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Medical Discussion

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    My 97 yr old great aunt has never eaten processed food. Her diet is mainly vegetables and olive oil.

    She puts Crisco, yes Crisco, lol, on her face every night and has less wrinkles than me.

    She has always brushed her teeth with baking soda and peroxide and has every single tooth and they are still white.

    Her house is immaculate and she does all her own bills.

    A couple of times a week, she volunteers at the local retirement home and visits with the "old" people. Most of them are 20 yrs. younger than she.

    She is a very modern thinker as she tells my daughter to live with a man before she marries him. LOL

    She has not missed voting in an election in 75 years.

    So, where is all this progress we have made in her lifetime?
    Last edited by B12; 10-12-2007, 01:27 AM.


      Originally posted by B12 View Post

      So, where is all this progress we have made in her lifetime?
      I loved the part about the small motorcycle with training wheels. I want one

      She has always brushed her teeth with baking soda and peroxide and has every single tooth and they are still white.
      Baking soda is what the dentist used to get all the stains off from the liquid pain meds I had to take. She called it sand blasting. She said the rinse I took to stop an infection also causes another form of bacteria under the gums which led to a lot of bacteria being removed. Baking soda is what I use mixed with peroxide & a little Crest.

      Progress? Good question

      I do like my power tooth brush over the old way of brushing. Is it a good thing to have? I don't know.


        LOL Bandit

        I forgot to tell you the best part. She changes the oil in her bike by herself..........and it is the kind where you have to mix oil and gas!


          Originally posted by Bandit View Post

          I do like my power tooth brush over the old way of brushing. Is it a good thing to have? I don't know.
          I have a SoniCare toothbrush and will NEVER go back to the old style again.

          However, I have stopped using toothpaste. I now use OraMD. I purchase it from It's kinda pricey initially, but worth every penny. The bottles last a lot longer than a tube of toothpaste. It's all natural. Very strong mint, almost a burn at first but you get used to it. I just went to the periodontist last week and they said I had a cleaning like a normal person, not someone with periodontal disease. That was a first in 30 years for me. The claims on their site are true. The oils coat your teeth so they linger and protect longer than regular toothpaste.

          Ok commercial is over, go back to your regular program.
          I used to have a life, now I have grandkids.


            I use my doctor as an access point to needed medicines. We work together. I guess I must have a very special Internist because she hasn't pushed anything on me that I didn't want, nor need. The only things I "need" are supplements, and that's simply because of weight loss surgery. It was something I was told before having it. So I knew I had to take it.
            Chapter 13 Filed "Old Law"
            Filed: 6/2003 Confirmed: 3/2004
            Early pay off sent: 10/05/2007 - 9 months early
            11/16/2007 - Discharged!


              Originally posted by B12 View Post
              So, where is all this progress we have made in her lifetime?
              Not much. Because really, when you take good hard look at them and bottom line it, most medicines are potions, tinctures, and salves.
              Chapter 13 Filed "Old Law"
              Filed: 6/2003 Confirmed: 3/2004
              Early pay off sent: 10/05/2007 - 9 months early
              11/16/2007 - Discharged!


                I have to give credit to one drug I used during the Shingles.

                I had shingles in my face & inside my mouth & the lower gums about 10 years ago. It was the most painful butcher knife stabbing pain I have ever felt. Three dotors later & No one could figure out what it was until I landed into emergency room.
                I told the doctor to cut all the nerves in my face because I could not take it any more. I had been popping 10 Ibuprophen every hour but it was not working. I was willing to go thru life with a paralyzed face to stop the pain.

                THen he diagnosed it as shingles & gave me TEGRETOL Novartis Carbamazepine. Tegretol is used for epilepsy & stops the seizures & also used for nerve pain. The pain started to subside & I was so thankful.
                I went to the nerve specialtist the following day with tears in my eyse begging for help from the last 10 days of wretched pain. The tegretol worked & allowed me to finish all stages of the shingles. The side effects made my mind go insane & I was doing all kinds of crazy things. After 90 days of use it starts to deteriorate bones & marrow.
                Fortunately I did not have to stay on it past the 90 days. I will never forget that drug & how thankful I was that something existed to stop the nerve pain, the worse pain I have ever felt in my life.

