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    Originally posted by HRx View Post
    The total casualty numbers are increasing by the day...which is extremely sad! The majority of the service members that are dying are young men, and women under the age of 30.
    Warning....long rant about to ensue....

    So true, HRx. I'm the mother of one of those young Army men under 30 - our son, 26, been in Iraq out on almost daily missions and coming under fire since last September. So far our prayers have been answered and he has not been in the wrong place at the wrong time yet, but he still has at least three months to go before he can come home to his wife and to us - hopefully whole in body...who knows about his mind after what he and his fellow soldiers have seen and experienced while they are there. It is beyond horror, but after all, war IS hell on earth.

    I cry every time I see or read news stories about each new death. I cry for the parents, family members, and friends of these fine young people who are making the ultimate sacrifice doing their sworn duty while our government leadership plays them like worthless pawns in a political chess game and our society as a whole makes no sacrifice for this war at all.

    It infuriates me when I think about Congress self-righteously impeaching Clinton for having consensual sex with someone not his wife, but Bush and his leadership who we now know LIED from day one about why we invaded Iraq and whose continuing lies and cover-ups have directly caused the deaths of more than 3,500 US military personnel and god know how many innocent Iraqi military and civilians - these top-level guys who made the decision to go to war on false pretenses don't even get a slap on the wrist. Worse, they force their underlings to take on all the accountability. This tells me that our political system is no longer balanced and fair. Money and greed have corrupted both major political parties to the core.

    I believe that history will show Bush's presidency to be one of the worst we have had, ever.

    Ok, rant over, and for anyone still reading, thanks for sticking with me to the end. I wish I could say I feel better, but that won't happen until I can hug my son in person again.
    I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

    06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
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    10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
    Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


      I'm moving this post to the political discussion forum where it's more relevant....

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      Today, 03:05 PM #1
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      I am in the middle of my bankruptcy process, but I've recently had my eyes opened to something important that involves us all as Americans.

      I recently heard of an unknown candidate, and this is NOT a political push, please read just a bit more. What I'm talking about involves the war, the federal deficit, 9/11 and why things we hear don't seem to add up.

      I ask you all to respond if everything I've been finding out makes sense. I'm going to try not to go into detail, and just simplify everything. Okay, a good place to start is with our dollar currency and the Gold Standard. I hope that most everyone knows that our dollar is not currently based on gold. From what I understand it has value based on oil. I have to explain why a little. Very simply, we all know the Middle East is a large source of the world's oil. Years ago OPEC agreed to sell oil in US dollars. This means that all countries want to keep US dollars stored up. It gives the dollar value for this fact alone. Now, it appears that Iraq/Saddam Hussein decided to start selling in Euros instead. Others watched. What would happen if the Euro was preferred and the dollar was no longer needed to buy oil. Countries would send them back to us! The problem is that we have printed too much money - which is where this candidate comes in as I will explain in a minute. We would see a HUGE dollar/economic collapse. If you ask yourself why we are told we are in Iraq to free Iraqis, and it doesn't seem to make sense. Now we may be learning. Why there were no WMDs, and Iraq and NO country even dares threaten us - yet we invaded... So to sum up, I believe we are in Iraq to ensure oil is traded in dollars.

      Now, once you have your head wrapped around that, it gets worse. Why do we have so much money printed and a trillion dollar debt? Well, in the last few days I learned that the Federal Reserve is NOT a government entity. Did you know that? It appears that it was created by a cartel of wealthy banks and slipped into approval by congress. This may sound like conspiracy theory, but it's not. I'm a sane citizen in my early thirties. Look this up for yourself. From what I'm finding the reason John F. Kennedy and others was assassinated may have been because they saw and started action against the Fed. Here is a fact: the name "Federal Reserve System" was specifically used to make ordinary Americans think this was a government central bank. But they currently have license to print unlimited money with little to zero congressional oversight. That's why the dollar is fragile, and why we need to maintain value backed by oil - but it takes military might to get these middle eastern countries to act right. We have been using CIA and military for years outside America, and 9/11 was a result of "blowback" which is a CIA invented word to describe the consequeces of our foreign policy. Special interests (therefore most Republicans AND Democrats) and big oil companies support the approach of our current Foreign Policy - congress gave the president power to go into Iraq.

      The candidate I'm talking about wants to stop this madness. He wants to abolish the Fed, and stabilize & increase the dollar's value with basis in gold, and bring our troops home not just from Iraq, but most everywhere else in the 150 countries we are in and spending billions (which we are borrowing from China) to keep our oil interests. That's all I'll say for now. Please watch a few videos below. The candidate I'm talking about is Ron Paul. I'm a registered Democrat, yet I think getting this Republican congressman from Texas elected is the most important thing we currently face.

      Check these videos first:

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      Today, 03:45 PM #2
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      Join Date: May 2007
      Posts: 46 I like Ron Paul a lot, but he's way to logical for either the left or right wingnuts to back, so he's got no shot.

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      Today, 05:28 PM #3
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      Posts: 173 Ron Paul is an honest man. I find him to be a Libertarian more than Republican. I may be voting for him in my states primary. You would be surprised how much support he has from college kids and the like. He is a breath of fresh air.
      It Takes a village..TO MAKE A VILLAGE IDIOT!!!!

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      Today, 06:26 PM #4
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      Originally Posted by CurtInKS
      I like Ron Paul a lot, but he's way to logical for either the left or right wingnuts to back, so he's got no shot.

      I agree he is a long shot. He doesn't have near the campaign funds of the special interest supported elite democrats and republicans. But I truly believe in America and the power of the people. It's eye opening to see the truth of how congress and even the main stream media works with influence from special interests. I had no idea, and I don't think most ordinary Americans did about what the truth shows. When 9/11 happened I was like what the f***? Why did that happen?

