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Things that drive ya nuts....

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    Yep Jane,

    I hate having my inteligence insulted too...........duh, I might have been born stupid.... but I have a good education and lots of street living.............

    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


      Nosy people! I can't stand when I first meet someone and they try to get all in my business. I'm reserved but friendly and don't mind at all telling them my name (of course) or where I'm from, or discussing the current weather or events. But I hate when they ask "So what do you do" or "Are you married? Have any kids?"

      I know those are probably normal questions to ask someone, but in the past when I've answered honestly, I didn't get anything other than a strange look or response. And then not much conversation anymore, which is what I'd rather have if thats how they feel. It's like they were trying to size me up or something....ticks me off!
      I'm always told I look like a family man, with kids, and that I probably grew up well....and that couldn't be further from the truth. My childhood was horrible, came from a broken family (ok now and have come to terms with it), and I've had crappy to mediocre jobs and relationships my whole life. Nothing to brag about there, so no bling, bling answer to the "what do you do", lol. Maybe its because I'm a big guy, clean cut, no pierceings or tattoo's (nothing against any of those, will get inked eventually when I can afford it).....bleh I'm rambling now, sorry.
      I answer people who ask me that now with "Ah what does it matter" or if need be, "I work and live paycheck to paycheck". If I'm on vacation and in the mood for a giggle and get the person away from me, I'll say I just got out of prison. It works too
      When it all boils down to it, its just numbers! Your credit score, your interest rate, your bank account, and your net worth if you're fortunate enough to have your happiness really defined by numbers?


        lmao Credithater. I think your prison line will work much better once you get at least 1 tattoo. I wonder if that would work on telemarketers or door to door salesman?


          Where I work, we used to be divided into two subclassifications and as you all know Union shops are all about seniority. In my work it has nothing to do with layoffs. Those of you who now what and where know that that will never be and never has been a worry and cetrtainly won't be for myself ever at all. But, in the old days a fellow would die or resign or retire and the first question after the polite "oh, to bad" or "well, that's great" as we crowded around the notice would be "was he a one or a two?". It drove us crazy but it was necessary, now it's "what days off did he have!"
          "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

          Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


            debt, how old are you? that could be devestating. My wife informed me that under know circumstances was ever to offer again to let her Mom come live with us in TN, that it would make or break the move. My wife has it down right, we take care of my step-mother later, her brother who snatched the check at the sale of her home after burning up much of her equity will be RESPONSIBLE for her mother. It isn't jealousy, it's right, my wife almost punched him at the closing and yelled "give it back it is her money". He tried to throw her out of his house, my wife threatened to call the uncles in Colombia and the rest of the family, her money bought his house. My wife made him buy her a new car also, no, we don't use, we have our own new cars.
            "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

            Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


              AWWWWWWWW - FAMILY FUEDS..................... every family has them..... no one is exempt I don't think......

              When is comes to "who takes care of who"............. it's usually the daughters (if there is one) and the sister-in-laws really don't want to be bothered with it all.....

              Its' designed now that older folks almost cannot live by theirselves...... they don't draw enough money to survive...... so many live with their children.... (my mom lived with me).....

              Believe me it's a challenge................. Mother's still think of you as children and their baby...... and Mother-in-laws treat their offspring like they are still little boys or girls..... and the spouse doesn't know what their doing..... AND the all important kids get caught between "folks and grandparents" (and spoiled rotten by grandparents)..... YES ITS CHALLENGING AND HARD........ But we do what we have to do......and survive it......

              And yes, Robivi3 is bother-in-law got all the benefits of the sale of the mom's home - let him take care of her right now since she is able to get around and drive...... I'ts called "sharing responsibility"........ later on when she needs special care then you wife may be needed......

              Besides your mother-in-law may not want to go to Tn and leave her circle of friends..... at least not right now.....

              Friends of mine recently converted their "pool house" into an apartment for their MOM....... and she loves it.... she has her dignity, her privacy, she can cook for herself, and visit them when she wants..... yet someone is closeby to check on her daily....

              Care of parents is something that familys should share in...... either with physical help or financial help........ its only right.

              "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

              My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                First, it bugs me to get into certain Walmarts where all the signs (and many of the items) are in Spanish with smaller signs in English below them.

                Secondly, since I'm late 30s and not married, I hate it when I'm told "well, some people aren't meant to be married."

                My posts represent hours of research on and off the web, these forums, my experience, and my opinions.


                  Nothing wrong with being in late 30's and single..... I'm 58 and single, and yeah, I get asked "what's the matter with you, that you've never married, and the old are you gay, question"?........

                  Well, usually my answer is I've never found a man I could "stand long enough" to think about marrying him.......

