I'm getting ready to file for chapter 7 bk, and was wondering if I would need to my partner I am currently living with on my household section. I am not on a lease, and the he is also homeowner of the property. Not quite sure if this is a mandatory thing to mention, considering he is not dependent on me, and could quite easily live without me paying all the expenses on his own.
looking for a beacon of light out of this post. and hoping for the best outcome of this section.
Mahalo to anyone who can help me out with this. I never thought I would be here posting on a forum like this lol.
I'm getting ready to file for chapter 7 bk, and was wondering if I would need to my partner I am currently living with on my household section. I am not on a lease, and the he is also homeowner of the property. Not quite sure if this is a mandatory thing to mention, considering he is not dependent on me, and could quite easily live without me paying all the expenses on his own.
looking for a beacon of light out of this post. and hoping for the best outcome of this section.
Mahalo to anyone who can help me out with this. I never thought I would be here posting on a forum like this lol.