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Tier 5 unemployment extension legislation not likely for jobless

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    Tier 5 unemployment extension legislation not likely for jobless


    The U.S. unemployment rate remains frozen at 9.6%, job creation is still anemic, and for the week-ending October 30 new unemployment claims for the week jumped 20,000 to 457,000. The next week, the economy unexpectedly created more jobs than anticipated, yet the roller coaster ride continues, because today the government reported jobless claims for last week were the lowest in four months.

    Presently, thousands of Americans are due to see their unemployment benefits permanently expire November 30; and additional emergency legislation in the lame duck session of Congress is not likely.

    With each passing day, the uncomfortable reality of the nation’s 15-million unemployed is beginning to be treated the same way America concerns itself with her wars: we pay lip service to those fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq because it’s the patriotic thing to do, but beyond that we really don’t concern ourselves with the dirty truth of it unless we have family or friends actually serving in the armed forces.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    The Senate’s failure to pass the Americans Want To Work Act---a bill that if approved would have extended the maximum number of weekly unemployment benefits to 119---might possibly relegate the fate of America’s jobless to that of its’ soldiers. Essentially everyone in the country knows unemployment is a problem, but unless it has a direct impact on those near and dear, few want to be disturbed with the problem of helping those out of work, or with creating jobs.

    As 2010 approaches the fiscal finish line, Democrats argue that unemployment compensation benefits are economically therapeutic for the economy as well as the jobless, while their GOP counterparts are reluctant to endorse any form of extension funding unless the money can be offset by cutting other programs.

    Either way, Extended Benefit programs that were provided for those who had exhausted all of their Emergency Unemployment Compensation are due to expire December 4; while the Federally-Assisted Compensation program authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expires December 11.

    Regardless of the politics involved, the real human tragedy of the end of these programs for existing recipients will mean greater hardship and worry in an economy where there are too few jobs, and for the few there are, five people are competing for each one.

    The jobs report released today showing jobless claims for last week fell to the lowest level in four months might be feeble evidence that the economy is trying to mend, yet does little to resolve the issue of thousands of Americans running out of financial assistance while job-hunting.

    It remains to be seen whether or not Congress will have the gumption to address this issue before the end of the year. Early indications are that it’s not likely.

    In the meantime, those out of work might want to consider organizing and participating in rallies like the one being held Friday, November 12 in Manhattan. There 99er’s---those Americans who have exhausted their 99-weeks of emergency unemployment compensation benefits---plan a non-violent protest to demand Congress do the work of the American people and pass the Americans Want To Work Act (S.3706).

    In their press release, organizers of the rally---Joe Stanick and Kian Frederick---state that the purpose of the protest is to demand that Congress do the people’s work. Specifically, that an additional 20 weeks of compensation be authorized so 99er’s can continue to live their lives off the streets while seeking work.

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    Last edited by AngelinaCat; 11-11-2010, 11:39 AM. Reason: bring more in line with posting formatting rules for this forum.
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK

    just to add a footnote...

    when our "wars" overseas end...what happens to employee our now flighting men and women...where do they go for work?? what jobs can they look forward to??
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      tobee43 I just noticed this thread and I fall into the 99er crowd as you can see my from my post and dialogue with you in the Chapter 7 thread.

      I agree 100% with what you wrote. I did write Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, and Barbara Boxer regarding my concerns. This will accomplish very little, but will add another person to the millions that will likely lose benefits next month.

      I get angry when I see wealthy people and corporations constantly get bailed out and I hate the top down approach to giving money to the top in hopes that it will trickle down to the poor. This simply does not work. I would love to see something to help those struggling on the bottom with unemployment extensions to help them stay on their feet until they can land a new job. This isn't asking much, especially from those who have paid into the system for so many years. It's like telling those that retire, guess what, we are shutting off your social security checks, even though you paid into the system for your entire life - sorry, tough luck.

      We are the richest country in the world, yet we seem to neglect those most in need and at the worst time possible to neglect them. We are not talking about lifetime welfare recipients, but people that have worked, lost their jobs, now need help during the worst recession since the great depression, until they can get a job again. Is this asking too much???


        Originally posted by helpme2010 View Post
        tobee43 I just noticed this thread and I fall into the 99er crowd as you can see my from my post and dialogue with you in the Chapter 7 thread.

