I'm considering getting the XB360...because it doesn't seem to make sense to spend the extra money for PS3. The Wii also seems like an pretty decent buy too...but game selections seem to be much better on the XB. Prices on electronic goods have been dropping and will probably continue because of the recession.
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Video Gaming Discussion
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I bought a 360 and PS3 when times were good. I held onto them because now they provide cheap entertainment. When I want a new game I normally trade in older games or movies for it. It's weird now, all we're paying on is our cars so we have quite a bit of money now and are not sure if we'll need it for a possible move or not.
Our mortgage company is playing games with us and sent our last payment back and its near impossible to get someone on the phone. I just figure we'll be set up in a payment plan through a C13 so the temptation to buy a new game is very strong.
Favorite games are:
Batman Returns-SNES
God of War-PS2
Mega Man X Collection-Xbox
Contra Hard Corps-Genesis
Super Burnout-Atari Jaguar
I hope I get to keep my games through this bankruptcy, that and the occasional movie with my wife and daughter is my only entertainment.
Wow I just found this thread.Has anyone got the wii Fit? I'm looking for feedback on this one before I ask Grandma to get us one for my birthday.
"You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy."
6/16/08: Attorney approached lenders to surrender old home
8/26/08: Met w/attorney RE: filing BK
9/29/08: Filing Chapter 7
Originally posted by HRx View PostI'm considering getting the XB360...because it doesn't seem to make sense to spend the extra money for PS3. The Wii also seems like an pretty decent buy too...but game selections seem to be much better on the XB. Prices on electronic goods have been dropping and will probably continue because of the recession.
For me, I used to (used to) play games and I found that if you like multiplayer games there is no substitute for a gaming PC. You dont have to go crazy with it, like 600-800 bucks and you will be more than good to go. Most people could actually just upgrade thier current PC with a few snap in pieces and be ready to rock. I say all this with the knowledge that you may very well already game on ur PC, but perhaps someone needs this.
I currently have no games but someday I hope to jam out with my kid (or veg out as it were).
Oh and it doesnt matter what the economy is doing, come x-mas i garuntee you you can sell a Wii for more than it costs to buy one in the store, along with any new "anticipated" games that come out within 2 months before x-mas.
Lastly, this is probably too much to ask but, barrens chat?, chuck norris? anyone?(If you get/understand this this were BK buddies fo-eva!)Last edited by Priceless ProSe; 08-03-2008, 10:50 PM.Not only am I not a lawyer, the California BAR association has sent me numerous letters telling me not to even THINK about going to law school. In fact, the lay advice I provide is not even good. In the end remember, you get what you pay for, and here in BK land were not the best at paying.
My wife bought me Spore last night, I was looking forward to it for a very long time. Then of course some negative stuff came out just this past week on the review sites. Well I wouldn't say "negative" more lackluster then bad. But overall it got fairly good reviews and I got to play it for about 45 minutes before I went to bed!
Anyhow I got through the cell phase onto land and promptly hunted and ate a few silly looking creatures. One of the coolest aspects is being connected online and having the world populated by tons of user driven content.
I like it so far, and for a distraction that wont eat up 90% of your life as you can play in short sessions it seems good.Filed 10/20/08
Discharged 1/27/09
I also survived barrens chat, but I find the chat in trade equally annoying......LOL...I'll go back to dancing on mailboxes in Org. (just kidding)Filed!!04/23/2008[X] 341 5/27/2008[X]Converted to asset case 5/26/2008 [X]
DISCHARGE 08/12/2008[X]
Converted to NO Asset case 12/15/2008[X]
Closed 12/16/2008 [X]:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Originally posted by layla17 View PostI love playing Guitar Hero, but I prefer Rock Band. It's great to play with a bunch of friends.Hi, I'm new here.
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