                I hear shingles is not so bad if you get it in some places but if you get in the face, the patient will suffer for a long time, even years from the nerve damage & the slightest wind on the face will set that nerve off causing pain.


                  Originally posted by B12 View Post
                  LOL Bandit

                  I forgot to tell you the best part. She changes the oil in her bike by herself..........and it is the kind where you have to mix oil and gas!
                  She must have a two cycle motor. Those are fun to play with. She must know how to mix it right though if she is doing that herself.

                  Originally posted by Granny View Post
                  I have a SoniCare toothbrush and will NEVER go back to the old style again.

                  However, I have stopped using toothpaste. I now use OraMD. I purchase it from It's kinda pricey initially, but worth every penny. The bottles last a lot longer than a tube of toothpaste. It's all natural. Very strong mint, almost a burn at first but you get used to it. I just went to the periodontist last week and they said I had a cleaning like a normal person, not someone with periodontal disease. That was a first in 30 years for me. The claims on their site are true. The oils coat your teeth so they linger and protect longer than regular toothpaste.

                  Ok commercial is over, go back to your regular program.
                  I might try that sometime. I believe the claim is true.
                  My handle is a Braun & it spins around in circles. Not the kind you recharge by electric- but replace with duracell batteries. You can brush in two minutes & it would take about 20 minutes to use the old toothbursh.

                  On the wall at this one dentist it says, "Do I have to brush & floss every tooth?"
                  Then the dentists says, "Only the ones you want to keep."


                    Originally posted by whatamess View Post
                    Tin roof..
                    My sister was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis. She has a HUGE goiter that has to be removed. Her meds are making her very sick and she lost 40lbs in four months. What are you doing to treat this? I was told I'm borderline hypothyroid. This runs in my family. I'm very worried but I dont take anything ever except Zyrtec D when I cant stop a severe reaction. If you have advice Pm me. I'd REALLY appreciate it.

                    BTW Its quite possible that my mothers heart issues were caused by Avandia. She has become so weak she cant barely climb stairs. Sine she stopped taking it she is getting better bit by bit. First it was Avandia, then BO meds, then heart meds, then anxiety meds, they check her liver and kidneys all the time due to possible damage to them from all the darn meds.
                    I on the other hand did not take anything since my very bad paxil/depo provera combo that sent me over the edge years ago. I HATE paxil. My kids never take antibiotics and meds unless 110% sure they need them. There is lots to be said for what Minny said...chicken soup, lots of rest and a good healthy diet with vitamin suppliments.

                    I take two supplements

                    1.) Raw Thyroid
                    2.) Thyroid Assist from Native Remedies

                    It WORKS. I have never felt better, and in fact, my doctor told me I WASN'T hypothyroid. I knew better and went to an herbal doctor who ran some tests, and confirmed that yes, I was hypo, and did in fact, have Hashimotos!
                    BUSY running my own credit repair services! Sorry I don't stop in so often any more!


                      To a certain extent I really believe that you are pre-disposed to some medical conditions because of heredity. Both of my parents had high blood pressure, my brother has been taking BP medicine since his early 30's. I had gestational high blood pressure with my first born. I was lucky enough to wait until I turned 50 (happy birthday to me) before I had to start taking meds. Same with cholesterol medication...I never ate at fast food places, don't eat fried food, very rarely eat red meat, but when I turned 50 the numbers shot up like a firecracker and I became one of the Lipitor kids. But before I go on any type of medication, I research and read everything that I can about it and I question my doctor about everything.

                      ****Also, if you don't have health insurance, another way to save alot of money is to utilize the $4.00 RX plan that Wal-Mart offers. By using Wal-Mart when I can and not my prescription plan I saved almost $300.***
                      sigpicPersevere: "To continue a course of action, in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement."

