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    No, continuity is excellent in this show. She will require many repairs. But remember they have constructed part of a new Viper sqaudron. The new Vipers are smaller and the cowling is different. they do have mining ships along and do have some manufacturing capability. Also the ships are all designed to enter the atmosphere at some point. The Raptors are excellent vessels, very realistic as to capability and have great jamming systems but they are designed to run and jump in a fight.

    There was no justice system for the insurgents and they could not risk everything for her. they had to off her. Galactica is 50 years old, she is a series of sealable airlocks while Pegasus though a much greater asset still had glass entrey ways, etc... She was a flagship as well as combat vessel but was desingned to impress also. Pegasus had by far the better weapons array. All Battlestars are designed to withstand several hits with nukes. there are afew weak points like the water tanks. However the area around the CIC and FTL are designed to take multiple hits with a nuke and survive.

    You can't compare Galactica to Star Trek with its "fastfixes". One is practically a religion, its effect on modern society is astounding. Even the Cell Phone was designed by that old research guy who went to get a soda in the break room at Motorola, saw William Shatner talking to the ship on a flip device and said "we could do that". He then said that from that moment the Cell phone went from fantasy to reality. He owns the first "brick" but credits the invention of the Cell to Gene Roddenberry. No one can deny the effect of Roddenberry, thus Shatner and the crew of writers and actors on modern society. An entire generation of Astronauts, engineeres and inventors owe mmuch to two seasons of a "hokey" show at NBC, and the country owes much more.

    Just remember the first "Virtual Reality" suit was used by Geordi LaForge in 1984 when he disarmed that Torpedo lodged in the ship. IBM requested help from ST writers and designers after that to develop the suit and they also had consultants from the show design the first VR rooms based on the Holodeck. All of the shows now follow the Star Trek standard and have Military, Nasa and other personell on staff. But ST was the only one to have a reciprocal agreement with NASA for designs and plans.
    Last edited by robivi3; 10-24-2006, 05:12 PM.
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      Well guys, like I told you, Galactica suffered massive damage. Did anyone see the CIC, the repairs will take months. Colonial One was beautiful when she landed on New Caprica, she looks like a garbage scowl now. It is coming out that thousands were left behind, sad, very sad.
      "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

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