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How supersticious are you?

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    How supersticious are you?

    What things are you supersticious about? The basic black cat, the walking under ladders, the number 13?

    Do you have your own supersticions?? Perhaps you feel that a number is always lucky or unlucky to you. Or that you always perform your best wearing a certain color.

    My little hang up is numbers. I mix them up or just take note of them. For example. I've had telephone numbers that seem similar... the last digits being 1276 and then having another number of years later that is 2498. (these are examples and not actually my number). Or I've noticed that every place I have lived had either a 3 or an 8 in the address. Actally, I just got an offer for an apartment rental and the address is 314.... which reminds me of 341 - the meeting. Then I sit there and try to figure out if there is something with these numbers that are either lucky or unlucky to me. I know, I'm strange.

    So what are your "hang ups" or supersticions??


    Nature, animals, plant life and the elements. Lots of comforting experiences through that.
    Maybe there is some kind of Druid or Inidan type of connection that I cannot explain or maybe it is just intuition through wind, fire, storms, H20......
    I can't say I have any of the traditional superstitions like ladders or black cats though I do not walk under ladders or climb them very high because I do not want to fall or have something fall on me. The 13th floor or Friday the 13th does not matter to me. A full moon does seem to trigger odd things or more of what we consider to be odd and different. I have always heard that phrase, "It must be a full moon."

    Sometimes numbers, an address or time on the clock appears to wake me up to something.
    I have been a little intrigued by some of the superstitions from the Orient like dragons and pagodas.
    The carving of a pumpkin does not do anything for me either way. I do enjoy this time of year and the spooky just for fun.

    I do rub bottles and lanterns waiting for my Jeanie to pop out and make me rich. I'm just kidding


      I'll tell you something weird. I was really really worried about my upcoming 341 meeting and one night I woke up in the middle of the night - looked at the clock and it was 3:41!! I spent the next couple days trying to figure out if it was a good sign or not. I had a good meeting so there you go...
      Filed Chapter 7 pro se- 7/24/07
      341 Meeting - 9/13/07 Done!
      Last day for objections - 11/12/07
      Discharged!!!! -11/26/07


        Cathy you reminded me of when the biblical numbers keep popping up on the alarm clock to build an ark in Evan Almighty. It was pretty cute.
        Or Groundhog Day!!
        Im not supersticious at all really, but my grandparents from Poland and Romania were AWFUL. My grandmother was like a gypsy and only wore black and read fortunes. They were both hung up on every little thing having some 'meaning'. My husband is really bad too, but most Asians are. Its part of the culture and religions. If you write a name in red pen they think that person will die, if a woman sees a scary film or gets scared/upset while pregnant the baby will be born mentally ill, and if you fall asleep with a fan on you it will suck the life out of you and you will die.
        ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
        WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500


          hey whatamess, that fan part while you sleep reminded me of the Indian dream catchers. They say hang them in the wind or window and it catches your good dreams while you sleep and the bad ones pass through.


            Originally posted by cathywhite4495 View Post
            I'll tell you something weird. I was really really worried about my upcoming 341 meeting and one night I woke up in the middle of the night - looked at the clock and it was 3:41!! I spent the next couple days trying to figure out if it was a good sign or not. I had a good meeting so there you go...
            This to me is a little diffferent and I can relate. I remember waking up to the clock for about 3 weeks and it always said 7:17 AM. Every morning way before the alarm it would read that number. I don't mean the hands on a clock but the clocks that have lighted numbers and no hands. There was also a PM number on the clock that kept apearing every nite during the same three weeks. I don't remember what that was but I do know it was 11 (something) and it was always the same.
            Did it mean something? I do not know. If it was a signal I was not in tune with whatever it meant at that time in my life.

            Other times I have woke from a sound sleep wondering with something bothering me but not knowing what about. In a few days speak with someone else who woke at the same time or something happened at the same time I awoke.

            It is not all that big of deal but does make me wonder of possibilites.


              This has nothing to do with numbers - but our thing is, anytime you see an ambulance with it's lights and sirens on, you have to hold a button on your clothes until the ambulance is out of sight, or you'll be the next one in the ambulance. It's almost comical when we're going down the road and see one and everyone starts grabbing for a button. It is fair to use a button on someone else's clothes if you don't have any.

              Grabbing madly for buttons is probably what will cause you to be next to take a ride in an ambulance.

              I do have premonitions all the time. A couple of years ago I was mowing the grass and saw very clearly in my mind, my husband running over our dog (awful, I know). About a half hour later, he came out of the house, got in his truck, backed up and ran over the dog. She was laying behind his tire, he didn't see her and she didn't hear him (she's deaf). Luckily, since she's about 100 pounds and very stout, she only had bruised ribs. But she does have severe arthritis now. It sounds crazy, I know, but I see things ahead of time alot, and it most usually comes true.

              Unfortunately, I've never seen any winning lottery numbers!