        I agree 100% with what you wrote. I did write Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, and Barbara Boxer regarding my concerns. This will accomplish very little, but will add another person to the millions that will likely lose benefits next month.

        I get angry when I see wealthy people and corporations constantly get bailed out and I hate the top down approach to giving money to the top in hopes that it will trickle down to the poor. This simply does not work. I would love to see something to help those struggling on the bottom with unemployment extensions to help them stay on their feet until they can land a new job. This isn't asking much, especially from those who have paid into the system for so many years. It's like telling those that retire, guess what, we are shutting off your social security checks, even though you paid into the system for your entire life - sorry, tough luck.

        We are the richest country in the world, yet we seem to neglect those most in need and at the worst time possible to neglect them. We are not talking about lifetime welfare recipients, but people that have worked, lost their jobs, now need help during the worst recession since the great depression, until they can get a job again. Is this asking too much???
        no, i certainly do not believe this is asking too much at all...after all it was OUR money put in that fund...

        i posted this in your thread...because actually that is where it belonged... i didn't post the entire article, only the website to click on to read it...but it was published yesterday and just do not sound really hopeful for us...

        (excellent point with the analogy using ss etc.)
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          a few points I would like to make. My wife also falls into that catagory, and has not had permenant work in 3 years, so she keeps re-opening her extension claim whenever a temp job she's working ends

          businesses pay into your state unemployment fund through payroll taxes. Once your 26 weeks are up your extension, if available is funded by the federal government. Many states unemployment funds are running a deficit, California, in fact, is losing $40 million a week from its fund.

          Many of the types of jobs people are Laid off from are never coming back. so if someone has the delusion that they can wait this thing out and continue to collect unemployment, I feel sorry for you.

          I'm of the opinion that instead of just handing over extended benefits, the government should also sponser and pay for training programs into careers that have a shortage of qualified personel, and that in order to continue to collect unemployment benefits, you have to attend training, and complete it, so you become employable in the new world economy.
          Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7


            Originally posted by albacore44 View Post
            a few points I would like to make. My wife also falls into that catagory, and has not had permenant work in 3 years, so she keeps re-opening her extension claim whenever a temp job she's working ends

            businesses pay into your state unemployment fund through payroll taxes. Once your 26 weeks are up your extension, if available is funded by the federal government. Many states unemployment funds are running a deficit, California, in fact, is losing $40 million a week from its fund.

            Many of the types of jobs people are Laid off from are never coming back. so if someone has the delusion that they can wait this thing out and continue to collect unemployment, I feel sorry for you.

            I'm of the opinion that instead of just handing over extended benefits, the government should also sponser and pay for training programs into careers that have a shortage of qualified personel, and that in order to continue to collect unemployment benefits, you have to attend training, and complete it, so you become employable in the new world economy.
            i very much agree with your view about the future, and in re-training for those that may have to re adjust to fit the needs of "world today".

            however, there is a fraction of us...between the ages of 50-70 that were upper and middle management positions that have much to offer on many levels. i have been actually told "YOU ARE TOO OLD"...we both in the family re-educated ourselves in "other" fields...only to be told due to our past experiences we would get bored therefore, we will not hire you.

            our personal experience has been, that we both paid into the state we are collecting from. one of us has over 45k in their fund...these are NOT government or state's an accumulation of years (over 50), of contributions. we would just like what we paid in, nothing more, nothing less...we also pay taxes...even on our ss and our pension. we have not even collect 1/2 of this 99 weeks everyone refers to. we are only in tier 2. or were.

            your point is so well meaning, and we just spoke about it the other day...what ARE they going to do with you...we still have our minds...( NO ONE COMMENT ON THAT PLEASE), on most days that is...and what...the jobs in re constructing the roads etc., we just physically are no longer capable of. there have been no new education programs thus far for us we'd both be most happy to get back to work...if there was any work to get back to.

            presently, in the state we live in, unemployment, as of yesterday's local paper is still hovering about 13%.

            we want no FREE rides...really.
            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


              Originally posted by albacore44 View Post
              a few points I would like to make. My wife also falls into that catagory, and has not had permenant work in 3 years, so she keeps re-opening her extension claim whenever a temp job she's working ends

              businesses pay into your state unemployment fund through payroll taxes. Once your 26 weeks are up your extension, if available is funded by the federal government. Many states unemployment funds are running a deficit, California, in fact, is losing $40 million a week from its fund.

