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I didn't say you were going to flee to Canada OF. I said I was going to flee to Canada if Palin ever became president.
And I would EXPECT you to stay and fight to keep your beloved country as Marxist as Obama left it for Sarah.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
You're spending too much time huffing on the Huffington Post.
Not one of the alleged ethics violations were found to be true. In fact Democratic legislators clearly agreed that the claims were merely politically based harassment. Fraud?
Obama got a pass on Wright. Had McCain or even more so Palin, been associated with Wright or some clown of his ilk the coverage would have been relentless with all the networks(excluding FOX) and the major newspapers calling for him/her to step down. I guarantee it!
I actually agree with you on this.
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
You're spending too much time huffing on the Huffington Post.
Not one of the alleged ethics violations were found to be true. In fact Democratic legislators clearly agreed that the claims were merely politically based harassment. Fraud?
Obama got a pass on Wright. Had McCain or even more so Palin, been associated with Wright or some clown of his ilk the coverage would have been relentless with all the networks(excluding FOX) and the major newspapers calling for him/her to step down. I guarantee it!
Does any of this matter? That's the problem with politics--it's all about attacking the other candidate. Palin's speech at the tea party had no substance as usual but she had plenty of blame to pass around. It's all about fear and right now it's the republicans that are scared.
Just look at the health care rally's. The haves in this country say they want health care reform but the reality is they just want cheaper health care. Any suggestion that the system will be changed and they attack---instead of civil discussions they paint a Hitler mustache on Obama and then scare the crap out of all the weak kneed in this country.
It's despicable---and most of these people call themselves Christians!
Does any of this matter? That's the problem with politics--it's all about attacking the other candidate. Palin's speech at the tea party had no substance as usual but she had plenty of blame to pass around. It's all about fear and right now it's the republicans that are scared.
Just look at the health care rally's. The haves in this country say they want health care reform but the reality is they just want cheaper health care. Any suggestion that the system will be changed and they attack---instead of civil discussions they paint a Hitler mustache on Obama and then scare the crap out of all the weak kneed in this country.
It's despicable---and most of these people call themselves Christians!
Your post leads me to believe you lack historical perspective. Our Christian forefathers wrote a document titled The Declaration of Independence and fought a war we affectionately refer to as the Revolutionary War to free the citizens here from the tyranny of England. When one believes strongly enough in their position fighting is often the way to achieve one's ends. That fighting can be in the form of oratory as well. The health care debate going on in this country is critical enough that this type of fighting should be applauded.
To denounce anyone who speaks a political point of view, refer to them as despicable and question their religious beliefs because they used their First Amendment right seems un-American to me. However, I respect your right to post such an opinion.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Don't celebrate yet OF. I had to cut my last post short and go dig out my car and drive to work. (I would normally walk, but none of the sidewalks are shoveled yet, etc....) Apparently my hefty local tax bill is not going towards salting and plowing the roads. What a mess.
I don't think that Palin is corrupt. I think she is illiterate, and that is my main problem with her. I think she has crossed some fuzzy ethical lines, but no more than other politicians. I think she lets her husband have too much say in governing for someone who was not elected, but so do other politicians (Clinton comes to mind here....)
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
Very true Logan.. I agree with you. 58% of the public wanted the public option, hoping it would lower costs for them too. The new plan will cost more, so the numbers fell now, but still a good number of people support a plan. Those would be those who do not have one, or can not pay for one. As the numbers rise of those without healthcare the costs to those who do will go up. More will lose their coverage or PAY thru the nose. When that happens would be the best time to introduce a new plan. Medicare has a 3% admn cost, while big insurance has a 30% guess what is really driving costs? The padding of the upper wage earners in bonus, and the fact that healthcare does not shop for the best price, but rather just pays and passes it on to us. Most businesses can not operate that way, but healthcare can because it is a matter of life or death. We simply can not not regulate or give a better competitive option. If there were no regulations on air carriers we would have more crashes but the same prices. Would that be acceptable to lose planes because in the end capitalism will prevail, someone will clean up their flight record if they want business? Of course not, we all need to realize these are humans here and we are putting them in a horrible situation of no care or the ER and then yelling at them for the high cost of healthcare.
Your post leads me to believe you lack historical perspective. Our Christian forefathers wrote a document titled The Declaration of Independence and fought a war we affectionately refer to as the Revolutionary War to free the citizens here from the tyranny of England. When one believes strongly enough in their position fighting is often the way to achieve one's ends. That fighting can be in the form of oratory as well. The health care debate going on in this country is critical enough that this type of fighting should be applauded.
To denounce anyone who speaks a political point of view, refer to them as despicable and question their religious beliefs because they used their First Amendment right seems un-American to me. However, I respect your right to post such an opinion.
You call painting a Hitler mustache on Obama's picture and walking around these rally's free speech? Go yell fire in the movie theater next time you go to the movies and see how well that goes over.
These are examples are un-american.
BTW why do you always put words in my mouth? Every response to my posts you accuse me of writing things I never wrote. These are the kind of attacks the weak kneed in this country continue to make.