                Originally posted by NowOrNever View Post
                It sounds crazy, I know, but I see things ahead of time alot, and it most usually comes true.
                That might sound crazy for some, but not to me.

                Some things just happen once and that is all it is. Don't need to go chasing for it, to make it happen again or not happen. Other times, maybe we should use caution.
                I don't know what it is, a gift or whatever, but it is not something that needs practice, talk about, feel I need to change it, prove it, stop it, or need mediums, it just IS. It's not like we actually get the choice in some of this.
                Maybe everyone has something and they just don't know it yet.

                It is fair to use a button on someone else's clothes if you don't have any.
                What happens if there is no one in the car with buttons? Grab a button on the car, I guess. Will a zipper work?

                Grabbing madly for buttons is probably what will cause you to be next to take a ride in an ambulance.
                Agreed. Too funny.


                  Weeeeeeelllll... I'm not superstitious, but I used to have a 2 "good luck" rituals.

                  1) If I were going to take a long trip by driving (like, several hours) I would listen to the whole CD single of Depeche Mode's "Behind The Wheel" when I start my journey. Once completed, I'll play other music. It has 4 different version of "Behind the Wheel" and 3 different versions of "Route 66."

                  2) I'd listen to the whole cd soundtrack, from beginning to end, for the movie "Hackers" before a job interview. If I didn't, I wouldn't get the job. If I did, I would get the job.

                  I'm a computer programmer.

                  BTW, this current job I have, I did not listen to the CD before I went to the job interview. I got the job, and a 60% pay increase. Go figure. hehe..
                  Chapter 13 Filed "Old Law"
                  Filed: 6/2003 Confirmed: 3/2004
                  Early pay off sent: 10/05/2007 - 9 months early
                  11/16/2007 - Discharged!


                    Heather....we are a lot a like!!! I think "it" actually has a name...."OCD" lol...... Lets see...I"ve moved about 10 times in the last 15 years.. All of my addresses have had the number 3 in them. Now here is the VERY interesting part. I have lived in three different states....Louisiana, Texas, and now California in my life, and I have NEVER IN MY LIFE SINCE I WAS BORN lived more than 2 miles from INTERSTATE 10 IN ANY OF THOSE 3 STATES...WEIRD, HUH?????!!!!!!! I just realized that the other day!!!
                    Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


                      still think 7s are lucky 13s aren't...try not to walk under ladder....old fashioned I guess ....
                      overall not supersticious.....I do believe the full moon brings out craziness in people....have a great weekend......guzzie
                      case filed : 6 -5-2007 :blush2:
                      DISCHARGED ...9-26-2007..:yahoo::yahoo:
                      case closed : 11-13-2007 :yahoo::yahoo:


                        Originally posted by NowOrNever View Post
                        This has nothing to do with numbers - but our thing is, anytime you see an ambulance with it's lights and sirens on, you have to hold a button on your clothes until the ambulance is out of sight
                        My mom, my older brother, and I all say a quick prayer when we see an emergency vehicle with lights on. It's how I grew up and we have always done it. One day riding in the car we saw an ambulance and all three of us start. My little brother looks at us and askes what in the heck we are all doing. I have no clue how he spent the last 25+ years growing up with us and he's the only one who never picked up on it.

                        I'm a researcher and by trade we tend to be rather suspicious. If something you have been having trouble with works you try and figure out something that made it work and sometimes it gets rather silly. One of these days I expect to see myself stand on one foot, make sure the temp in the room is exactly X degree's, spin around twice, make sure I have the exact same instruments I always use and then start an experiment.
                        I'm not there yet, but give me time.
                        Last edited by JollyGG; 09-28-2007, 08:00 AM.
                        Filed: 10/26/2006
                        Discharged: 03/05/2007
                        Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


                          Originally posted by JollyGG View Post
                          I'm a researcher and by trade we tend to be rather suspicious. If something you have been having trouble with works you try and figure out something that made it work and sometimes it gets rather silly. One of these days I expect to see myself stand on one foot, make sure the temp in the room is exactly X degree's, spin around twice, make sure I have the exact same instruments I always use and then start an experiment.
                          I'm not there yet, but give me time.

                          It's almost the same in computer programming. hehehe...
                          Chapter 13 Filed "Old Law"
                          Filed: 6/2003 Confirmed: 3/2004
                          Early pay off sent: 10/05/2007 - 9 months early
                          11/16/2007 - Discharged!


                            step on a crack...........break your mother's back. How many remember that? (That little saying just dated me), ha, ha.
                            sigpicPersevere: "To continue a course of action, in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement."

                            Chapter 13: Discharged 03/15/2010. Closed 05/19/2010::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                              Originally posted by $$only4ever View Post
                              step on a crack...........break your mother's back. How many remember that? (That little saying just dated me), ha, ha.
                              Caught my four year old doing that a couple of weeks ago.
                              Filed: 10/26/2006
                              Discharged: 03/05/2007
                              Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


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