              Many of the types of jobs people are Laid off from are never coming back. so if someone has the delusion that they can wait this thing out and continue to collect unemployment, I feel sorry for you.

              I'm of the opinion that instead of just handing over extended benefits, the government should also sponser and pay for training programs into careers that have a shortage of qualified personel, and that in order to continue to collect unemployment benefits, you have to attend training, and complete it, so you become employable in the new world economy.
              Greetings Albacor, long time......

              Here is the dilemma with your theory, the fact that so many unemployed are 99ers such as the Mrs. she being in her fifties, who will hire a person with a Masters degree, who has computer experience and teaching experience but is 59 years old? Mrs. needs no training for her multitude of talents. Training goes to naught if there are just no jobs nor expansion of the economy. This situation goes far deeper than just applying ad nauseum with resume' in hand. Mrs. is in her third year of UC. I don't like it, but we will take it. We do not consider it a hand out. When our government freely gifts Brazil millions to explore for oil in OUR Gulf, and our Government closed oil to OUR OWN people, I would say OUR problems come from a higher source than lack of jobs. The jobs would be there now if confiscatory taxes were not. 'Hub

              P.S. putting temptation in my path again? She's a peach.
              If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                Greetings Albacor, long time......

                Here is the dilemma with your theory, the fact that so many unemployed are 99ers such as the Mrs. she being in her fifties, who will hire a person with a Masters degree, who has computer experience and teaching experience but is 59 years old? Mrs. needs no training for her multitude of talents. Training goes to naught if there are just no jobs nor expansion of the economy. This situation goes far deeper than just applying ad nauseum with resume' in hand. Mrs. is in her third year of UC. I don't like it, but we will take it. We do not consider it a hand out. When our government freely gifts Brazil millions to explore for oil in OUR Gulf, and our Government closed oil to OUR OWN people, I would say OUR problems come from a higher source than lack of jobs. The jobs would be there now if confiscatory taxes were not. 'Hub

                P.S. putting temptation in my path again? She's a peach.
                very well stated hub...

                depending on the job i'm applying for, i don't even put i have masters on a few of my resumes...and then of course i'm lying. that really feels terrible and dishonest. it's a no win catch 22 for many of us. or, simply put, how does one eliminate 30 or 40 years of experience on a job application.

                and, at this point, i feel compelled to expose my resume, while attempting to maintain some sense of anonymity and privacy....what with 20 years as a financial analyst, did the re-training once, when i suffered my first illness, educated at bu for national paralegal...13 years at one firm and 2 at another...where do you hide this??? and what do you do with it?
                Last edited by tobee43; 11-14-2010, 08:30 AM. Reason: typos r me
                8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                  I doubt that the next Republican led House will vote for unemployment extension for the 99ers anytime soon. Its kind of ironic that the unemployed who stayed home on election day and the ones who did vote, voted against their interest. Would love to see the exit polling data on this.


                    My uncle is German and he is a teacher at a trade school that retrains the older unemployed for new career positions. Germany has it right. They have a two tier education system. They recognize that not all are college material, so they offer the trades. As a result, Germany exports more than the US, has a lower unemployment rate and a stable labor/mgt workforce.

                    Originally posted by albacore44 View Post
                    a few points I would like to make. My wife also falls into that catagory, and has not had permenant work in 3 years, so she keeps re-opening her extension claim whenever a temp job she's working ends

                    businesses pay into your state unemployment fund through payroll taxes. Once your 26 weeks are up your extension, if available is funded by the federal government. Many states unemployment funds are running a deficit, California, in fact, is losing $40 million a week from its fund.

                    Many of the types of jobs people are Laid off from are never coming back. so if someone has the delusion that they can wait this thing out and continue to collect unemployment, I feel sorry for you.

                    I'm of the opinion that instead of just handing over extended benefits, the government should also sponser and pay for training programs into careers that have a shortage of qualified personel, and that in order to continue to collect unemployment benefits, you have to attend training, and complete it, so you become employable in the new world economy.


                      Exactly, GM and Chrysler paid billions in state/federal and payroll taxes over their entire existent. So they got a Federal loan to keep the lights on until they get healthy which is happening now.

                      There is way to much age bias and the federal gov't needs to crack down on this and start auditing the hiring data from firms. These folks may need to set up a consulting business or seek a temp mgt service were firms hire experience former middle/upper managers for temp positions.

