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Some States May Ban Credit Checks for Employment

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    No, because it would have cost them more to prosecute than to let it go and move on. They were rid of them, businesses watch their bottom lines, they do not worry about society.


      Originally posted by momisery View Post
      No, because it would have cost them more to prosecute than to let it go and move on. They were rid of them, businesses watch their bottom lines, they do not worry about society.
      Why would it cost the business anything? All they have to do is call the police and the DA takes over. The business doesn't do anything beyond providing information on the case if needed.
      Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
      Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
      Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
      341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


        Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
        If we keep taking screening tools away from employers they'll keep refraining from hiring.
        Is this really what you're so afraid of? Taking away their toys does not make positions magically disappear; high unemployment and its effect on spending does.
        Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


          Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
          There are so many ways to weed out undesirable workers: criminal checks, background checks, MySpace/Twitter/Facebook pages that credit is a nonissue. I can see if I was in a position dealing with $$$, and even then a pristine score is no guarantee (maybe they have a pristine score because they were skimming at their last job to pay bills.) I don't work anywhere near finance. I don't mind background and drug tests. They fit the scope of my job. Credit? Not so much. As an aside...I don't think employers get an entire picture of what you owe and what you spend. I still don't think it should be the end all and be all.
          There are also so many devices in place that the prime "worries" of employers - such as theft or hacking - are (or schould be) a dead issue before an employee walks in the door. Security cameras, computer monitoring software ... nobody's getting away with anything, and if they try - BOOM! Criminal record. Credit really means nothing, nothing at all - just a weeder.

          I had even forgotten about the MySpace & Facebook 'checks' that employers perform. Looks like in order to get a job you need to just fall off the face of the earth.
          Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


            Originally posted by Pizza View Post
            Is this really what you're so afraid of? Taking away their toys does not make positions magically disappear; high unemployment and its effect on spending does.
            I had no idea that a lack of ability to check a perspective employee's credit was the reason for a decline in available jobs!
            Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
            Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
            Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
            341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


              Originally posted by Faust View Post
              I had no idea that a lack of ability to check a perspective employee's credit was the reason for a decline in available jobs!
              It isn't. This news/conversation has really been the value of a certain group of fears compared to another group of fears. I was happy to hear the news, but others (oddly, considering we're all more than likely BK or on the verge of BK) are not quite so happy...

              Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


                Originally posted by Pizza View Post
                There are also so many devices in place that the prime "worries" of employers - such as theft or hacking - are (or schould be) a dead issue before an employee walks in the door. Security cameras, computer monitoring software ... nobody's getting away with anything, and if they try - BOOM! Criminal record. Credit really means nothing, nothing at all - just a weeder.

                I had even forgotten about the MySpace & Facebook 'checks' that employers perform. Looks like in order to get a job you need to just fall off the face of the earth.

                Yeah but then you don't exist, which means you are not a real person. Therefore you don't need a job.

                Social media is easy to get around; just set to private and no one sees your drunken pics from Cancun. However there are a lot of attention ho's out there who have to put their laundry out for all. This can cost you; google "Cisco Fatty" for proof.
                First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                  Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
                  Yeah but then you don't exist, which means you are not a real person. Therefore you don't need a job.
                  Why would I not exist? Credit is only part of a background check, and the most insignificant. Until recently, most companies didn't even run a credit check.
                  Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


                    Originally posted by Pizza View Post
                    Why would I not exist? Credit is only part of a background check, and the most insignificant. Until recently, most companies didn't even run a credit check.

                    If you dropped off the face, you wouldn't exist. There would be zero information out there. How do they know you are who you say you are...(sarcasm button off)

                    I still think the credit checking is a joke. It is a report that has a serious rate of inaccuracy, yet people in charge determine insurability and employability by it. I had a theory that insurers use it to maximize profit and nothing more; what is the real justification for employers using it? And FICO is raking money in hand over fist.