                      Chapter 13: Discharged 03/15/2010. Closed 05/19/2010::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                        I have a 94 year old aunt who sounds like your great aunt.....
                        She cooks with lard (has all her life), uses it as a skin softener also, and bounces around the house like she's about 25.... She eats lots of garden foods and meat that she grows and butchers.

                        It's amazing to watch her. She still lives alone, babysits with great grandchildren, cooks and cleans her own 17 room house. She puts out a garden every year and cans it all.

                        She says her long life is due to her "mean streak"..... lol (there could be some truth to that too)....

                        She worked 47 years for the same wholesale house, walked to work (1 mile) everyday up and down a hill (came home for lunch).
                        She has worked hard all her life, been a caregiver for her husband, brother, and mother.

                        I saw her this past week and she said she needed someone to take care of........ I told her I was up for adoption!!!

                        She takes very few meds and hates them....... her and her mother both used too and still drink what they called "sweet water" every morning. Hot water with corn syrup in it..... a cup every morning after breakfast.

                        She is still in excellent health at 94............her mom lived to be 97.

                        Hope it runs in the family.................. for my sake........

                        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                          hi.....I take norvasc for bp and vytorin for triglicerides and cholesterol and one aspirin a day for blood thinning......was on lipitor and fibermyalga ( muscle aches were bad had to get off lipitor.....if I could lose a little weight i think i could get off these medicines......too young
                          to be stiff every morning and feel like an old man......better health to us all....guzzie
                          case filed : 6 -5-2007 :blush2:
                          DISCHARGED ...9-26-2007..:yahoo::yahoo:
                          case closed : 11-13-2007 :yahoo::yahoo:


                            You know Minny, I don't think I want to live to be that old.

                            People that old outlive their siblings, their friends, most of their family, and most horribly, their children.

                            I hate to sound morbid, (like BK is not,lol), but like most parents, my wish is to die before my kids.


                              I had an Uncle. Lived well into his 90's. Everyday for breakfast he ate 2 fried eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, and biscuits or toast. Real cream in his coffee. Cholesterol city. BUT before he ate all that stuff,.......... He had a bowl of oatmeal.

                              He was a farmer who got up before the crack of dawn to drink a cup of coffee while he listened to the farm reports on the radio. Then he'd tend the livestock and prep for the day's chores. By the time he came in for breakfast he'd done a day's work by many of our standards.

                              Never once a problem with his fats. We guess it was the soluble fiber in the oatmeal that kept him healthy. He died a natural death of ripe old age.
                              Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
                              Discharged - 12/2006
                              Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
                              Closed - 04/2007

                              I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

                              Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


                                Personally, I think our "processed and preserved" foods have a LOT TO DO with our health now days.

                                Older generations used "smoked/dried meats" - fresh meat and fresh kill chicken..... no preservatives......

                                All fruits and veggies were garden canned at home......

                                No additives added to their food. Many of the foods they used they grew themselves, canned or dried themselves. Even the milk was fresh, butter was freshly made..

                                I can remember churning butter at my grandmother's and when supper came "Ralph - the chicken" was on the dinner table along with fresh or canned veggies etc. My grandparents milked daily.

                                I can't believe that all the preservatives/additives are good for us, if they were THEN WE WOULD BE WELL PRESERVED................

                                The more "foreign" stuff we put into our bodies, the unhealthier we all seem to get....

                                Even now, our drinking water has soooooo many additives its unreal.... just to make it safe too drink.

                                The best water I ever tasted was well water or fresh spring water.

                                If people KNEW all the stuff that was in their drinking water and what it LOOKED LIKE BEFORE PROCESSING and what was ADDED after processing - THEY WOULDN'T DRINK IT.................. (I spent a week at our water processing plant when we installed a new section to the plant).

                                NOTHING IS PURE ANYMORE........ only rainwater - and its full of soot and gasoline waste.....

                                And if you think your "bottled water" is BETTER - think again - it's bottled by a local water company......

                                Many meds start out being good for us, THEN all of a sudden they are being pulled from the market......... bad side effects or longterm damages too the body.

                                Wonder what the future holds in store, don't you??

                                "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                                My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


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