Originally posted by msm859
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The New Black Panther party guys that our head legal Authority Eric Holder forgave when it was obvious that they inhibited people from voting by showing a "LEGAL WEAPON" called a baseball bat, yet HE sponsored under his authority and did cause the murder of at least one American boarder guard and many Mexicans by supplying many ILLEGAL ASSAULT WEAPONS, and his budd PresBO is covering him, sure did work out to well. As I have stated, Guns do NOT kill people. People kill people.
Some years ago, I was a target of a guy who opened and tried to drag me out of a car at a light, I blindly shot the red light and left him. I now have a legal holstered weapon at my right leg allowed by law. There won't be another try and it's just not a good idea to run a red light by flooring your car blindly. I was lucky. 'Hub