                      Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                      i very much agree with your view about the future, and in re-training for those that may have to re adjust to fit the needs of "world today".

                      however, there is a fraction of us...between the ages of 50-70 that were upper and middle management positions that have much to offer on many levels. i have been actually told "YOU ARE TOO OLD"...we both in the family re-educated ourselves in "other" fields...only to be told due to our past experiences we would get bored therefore, we will not hire you.

                      our personal experience has been, that we both paid into the state we are collecting from. one of us has over 45k in their fund...these are NOT government or state's an accumulation of years (over 50), of contributions. we would just like what we paid in, nothing more, nothing less...we also pay taxes...even on our ss and our pension. we have not even collect 1/2 of this 99 weeks everyone refers to. we are only in tier 2. or were.

                      your point is so well meaning, and we just spoke about it the other day...what ARE they going to do with you...we still have our minds...( NO ONE COMMENT ON THAT PLEASE), on most days that is...and what...the jobs in re constructing the roads etc., we just physically are no longer capable of. there have been no new education programs thus far for us we'd both be most happy to get back to work...if there was any work to get back to.

                      presently, in the state we live in, unemployment, as of yesterday's local paper is still hovering about 13%.

                      we want no FREE rides...really.


                        Originally posted by jacko View Post
                        Exactly, GM and Chrysler paid billions in state/federal and payroll taxes over their entire existent. So they got a Federal loan to keep the lights on until they get healthy which is happening now.

                        There is way to much age bias and the federal gov't needs to crack down on this and start auditing the hiring data from firms. These folks may need to set up a consulting business or seek a temp mgt service were firms hire experience former middle/upper managers for temp positions.
                        and jacko, just an interesting footnote...i was actually...(TRUE story)...told my a LAW FIRM i was TOO OLD!! ( and i look pretty good )........i think actually when there is a 22 year old...( and i have NOTHING against youth!) as the senior partners head admin asst...sitting at my interview, and the atty was maybe 27 tops...they wanted NO ONE in their firm my age...i felt the daggers and then he openly said.."i don't think you are good fit...your much older than use and the image we want is that of young and fresh" i guess that didn't only mean i wasn't young enough....but was he implying i had not shower before i can, as well??

                        they really should no better, there is no one to enforce the penalties with these discriminating employers...the government doesn't care at all.
                        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                          I'm a 99er too. 48 yrs old. Lost my job as a museum supervisor over 2 years ago. Have earned two useless BA's, one in Anthropology the other in Art History. Applied for 100's of jobs. Cannot even get hired at Walmart part-time.... Good thing, I did not take out any school loans, just put my last few classes and a couple of grad courses on my credit card, which is now in default and anticipating a chap 7 when our home foreclosure-short sale limbo has run its course. Of course any potential employer will not hire me, because now my credit is shot...

                          good luck everyone...


                            Originally posted by bladerunner View Post
                            I'm a 99er too. 48 yrs old. Lost my job as a museum supervisor over 2 years ago. Have earned two useless BA's, one in Anthropology the other in Art History. Applied for 100's of jobs. Cannot even get hired at Walmart part-time.... Good thing, I did not take out any school loans, just put my last few classes and a couple of grad courses on my credit card, which is now in default and anticipating a chap 7 when our home foreclosure-short sale limbo has run its course. Of course any potential employer will not hire me, because now my credit is shot...

                            good luck everyone...
                            bladerunner.....that was incredibly smart, putting the classes on the cards...i'm certain at the time you had no clue you'd be filing bk...however, that certainly is a way around the system.
                            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                              I wonder how they can look their parents in the eyes which has probably happened to them.

                              Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                              and jacko, just an interesting footnote...i was actually...(TRUE story)...told my a LAW FIRM i was TOO OLD!! ( and i look pretty good )........i think actually when there is a 22 year old...( and i have NOTHING against youth!) as the senior partners head admin asst...sitting at my interview, and the atty was maybe 27 tops...they wanted NO ONE in their firm my age...i felt the daggers and then he openly said.."i don't think you are good fit...your much older than use and the image we want is that of young and fresh" i guess that didn't only mean i wasn't young enough....but was he implying i had not shower before i can, as well??

                              they really should no better, there is no one to enforce the penalties with these discriminating employers...the government doesn't care at all.


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