Don't celebrate yet OF. I had to cut my last post short and go dig out my car and drive to work. (I would normally walk, but none of the sidewalks are shoveled yet, etc....) Apparently my hefty local tax bill is not going towards salting and plowing the roads. What a mess.
I don't think that Palin is corrupt. I think she is illiterate, and that is my main problem with her. I think she has crossed some fuzzy ethical lines, but no more than other politicians. I think she lets her husband have too much say in governing for someone who was not elected, but so do other politicians (Clinton comes to mind here....)
No one stopped you from shoveling the sidewalks did they? At one time our citizenship didn't depend on the government to do EVERYTHING for us. Now we stay home and wait for the government to shovel our sidewalks!
You've been working for like 2 weeks and you're already complaining about your tax liability?! You should attend the next council meeting and DEMAND they lower you taxes given their snow shoveling incompetence.
I agree that spouses should not be overly involved in political issues. I also think First Ladies should not roll their kids out, call them fat and use them as props for some silly political program, especially after demanding during th campaign season that her kids are off limits.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
You call painting a Hitler mustache on Obama's picture and walking around these rally's free speech? Go yell fire in the movie theater next time you go to the movies and see how well that goes over.
These are examples are un-american.
BTW why do you always put words in my mouth? Every response to my posts you accuse me of writing things I never wrote. These are the kind of attacks the weak kneed in this country continue to make.
Uh, a political sign -vs- creating panic in a crowded dark building hardly are comparable but neither are un-American. One is protected free speech and the other a violation of a law punishable by statute.
You have to be more specific where I put "words in your mouth." I know not what you mean.
I can assure you, I have no weak knees.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
No one stopped you from shoveling the sidewalks did they? At one time our citizenship didn't depend on the government to do EVERYTHING for us. Now we stay home and wait for the government to shovel our sidewalks!
You've been working for like 2 weeks and you're already complaining about your tax liability?! You should attend the next council meeting and DEMAND they lower you taxes given their snow shoveling incompetence.
I agree that spouses should not be overly involved in political issues. I also think First Ladies should not roll their kids out, call them fat and use them as props for some silly political program, especially after demanding during th campaign season that her kids are off limits.
My payroll taxes do not cover city services. I meant my other taxes.
Your conservative romanticism towards history is misplaced in regards to the snow OF. Our "glorious past" has nothing to do with me shoveling other people's sidewalks. Mine is done.
I am not sure what Michelle Obama is up to, or what her motives are in her latest campaign. I don't trust her and I don't like her, although I do respect her intelligence, education, and accomplishments.
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
Very true Logan.. I agree with you. 58% of the public wanted the public option, hoping it would lower costs for them too. The new plan will cost more, so the numbers fell now, but still a good number of people support a plan. Those would be those who do not have one, or can not pay for one. As the numbers rise of those without healthcare the costs to those who do will go up. More will lose their coverage or PAY thru the nose. When that happens would be the best time to introduce a new plan. Medicare has a 3% admn cost, while big insurance has a 30% guess what is really driving costs? The padding of the upper wage earners in bonus, and the fact that healthcare does not shop for the best price, but rather just pays and passes it on to us. Most businesses can not operate that way, but healthcare can because it is a matter of life or death. We simply can not not regulate or give a better competitive option. If there were no regulations on air carriers we would have more crashes but the same prices. Would that be acceptable to lose planes because in the end capitalism will prevail, someone will clean up their flight record if they want business? Of course not, we all need to realize these are humans here and we are putting them in a horrible situation of no care or the ER and then yelling at them for the high cost of healthcare.
Oh. I must have misunderstood Dear Leader when he claimed his health care overhaul was primarily funded by eliminating $500,000,000,000 of waste and fraud from Medicare.
I can assure you, anything the government does the private sector can do cheaper and provide a higher quality of service.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Uh, a political sign -vs- creating panic in a crowded dark building hardly are comparable but neither are un-American. One is protected free speech and the other a violation of a law punishable by statute.
You have to be more specific where I put "words in your mouth." I know not what you mean.
I can assure you, I have no weak knees.
If you can't figure it out then you're not worth arguing against.
Oh. I must have misunderstood Dear Leader when he claimed his health care overhaul was primarily funded by eliminating $500,000,000,000 of waste and fraud from Medicare.
I can assure you, anything the government does the private sector can do cheaper and provide a higher quality of service.
My payroll taxes do not cover city services. I meant my other taxes.
Your conservative romanticism towards history is misplaced in regards to the snow OF. Our "glorious past" has nothing to do with me shoveling other people's sidewalks. Mine is done.
I am not sure what Michelle Obama is up to, or what her motives are in her latest campaign. I don't trust her and I don't like her, although I do respect her intelligence, education, and accomplishments.
I'm not falling for this tweak!
As to the snow, your liberally dominated community is proof enough for me that liberalism is a sham. Who wouldn't the ever-caring, always thinking of his neighbors liberal have gotten out early and shoveled his sidewalk to allow his fellow liberals uninhibited access to the coffee shop and medical marijuana store?
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick