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I've noticed how much the right wingers on this board enjoy Dees.Illustrations, by David Dees. Since 2008 Dees has gleefully added Obama to his conspiracy illustrations. It's interesting he thinks Obama is part of the Jewish conspiracy now - and here I thought wingers said he was a Muslim.
I guess you are known by the company you keep, and the stuff you promote on the Internet. Dees illustrations are a huge hit on neo-nazi sites, anti-Semite sites, conspiracy websites, KKK sites, survivalist sites, anti-government sites, militia sites, and most RWNJ sites.
Here's some background on David Dees:
David Dees: Conspiratorial Artist
June 20, 2008
David Dees, a Louisville, Kentucky-based graphic artist, has found a large audience for his anti-Semitic and conspiratorial art. This artwork has been circulated on extremist email groups, published on the Websites of 9/11 conspiracy theorists and turned into videos posted on YouTube and other Websites. A biography of Dees posted to his Website claims that his images are "an attempt to wake others up about the onslaught of the elite's power hungry world government plan of domination."
A great deal of Dees' art is overtly anti-Semitic and many of his images promote Holocaust denial. In one image, prisoners are disembarking from a train at Auschwitz. In the foreground a man holds a placard reading "What really happened?" while "Truth does not fear investigation" - a line used by Holocaust deniers - is written on the side of a cattle car. In another image a prisoner jailed for having "asked for proof of 6 million gassed during Holocaust" is imprisoned between a "serial rapist" and a "murderer." Faceless guards are dressed in riot control outfits with a Star of David with the letter Z at its center on their chests and Israeli police badges on their sleeves. Another image depicts a woman being zapped by a laser gun by the same faceless guards as she reads a book entitled Did Six Million Really Die?
In yet another, Dees uses pictures of the gas chambers at Auschwitz and promotes the lie that Zyklon-B gas was used to kill lice, not people, in Auschwitz, which he asserts has been proven by "scientific testing." This falsehood is at the heart of many Holocaust deniers' propaganda. In the same image, Dees alleges that it is the "Zionists" who claim the gas was used "to exterminate millions of Jews," again suggesting that the Holocaust is a myth created by those who wanted to establish a Jewish state.
The Star of David with the letter Z (most likely referring to Zionists) at its center is a mainstay in Dees' anti-Semitic images, whether on the uniforms of the faceless guards, within a red mushroom cloud hovering over an American city, on a pendant on the wrist of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (who wears a Nazi badge on his lapel), or in a dark sky over the chained wrists of an Arab child. In the context of Dee's images, the Star of David with the letter Z suggests Jewish control over individuals and world events.
In another anti-Semitic image, Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli Prime Minister, is shown standing in a pool of American soldiers' blood next to Dick Cheney, a tiny George Bush in Sharon's jacket pocket.
Dees' bio claims that his blatantly anti-Semitic images, which question the Holocaust or suggest that Jews control the government or world events, are "Pro-Jewish, but extremely Anti-Zionist."
He does not limit himself to the creation of anti-Semitic images. Promoting his art as "satire," he has posted images to his Websites depicting President Bush as a bumbling leader and Americans as overweight, addicted to fast food, and misinformed by mainstream media. In dozens of other conspiratorial images hosted on additional pages of his Websites or elsewhere, Dees criticizes Bush, Dick Cheney, and other American leaders with gruesome imagery, accusing them of murdering Iraqis and Americans and butchering the United States Constitution. Many of the images also promote some of the more popular current Internet conspiracy theories, including the idea that the American government staged the 9/11 terrorist attacks, that a secret group known as the Bilderbergs controls world events, and that "chemtrails" (the lines of exhaust left in the sky by passenger airplanes) spread deadly illnesses.
Rense, a Website that posts anti-Semitic material, maintains an extensive and regularly updated archive of Dees' images and often posts a Dees image on its front page. Rense also provides links to virulent anti-Semitic writings hosted on other Websites, including a post by the "dancing street preacher" Brother Nathanael Kapner accusing Jews of creating a "Jewish police state" in America, and Judicial-Inc, which on a daily basis updates its collection of posts accusing Jews of plotting every perceived ill in the world, from the mistreatment of Native Americans to the promulgation of pornography to even being Jack the Ripper, a late 19th century English serial killer. Both of Dees' own Websites link directly to Rense and have advised visitors, "This art is free to use for non-profit purposes, and I encourage you to openly distribute to others with the hope it will educate, enlighten, deprogram, and at least, entertain." Dees has also contributed the artwork and cover illustrations for Republic, an anti-government, conspiratorial magazine.
