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Four Police Officers Shot

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    Four Police Officers Shot

    We had one Miami Dade Officer killed and three others wounded today. Everything from South Dade to the Palm Beach line is under scrutiny. They got shot way down south and the Police stormed Coral Square mall sixty miles north when they got wind of a suspect vehicle. Amazing to watch an emeregency unfold here, they are so used to it that everything just seems to congeal. The co-operation between thirty-odd PD's is amazing. Broward Sheriffs were deep down in Dade within a half hour, just amazing the co-operation. I hope they kill the suspect quickly, as it goes down here he is likely, though not necessarily dead.
    "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

    Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.

    The reason I say this is because I remember the VERY olden days when wifey worked for a North Dade Municipality in the City Attorneys Office and a fellow was let go because the bullet was fired in a certain City, through unincorporated Dade and the man was downed in another City, all one corner. The case died because of jurisdictional issues. Since the riots and Andrew much has changed for the worse, yes, but much has also changed for the better. Generally down here if you are not a criminal it is not normal to be touched by crime. My son saw a mugging his first day in New Jersey, in twenty years in changing neighborhoods he had never seen that here. It is not as bad as the news makes it for ordinary people.

    I had a few incidents in the eighties, one could have been major but fortunately the brick hit the corner of my windshield and the other in '94 where i chased the "bad boys" through a chain link fence with my '84 mustang was comical, a field force unit came and also a fire truck because they lit a van seat on fire to stop me from entering the trailer park. I was coming home from work and for the third night in a row two teens were throwing rocks over the trailer park fence at passing cars. I was driving my beater so stones were no big deal, I WASN'T going through Liberty City to go home at 3am nor was I going twenty miles around the Palmetto, so i decided to scare the sh*t out of them and it was FUUUUUUUUUUN. They got beaten, carted off and who knows what else. Yes, the cops here do beat people.

    The fire guys laughed, the cops laughed, we all laughed. They throw rocks, you stop, they rob, only this time a lunatic stopped and decided enough is enough. I got no response at that time, when they set the fire the field force came out, saw rocks all over 36 street that was it. Within two days the abandioned traler was gone, there was new gravel and the fence was moved back twenty five feet, God Bless that old Mustang, my co-workers still laugh about that car, 267,000 miles and running down fugitives.
    Last edited by robivi3; 09-13-2007, 03:42 PM.
    "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

    Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


      I just saw that news on CNN, I hope they catch that guy and SOON !

      July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
      Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
      Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
      Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


        What time did it happen? One of my co-workers was on Alligator Alley yesterday afternoon around 1 p.m. on the way to Key West for the Harley Davidson Poker Run...hmmm...
        Filed Oct 2005discharged February 2007,Shapeless in the fire's glow, tell me if you think you know,
        Who it was we were below, where we've been and where we go


          Like I said, he's dead. No chance he would come in alive, saved alot of money. My best friend was a Miami Dade Police Officer shot and killed in the line of duty on April 27, 1990 during an early morning traffic stop. The mammal is still languishing at taxpayers expense, very happy this one is dead, wish there were more just like him.
          "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

          Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


            brother is a police chief where I live.....27 years on the job.....god bless all police officers
            in the job they do to protect the public....many are overworked and underpaid....I respect them all....guzzie
            case filed : 6 -5-2007 :blush2:
            DISCHARGED ...9-26-2007..:yahoo::yahoo:
            case closed : 11-13-2007 :yahoo::yahoo:


              Well, they seem to be changing the "one car, one guy rule" lately. In Dade all I see is two guys, the same for BSO. 7 cops shot in two months in Dade/Broward. We all knew the scuumbag wouldn't live. If you ever watch "Cops, Miami" you will notice that guns are always drawn. The first rule in a nite traffic stop here is get your hands in the light. I know this well since I work odd shifts, especially if I 75 is closed and you have to go through Davie via Flamingo Road which is dark, wide open (eight lanes) and has long straight hypnotic stretches> I get about 1 ticket a year at Griffin and Flamingo at nite, you just forget that you are off the highway which runs adjacent the road. They always are alone so they come up the passenger side and you put your hands in the open and wait for them to motion to open the window. The rule down here is NOOOOOOOO sudden movements, especially on dark roads, YOU WILL GET SHOT.

              I've never been arrested nor had the need to be so i can't say that I am "Cop savvy", I just like to be safe. They do shoot people here, Cops have an odd job, they have to be the regular guy one minute and be able to change into an underworld scumbag the next to protect us. It is a hard, stressful job that has to change a person mentally and place families in a bad position. Then thye have to put up with crap from us regular people sio they are alone in a sense.

              If I told you the whole story of my friend getting killed it would not play out believeably as i lived in the neighborhood and had to avoid the stolen car that morning (4:50 am) on the way to work. When the helicopter carrying his body flew over the house I was laying in bed thinking, "that's odd they aren't circling", our neighborhood was "in transition" at the time, we got the hell out several months later. We stayed at my mother-in-laws house a block away for afew after weeks selling and a bullet came through the window where my kids were in bunk beds. What changed a middle class neighborhood in two years to a point where it was unliveable with bullets, dead cops? Fair Housing... that's another story and not really for the forum so I'll let it drop, it's just that it's the truth.
              Last edited by robivi3; 09-16-2007, 05:23 PM.
              "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

              Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


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