                    Does anyone else smell something rotten or should I crush more tinfoil on my hat?
                    First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                      Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
                      If you dropped off the face (of the earth), you wouldn't exist.
                      Oh, that.... .... got ya!
                      Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


                        Originally posted by momisery View Post
                        When I worked in CA we had to have the SS card in hand so you can feel for the raised edges on it.. then we had to call the SS office to verify the name, age etc.. most of the cards were for people over working age, so if you had a 19 year old in front of you and the card belonged to a 65 year old you pretty much knew you had a problem. The card numbers are not reported as stolen, so a credit check does no good not everyone even has a credit report and employers will still hire you if you don't have a fico at all. The idea that a credit report being run will stop illegals doesn't float at all... Business like Walmart like to check to see if you filed a BK against them.. or any other retailer not because they are afraid you might steal because you would have a crimmal record if you did that.. but it is a form of punishment to get you to not filed a BK.. to simply find a way to pay those bills.. which will lead to stealing when there are no jobs...

                        See my red highlight of your sentence are missing the point on this - right now credit checks are done by approx. 60% of employers according to the latest news flash broadcast the other day. Eliminating credit checks will open the door wider for illegals to get into workplaces where before they wouldn't even take the chance to apply as to better jobs, therefore eliminating more jobs for everyone. Background checks may not catch anything and credit checks could catch illegally used SS numbers. There was an article last fall in Newsweek or Time about a lady in California who had her SS number used 3 times by illegals in Texas. She had no idea for years it was being used until she did not receive a tax refund and called the IRS. It took her years to untangle it. She said if a credit report was checked by any employer it would have shown her having addresses in two states and working two jobs at the same time in two different states. Taking away controls in the system just opens the door for more opportunity for those to further take away jobs that citizens could get. The trick is to eliminate the discrimination of folks with bad credit/bankruptcy and to keep controls in place as to those who abuse the system making it hard for those who get stuck having to file bankruptcy and getting blackballed. Next people with criminal records will fight that background checks should be eliminated because many people get in trouble when younger, have something on the record, which could affect them when older trying to get a good job also...
                        Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                        Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                        Discharge: August 2006

                        "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


                          These people made off with Jewelry... if you file a complaint you better have proof.. they had no real proof other than missing jewelry and fuzzy paperwork.... All 5 file for "stress leave" and then went to work for Whitehall Jewelry in different stores in the same town. A business is not going to go after their product once the problem is removed if it costs too much.. proving it was the issue.. that was per the loss prevention person working this case in my area where I was the auditor. While they have attorney's on hand, if they lose the case, they can get sued.. hence the reason to not try and since the reason for the losses was gone.. they were happy with it. Sure they could go after them and hope it holds up in court.. but what if???? Costs too much.. just move on.... business is not a person, they are in this for profit, if they have to pay the courts that gets expensive, so does losing if you not sure you have enough of a case. I would say proving that these people did this in Phoenix AZ and sold it in Mexico would be pretty hard to prove..


                            I see what you highlighted but they don't use the credit cards, they simply use the SSN for a job. If the employers simply call the SS office they would find out these people are not who they say they are. The ages are usually wrong and the people are wrong about the birthdays.. easy way with out a credit check.... All a credit check would do is show if they have a score, possible jobs or movements ... but mostly what HR looks at is the FICO and for a BK.... it is used for weeding.. The ss office can provide the rest pretty easy. Seriously, I interviewed a girl in Ca and she had a card with her name on it... good card too, so I call the SS office.. come to find out the card own was 65.. probably her aunt and this girl was illegal... I didn't need a credit report to find that out. They are not using the fico for "illegals" they are using it against you if you don't pay your bills even if you can't afford to. Otherwise, they could order a report without scores and simply look at the info they need, but they order a full tri mege.. this is about your credit.


                              Again, if the crime was as a juvenile is it expunged when your 18.. so youth would have no criminal record unless it was a felony.... Or a pretty bad crime.. shop lifting is removed... and you can get a job in retail.. the percentage of shoplifting kids was pretty high where I grew up, so are they all theives today? This is all about your credit and control of you and making you pay with your last dime even if you go without food or care. If business cared, they would do ss check with the office, it is cheaper than a tri merge.


                                Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
                                The trick is to eliminate the discrimination of folks with bad credit/bankruptcy and to keep controls in place as to those who abuse the system making it hard for those who get stuck having to file bankruptcy and getting blackballed.
                                That wouldn't work because once an employer gets the check finished, they will use some simple explanation to disguise the discrimination, like "went with a better candidate" or "not a good match" and that's that. Discrimination happens all the time, and it's very difficult (and costly) to prove.

                                Would it help to mention that a couple of states have taken measures to block credit checks for employment already, and their economy hasn't crumbled as a result (relatively speaking, of course)?
                                Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


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