I've noticed how much the right wingers on this board enjoy Dees.Illustrations, by David Dees. Since 2008 Dees has gleefully added Obama to his conspiracy illustrations. It's interesting he thinks Obama is part of the Jewish conspiracy now - and here I thought wingers said he was a Muslim.
I guess you are known by the company you keep, and the stuff you promote on the Internet. Dees illustrations are a huge hit on neo-nazi sites, anti-Semite sites, conspiracy websites, KKK sites, survivalist sites, anti-government sites, militia sites, and most RWNJ sites.
I am a libertarian, not a conservative or "right winger" or a member of the KKK or a racist organisation. My understanding of classic conservatism is that it does not believe in a free private life. I am not a conservative. I am a libertarian. I am also not engaging in any argumentum ad Hominem attacks of the members posting here. Y'all don't know me and I don't know y'all. I haven't posted anything attacking any go ahead and call me a racist, an anti-semite, or whatever if it makes you happy. Have a pleasant Thursday...
It's high time for President Obama to hear this, not just from me, but from millions of American Jews. I do not want my tax dollars -- any of them -- supporting the military of a government that continues illegal settlements, continues the illegal blockade, and then blames the people being displaced and blockaded for not wanting peace. I'm tired of being played for a patsy -- I would think President Obama would be too. No more excuses.
What Will Israel Not Do?
What were they thinking about?
Let's get this straight. Israel is enforcing a blockade against Gaza that is in blatant defiance of international law.
A flotilla of activists attempts to break the blockade and supply humanitarian aid to Gaza.
And Israeli commandos in international waters board some of the ships, in order to take them over, and have the nerve to complain when they are attacked? You can check out the Israeli military video here, ( ) and see its astonished outrage that the people being boarded resisted, and try to fight off the commandos.
How dare they, the captions imply! At one point the "rioters," as the Israeli Defense Force calls them, attempt to "kidnap" an Israeli soldier. Excuse me? They were not rioters. They were passengers on a large boat trying to deliver humanitarian aid. They appeared to try to defend themselves from interlopers lowering onto their boat carrying machine guns. And who were the rioters, exactly? Who was trying to kidnap whom?
Beware, Americans. By tomorrow morning you will be hearing the "official" Jewish community parroting the IDF line, complaining about the nerve of those activists defending themselves in international waters from heavily armed soldiers enforcing an illegal blockade. Oh yes, and they will be mourning the soldier's deaths and not the deaths and maiming of those who set out to break an illegal blockade on humanitarian grounds.
Please let your Senators and Representatives know you do not think they should be giving Israel a free pass to do anything militarily they please, while blaming the victims for defending themselves. For the rational voice, check out JStreet's response to this madness. Thank goodness those of us who want to see a genuine peace in the Middle East have someplace to go in moments like these.
But is there really nothing Israel will not do? Ok, I guess they could have sunk all of the ships. Great. Shall we congratulate the IDF on its restraint -- before AIPAC gets to it?
by Warren Goldstein, History Department Chair, University of Hartford
But is there really nothing Israel will not do? Ok, I guess they could have sunk all of the ships. Great. Shall we congratulate the IDF on its restraint -- before AIPAC gets to it?
The fatal incident off the Gaza coast was not the first time Israel had used lethal force against a nearly defenseless ship at sea. The attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” was reminiscent of the attack on the USS Liberty during Israel’s Six-Day War against three of its Arab neighbors.
The war started on June 5, 1967, when Israel carried out an unprovoked Blitzkrieg attack. What is my source for “unprovoked?” Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who 15 years later admitted publicly:
“In June 1967, we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that [Egyptian President] Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”
Three days into the war, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats turned their firepower on the intelligence collection ship USS Liberty in international waters after the Israelis had identified it as a U.S. Navy ship.
The Israelis later insisted they had lost track of the ship and that the strafing was an accident in the fog of war. However, U.S. intelligence intercepted Israeli conversations at the time, indicating that the Israeli mission was to sink the ship and leave no survivors.
Israeli commandos clad in black were about to land from helicopters and finish off what remained of the Liberty crew when Seaman Terry Halbardier (later awarded the Silver Star) slid over the Liberty’s napalm-laden deck to jury-rig an antenna and get an SOS off to the Sixth Fleet.
