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sbatman, I take it you won't be answering the door?
LadyInTheRed is in the black!
Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
$143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!
Feel free to jump over my locked 6 foot gate in my yard surrounded by a six foot fence with an inner locked six foot gate where the cars are locked. With a very noisy, threatening, barking black dog and security screen doors and rejas on all our windows and a security alarm and backed up to a 12 gauge shotgun.
Have at it.
I understand where you're coming from, however understand that the servers hired are not just ordinary off the street people with nothing better to do. They are extensively background checked, drug tested, reference tested, etc. Once they have an order to serve or notify, they are in fact an agent for the bank, lender, or whomever contracted their company services, and banks/lenders have specific rules about conduct, behavior, and what can and can not be said. No legitimate server would ever breech your fence, your dogs, or your shotgun.
Always remember, the people knocking and making the calls are just trying to make a living, just as everyone else is. They don't care about the outcome, they just want to get paid.
And............. they get paid the same, whether they speak to you or not, so never feel obligated to make contact.
This, just as any other debt, is avoidable by simply not answering the door or telephone.
All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only. Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......
What I was saying is that we are very private people. For anyone who wants to reach us, they can contact us by phone or text. Before we finally filed in 2011, we had not been served for the mortgage, the HELOC, and at least a half dozen credit cards (that's a lot of process servers). Not as a point of pride, but, as I had lost my job, we could not service our debts.
I'm sure Donald Trump, in his numerous bankruptcies doesn't have to tolerate what John Q.Debtor is subjected to. So they can sue me for my exempt assets and noncollectable debts. Someone has to pay for this huge debt collection industry.
In any case, you make it sound like all these process servers are such upright, kind, trustworthy souls. But this is the phrase that contradicts most of what you said near the end: "They don't care about the outcome, they just want to get paid."
In any case, you make it sound like all these process servers are such upright, kind, trustworthy souls. But this is the phrase that contradicts most of what you said near the end: "They don't care about the outcome, they just want to get paid."
There is no contradiction there. The process server does not care about the outcome. They have no involvement in the procedure other than being the person that notifies. They do not care and they should not care. It's not personal, it's just a job.
All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only. Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......