful children naturally even considering having diabetes all my life. I have a roof over my head, a career that I can go back to at any time when I am ready, food in the fridge, enough money in the bank to make it until next payday, two running cars, I woke up, I can see even if one eye is legally blind, my overall health is good, I got discharged from chpt 7 on my birthday, My mother is still my best friend, my teenage daughter still thinks I am the most beautiful women in the world and wants to look like me (trust me that means a lot, LOL) Life isn't perfect but life is good.
I am really happy that this is the life God gave me and I know how to live it even with its ups and downs.
So today, reflect on what makes you happy, please share.
