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i believe it because they do NOT pound their children's heads with all this propaganda, with respect to having to own a HUGE home, drive a luxury car....have designer clothes...all a MUST in our society..right...
maybe they invested in their children a different way, in math and science and social think?
this is a whole new topic which we could talk about all day. Here in America, we pay for Hollywood to brainwash our very own. That is one reason we do not have tv at our house.
Tried debt settlmnt, stopped paying all cards 5/09/--filed bk no asset ch7 in 11/2010---DISCHARGED 2/2011!!! Still waiting to see how much more Bank of America and Fannie Mae can ruin us
The banks are stealing from the consumers, from the taxpayers, the contractors, the fed, the insurance companies, and anyone else they can. And they are getting away with it. Loopholes, kickbacks, lobbying, all sick, sick, sick. The corruption is rampant and I believe until successful RICO cases are filed against them ad nauseum, it will continue just the way it is. Just how they planned it.
The fox guarding the hen-house comes to mind..........
All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only. Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......
exactly. it's all about the washington$. follow the trail to see from whence they come and we suddenly see who and what is shaping our "standards" , every aspect, every product, news network, industry....absolutely mind-boggling.
Tried debt settlmnt, stopped paying all cards 5/09/--filed bk no asset ch7 in 11/2010---DISCHARGED 2/2011!!! Still waiting to see how much more Bank of America and Fannie Mae can ruin us
That is the SICKEST part of all (and there are many sick parts to choose from). NO ONE is stopping them. The banks are stealing from the consumers, from the taxpayers, the contractors, the fed, the insurance companies, and anyone else they can. And they are getting away with it. Loopholes, kickbacks, lobbying, all sick, sick, sick. The corruption is rampant and I believe until successful RICO cases are filed against them ad nauseum, it will continue just the way it is. Just how they planned it.
I have posted many times that WE ALL can stop them. The problem is too many people are waiting for the govt to "stop them" and the govt will not no matter what they say due to their own greed.
Every one reading this must really ask yourselves why on earth are you banking with the big banks????
I good 1930's style run on the banks (just the big banks) would fix this right up!
Of course it won't happen, of course Chase, BOA and the rest of them will keep on robbing us all blind and the sheep will just rant more that they are being robbed by the big banks.
The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government
That is the SICKEST part of all (and there are many sick parts to choose from). NO ONE is stopping them. The banks are stealing from the consumers, from the taxpayers, the contractors, the fed, the insurance companies, and anyone else they can. And they are getting away with it. Loopholes, kickbacks, lobbying, all sick, sick, sick. The corruption is rampant and I believe until successful RICO cases are filed against them ad nauseum, it will continue just the way it is. Just how they planned it.
Again as I mentioned earlier the big banks and the fed are one in the same...
When the banks steal from the fed they are actually stealing wealth from the poor and middle class by devaluing the dollar which is why we are getting killed at the pump and in the food store.
Notice that Chase is the largest shareholder of the fed since they aquired so many banks such as Chemical Bank or Manufacturers Hanover. Also notice GE who got a huge Fed bailout and NBC is a shareholder of this criminal organization. Why do you think CNBC is blowing sunshine where the sun don't shine about the recovery?
They create money from thin air, the taxpayer pays these banks interest on their "magic money" and we pay big with inflation.
So few know this fact which is why things will get much worse before they turn for the better I'm afraid.
The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government
I will check out the link. Yes, the fed and the big banks are ONE. SICK. When a company (or industry) gets so big, their power is dangerous. I at one time thought that if I wrote to the OCC, I could get some help. BWWWWAAHHHHAAHAHA what a laugh. It's like writing to a criminal to ask them to convict themself. As for stopping our use of those banks, I did that long ago! Changing checking and bank accounts is easy. I wish more people would do that! And giving up the credit cards, too. The biggest problem with that now is for those who use big banks as their mortgage. Refinancing with a smaller one might even be a challenge now, with newer credit guidelines? Seems more and more people are catching on to this fraud and racketeering, but not many are willing to make a change, as you stated. So frustrating!
Tried debt settlmnt, stopped paying all cards 5/09/--filed bk no asset ch7 in 11/2010---DISCHARGED 2/2011!!! Still waiting to see how much more Bank of America and Fannie Mae can ruin us
This will be the pin bursting the hyper-inflation bubble. Although this photo was taken
last week outside outside the Watergate Hotel in D.C., these prices are just around the corner for all of us. Everything else will follow suite.
At least exxon just reported near record profits, and they still get 4BILLION$$$ from fed. dang, i am clearly in the wrong business. too big to fail takes on new meanings when we see WHY they don't fail. they don't fail because they get gov't subsidies, tax breaks, low-interest no recourse loans, etc etc etc, all at the expense of the MIDDLE and LOWER classes. I just learned about pretty interesting. oh, and WHY DO WE LET THIS GO ON?
Tried debt settlmnt, stopped paying all cards 5/09/--filed bk no asset ch7 in 11/2010---DISCHARGED 2/2011!!! Still waiting to see how much more Bank of America and Fannie Mae can ruin us
At least exxon just reported near record profits, and they still get 4BILLION$$$ from fed. WHY DO WE LET THIS GO ON?
They sure did report record profits. Record gross profits if you really want to be technical about it. Seems that exxon had a profit of around 2 cents per gallon.
Now axk yourself the question:
How much did the government profit from that same gallon of gas?
All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only. Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......
They sure did report record profits. Record gross profits if you really want to be technical about it. Seems that exxon had a profit of around 2 cents per gallon.
Now axk yourself the question:
How much did the government profit from that same gallon of gas?