Israeli forces intercepted the SOS and quickly broke off the attack. But 34 of the Liberty crew were killed and over 170 wounded.
To avoid exacerbating bilateral tensions, the U.S. Navy was ordered to cover up the deliberate nature of the attack, and the surviving crew was threatened with imprisonment, if they so much as told their wives. When some of the crew later called for an independent investigation, they were hit with charges of anti-Semitism.
One of the surviving crew of the USS Liberty, decorated Navy veteran Joe Meadors, was with the “Freedom Flotilla” when it was attacked. Meadors is past president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association.
The State Department tells us that Joe Meadors survived this latest Israeli attack. At last word, he sits in an Israeli jail.
From Oliver Stone's new documentary, "South of the Border", in theatres June 2010. For more information and theatre listings visit http://www.southoftheborde...
"From Oliver Stone's new documentary, "South of the Border", in theatres June 2010."
I said that a solution for the problems right now, I told Bush, is a Marshall Plan. And he got angry. He said the Marshall Plan is a crazy idea of the Democrats. He said the best way to revitalize the economy is war. And that the United States has grown stronger with war.
Harper's Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper's Index.
Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience
June 8, 2010
In mid-February 2008, fresh from winning a bunch of Super Tuesday primaries, Barack Obama granted an interview to "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Croft. "When you sit down and you look at [your] resume," Croft said to Obama, "there's no executive experience, and in fact, correct if I'm wrong, the only thing that you've actually run was the Harvard Law Review."
"Well, I've run my Senate office, and I've run this campaign," Obama said.
Seven months later, after receiving the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama talked with CNN's Anderson Cooper. At the time, the news was dominated by Hurricane Gustav, which was headed toward New Orleans and threatening to become a Katrina-like disaster. "Some of your Republican critics have said you don't have the experience to handle a situation like this," Cooper said to Obama. "They in fact have said that Governor Palin has more executive experience. ..."
"Governor Palin's town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees," Obama answered. "We have got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So, I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I think, has been made clear over the last couple of years."
Obama ignored Palin's experience as governor of Alaska, which was considerably bigger than the Obama campaign. But his point was clear: If you're worried about my lack of my executive experience, look at my campaign. Running a first-rate campaign, Obama and his supporters argued, showed that Obama could run the federal government, even at its most testing moments. He could set goals, demand accountability, and, perhaps most importantly, bend the sprawling federal bureaucracy to his will.
Fast forward to 2010. The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is gushing out of control. The Obama administration is at first slow to see the seriousness of the accident. Then, as the crisis becomes clear, the federal bureaucracy becomes entangled in itself trying to deal with the problem. "At least a dozen federal agencies have taken part in the spill response," the New York Times reports, "making decision-making slow, conflicted and confused, as they sought to apply numerous federal statutes."
For example, it took the Department of Homeland Security more than a week to classify the spill as an event calling for the highest level of federal action. And when state officials in Louisiana tried over and over to win federal permission to build sand barriers to protect fragile coastal wetlands from the oil, they got nowhere. "For three weeks, as the giant slick crept closer to shore," the Times reports, "officials from the White House, Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Environmental Protection Agency debated the best approach."
The bureaucracy wasn't bending to anyone's will. The direction from the top was not clear. And accountability? So far, the only head that has rolled during the Gulf crisis has been that of Minerals Management Service chief Elizabeth Birnbaum. But during a May 27 news conference, Obama admitted he didn't even know whether she had resigned or been fired. "I found out about it this morning, so I don't yet know the circumstances," the president said. "And [Interior Secretary] Ken Salazar's been in testimony on the Hill." Obama's answer revealed that he hadn't fired Birnbaum, and he couldn't reach a member of his Cabinet who was a few blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Given all that, perhaps candidates in future presidential races will think twice before arguing that running their campaign counts as executive experience.
A few days before Obama won the White House, Bill Clinton joined him for a late-night rally in Kissimmee, Fla. Clinton, who became president after 12 years as a governor, told the crowd not to worry about Obama's lack of executive background. Given the brilliance of Obama's campaign, Clinton said -- and here the former president uncharacteristically mangled his words a bit -- a President Obama would be "the chief executor of good intentions as president."
Chief executor of good intentions? Perhaps that's what Obama is now. But with oil gushing into the Gulf, that's just not good enough.
#4) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.
seriously, thats crazy, maybe a telling off but arrested
#4) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.
seriously, thats crazy, maybe a telling off but arrested
Welcome to one of the issues with a zero tolerance policy. The principals in all these cases claimed that they had no choice but to contact law enforcement.
Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10) Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog
Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.
Welcome to one of the issues with a zero tolerance policy. The principals in all these cases claimed that they had no choice but to contact law enforcement.
zero tolerance indeed, its one of thing people can't risk leaving incase they get taken to court and sued.
#4) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.
seriously, thats crazy, maybe a telling off but arrested
By the late summer of 1939, Hitler's forces had absorbed Austria and Czechoslovakia into his growing empire, and Germany's military was massed at the Polish border clearly preparing for invasion.
In an astonishing display of perhaps the greatest complacency in the history of the modern world, however, Polish people sat lazing about their lakes, beaches, and riverbanks worrying about more pressing matters-- like how to beat the summer heat.
In September of that year, German troops easily vanquished the Polish army, and Krakow became the colonial seat of the occupying forces. Almost immediately, under the direction of the German SS, anyone who posed a threat was rounded up and imprisoned. This included over 180 Polish university professors and many businessmen.
Krakow, of course, is also very close to two of the main concentration camps used during the German occupation, nearby Oswiecim (Auschwitz) and Plaszow.
The worst part is that, even after the war was over, Poland merely swapped fascism for Stalinism. Overall, the country was shrouded in brutal totalitarian control for half a century; undoubtedly, the Nazi invasion of Poland set off a chain of events that would forever affect the lives of all Poles.
It's true that no one had a crystal ball back then... but it would certainly stand to reason that with Hitler knocking at your door, you would probably want to have an escape plan. Even more prudently, perhaps to have already executed it.
Many Poles did just that; they spent the preceding seasons liquidating assets, stocking up on gold, and getting their travel documents in order. By the time Hitler came to town, many of the smart ones were already gone.
My guess is that the ones who left were probably ridiculed by their peers as "crazy", or "fringe", or "out of touch", or my personal favorite, "unpatriotic." It's as if they had a solemn national duty to stay, get roped up and waste away in a concentration camp for the 'greater good' of Poland.
For those who escaped before the war, many of them went on to build new lives in places like the United States, Brazil, and Argentina. They prioritized freedom and opportunity, and they went to the best places that were safest for themselves and their families.
I've met a businessman here (I'll call him "Jarek") who I think has the best story to sum this up; when Jarek's father was just a boy in Krakow, the family saw the warning signs and decided to leave town. This was 1938.
Jarek's grandfather owned a successful bakery at the time, yet he felt that he would rather start over somewhere else than risk the safety of his family by living in a police state. They sold everything-- the house, livestock, and business... and everyone else thought they were crazy.
Within six months, the family was in Curitiba, Brazil; Jarek's grandfather soon established a new bakery that eventually became a thriving business. Jarek's father grew up in Curitiba and integrated into the local culture, yet he maintained his roots since there were many other Poles who followed them there.
30-years later, the face of Brazil started to change. By the mid-1960s, the whole of Latin America was becoming a military dictatorship. Once again, the family decided to get out while they could and head towards better opportunity; they sold the business, liquidated their assets, and this time headed towards the United States.
Jarek was just a baby when the family made this move. He grew up in a Polish neighborhood of Chicago, spoke Polish at home, and married a Polish girl from his neighborhood.
He was working as a young real estate professional in the Chicago suburbs when the Berlin Wall fell, at which point he began making more frequent trips to Poland to visit his family's homeland.
In his subsequent trips throughout the following years, Jarek began feeling like there was more and more opportunity in Poland; in 2003, fearful of what would happen in Chicago because of the "War on Terror," Jarek moved his family full-circle back to Poland because he felt like it was the safest, most opportunity-rich place for him to be.
He may have been right; his business is booming, and the family really enjoys the life they have built for themselves here. To listen to him talk, though, they would happily leave and go somewhere else if the right circumstances were presented.
"My most important obligation is to my family," he told me. "I will go wherever I can provide the best life for them, whether that is Poland, America, Brazil, or anywhere else. Nothing lasts forever, you have to expect that these things will change from time to time. People have to learn to change as well, to not get rooted in ideology."