      I don't think most people are aware, but if they were there would be some changes in our situation and foreign policy. In the debates I only saw Gravel, Kucinich, and Paul try to be open about what is really going on - the candidates with the longest shots. Like I said, I'm not so much a Ron Paul supporter, as I am a supporter that his ideas reflect power and truth for ordinary Americans. Most of his support is currently on the Internet. I think that can greatly improve his chances if only the information can get out. That's why I'm taking time to post this instead of working on my BK papers. And as soon as I am able I will donate something to his campaign.
      Last edited by HRx; 06-26-2007, 08:48 AM.
      The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


        Sorry, but Ron Paul is a racist fool who wants to take America back to 1900 He appeals to the conspiracy folks who want to blame everyone who is not white, straight, fundamentalist christian and male for their problems.


          Originally posted by hocus View Post
          Sorry, but Ron Paul is a racist fool who wants to take America back to 1900 He appeals to the conspiracy folks who want to blame everyone who is not white, straight, fundamentalist christian and male for their problems.

          How is he racist? That's quite a term. Site some examples, please...I've never heard that claim about him.


            Me either, and he isnt supporting Christian ideals like banning abortion. He is a closet Libertarian.
            My husband and I are a mixed race couple! My husband is an immigrant as well. (A legal one) So if this dude is a racist, I wanna know.
            Well, for third party there is always Ralph Nader!! Im sure he will be jumping in any day now. Bloomberg is looking to hop in as well as an indy.
            He actually could stand a chance.
            There is a website called on the issues I think, where you can look up each canidate and see where they stand. Its a worthwhile google.
            ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
            WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
            PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


              There is a Senator from Nebraska who I have met and spoken with a few times. His name is Chuck Hagel, an entrepeneur who made his money in the early 90's with the birth of cell phones for the masses.

              If his years in office have not changed him dramatically (can never tell), he might be worth considering. Last I heard, he was undecided about running.

              He is a Republican, but not in the new-style, "big-business-is-king" mentality. His views and thoughts hearken back to old style Democrats, in the vein of a JFK. He is brutally honest and believes in a lot of "common sense" as opposed to political bickering and cow-towing to lobbyists.

              Truth is, though a Republican by name, he really doesn't bow to any particular party in his votes, and seems to REALLY have the greater good in mind. He was one of the first Republicans to warn about Iraq, and accurately predicted the increasing bloodshed and difficulty of leaving the place. All this in 2003, well before anyone could imagine what has happened.

              A good man, with no name recognition, probably no real chance at winning, but worth a thought if you see his name pop up on the ballot.

              Best wishes,

              11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
              12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


                Originally posted by CurtInKS View Post
                How is he racist? That's quite a term. Site some examples, please...I've never heard that claim about him.


                  It definately looks as though Obama or Clinton will be the next president...
                  The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


                    Originally posted by HRx View Post
                    It definately looks as though Obama or Clinton will be the next president...
                    God, I pray not Clinton.
                    A bigger crook would be hard to find.

                    But, Obama looks okay so far.
                    Filed: 10/26/2006
                    Discharged: 03/05/2007
                    Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


                      I prefer Obama over Clinton will be very interesting to see who gets elected president. I also have a strong feeling that due to the obvious this presidential election will have the highest voter outcome in history.
                      The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


                        Some choice
                        sigpicPersevere: "To continue a course of action, in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement."

                        Chapter 13: Discharged 03/15/2010. Closed 05/19/2010::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                          Mcain will only be the another 4 years of the same $h1t we're already experiencing....
                          The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


                            While I mostly agree with "same sh**" from another four years with McCain, anything will be a step up from where we are.
                            Filed Chap. 7 - 9/21/2007
                            341- 10/29/2007


                              I think the perspectives, experiences, and visions, that Clinton and Obama bring will be refreshing for the majority of folks in this country, and they either candidate will be able to lead this country in a positive direction too. I will agree with some of Mcain's visions...the majority of his politics are similiar to Bush's, and Bush pretty much drove this country into the ground.
                              The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


                                Obviously we are here because the last 8 years have not been so good and now we are in a recession. I don't care who slept with who or what your private life is.

                                Bottom line is the mighty dolllar and ask yourself were things better when Clinton was in office? Was for me and my family. When good ole "Billy" took over our financial situation in the States went to ****!!!

                                I am in health care and I see to many elderly not taking their meds. Why?? because they make a decision to pay for heet or food to live and then their health comes last. And not to mention the Vets who faught for our country, they are doing the same thing. I know this for a fact. I am a nurse and I can't even count how many come in and say "no I'm not taking that because I can't afford it."
                                "Your not taking your diabetes and heart medicine??"
                                "Nope can't afford it and food."

                                My solution... And I am sorry if I step on anyones toes, but...

                                Be gone with the drug company reps and high prices on meds.
                                There is no need to have such high prices on medications. If you only knew what that pill really cost to make... I do I work in a clinic and we used to have reps who brought in samples. It cost them no more that a generic to make the brand name drug, but yet the price is out of this world because the company name is on it.

                                Be gone with HMO's to a point...
                                HMO's if you have a job but at a fixed cheap rate for everyone.

                                If you need care and can't afford it you should get care no matter what.
                                To many people do not come in for preventative care because no insurance.

                                Oh my gosh I could go on and on.

                                All I can say is the current system is BROKE and it needs FIXING!!

                                I'm done...
                                Last edited by schel; 03-26-2008, 10:30 AM. Reason: Wrong spelling
                                Discharge 1/19/2009


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