                  And yes, I've heard the old some people are "not meant to be married" verse..... and I probably fall in that catagory..... I'm independent, self-surviving, take better care of myself than a man would take care of me, and don't take much "crap" off of any man........ I've only met two men in my lifetime that I would consider marrying..... one died, the other was already married. At my age now "the pickins" aren't very good..... I stand a better chance of winning the lottery than getting married. (Here's hoping I win the lottery, huh)?

                  Besides men treat you better you don't marry them................... and I don't have to do their laundry, cook or clean for them, pick up after them, listen to them whine, or be their punching bag.

                  Yes, I love my man, but I don't have to have him around 24/7 to appreciate him. Nor do I have to do his laundry to prove I love him.... Do I trust him, only till he proves he's not trustworthy.

                  Nothing wrong with staying single...... I can have my cake and eat it too, if I want!!!

                  I've always said I would have to marry in "black", because when they cheated on me....... I would kill them and would need a dress to wear to the funeral too!!!!!

                  SOOOOOO, maybe I am better off single, for everybody's sake....

                  "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                  My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                    Know-it-all types get on my nerves! Or those suffering with the "Cliff Claven" syndrome! I worked with a guy years ago who ALWAYS had "expertise" on EVERY issue, including C-sections and hysterectomies!
                    Filed: 2/24/2006
                    341 mtg: 4/4/2006:angel:
                    Discharged: 9/25/08!!!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                      I hate people who hid behind the internet. You know the type, the ones that take a cheap shot at you when you least expect it.

                      They take a cheap shot at you when you least expect it because it's the only way they can take you on. They're cowards, hiding behind their computer screens.

                      Anyone here know the type I'm talking about?


                        Originally posted by Hello_It's_Me! View Post
                        I hate people who hid behind the internet. You know the type, the ones that take a cheap shot at you when you least expect it.

                        They take a cheap shot at you when you least expect it because it's the only way they can take you on. They're cowards, hiding behind their computer screens.

                        Anyone here know the type I'm talking about?
                        Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh (raising my hand)....I know...I know....Pick me....Pick me.....LOL!
                        Bankruptcy History:
                        Chapter 7 filed - 10/12/2005 - Asset
                        Discharged - 02/16/2006
                        Case Closed - 11/08/2007

                        A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain ~ Mark Twain

                        All suggestions are based on personal experience and research and SHOULD NOT be construed as legal advice as I am NOT an attorney. Always consult with competent counsel in your area with regards to your particular situation.


                          I hate people who drive like complete morons.

                          Especially people who turn left in right turn only lanes, people who don't signal, and then cut you off, and then people who pick thier nose with qtips while driving as if it's the most important thing in the world: I saw this today while sitting in traffic.
                          BUSY running my own credit repair services! Sorry I don't stop in so often any more!


                            Originally posted by BassBoy View Post
                            Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh (raising my hand)....I know...I know....Pick me....Pick me.....LOL!
                            LOL.....Arnold Horshack~......hahahahahahha~

                            Yes, Hello It's ME.....I BET I DO know who you are talkin' about..............ROFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!


                              Had this happen this morning and I recalled how nuts this makes me.....

                              I'm driving to work, on a road that's 45mph, and some dimwit pulls out in front of me from a sidestreet and if I do not slow down rapidly...well ya know...meanwhile there isn't another car behind me at all.....can't even see distant headlights. I was the ony car on the freakin' road. What I'd like to do to that person is stop 'em, and slap 'em upside the head. Duh, you couldn't wait 3 seconds until I passed before you pulled out into the road?
                              Bankruptcy History:
                              Chapter 7 filed - 10/12/2005 - Asset
                              Discharged - 02/16/2006
                              Case Closed - 11/08/2007

                              A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain ~ Mark Twain

                              All suggestions are based on personal experience and research and SHOULD NOT be construed as legal advice as I am NOT an attorney. Always consult with competent counsel in your area with regards to your particular situation.


                                Originally posted by BassBoy View Post
                                Had this happen this morning and I recalled how nuts this makes me.....

                                I'm driving to work, on a road that's 45mph, and some dimwit pulls out in front of me from a sidestreet and if I do not slow down rapidly...well ya know...meanwhile there isn't another car behind me at all.....can't even see distant headlights. I was the ony car on the freakin' road. What I'd like to do to that person is stop 'em, and slap 'em upside the head. Duh, you couldn't wait 3 seconds until I passed before you pulled out into the road?
                                I can totally relate! I think I have a target on my car that says "Hey! Even though no one is behind me, for miles, pull out right in front of me when I am going 60MPH."
                                BUSY running my own credit repair services! Sorry I don't stop in so often any more!


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