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Some States May Ban Credit Checks for Employment

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    Originally posted by Pizza View Post
    Depends on who you ask, I suppose. If you get to reading about all the systems in place to weed out employees, especially during a job shortage of this magnitude, the anxiety alone can put more people willing and able to work on welfare because the general concensus is that employers are out to thwart the 'little guy' through automated 'weeders'. This may not be the case, but there is certainly a lot of fear because of it.

    I haven't been turned down for a job personally, but if a potential employer sent me one of those form letters resembling being turned down for a credit card, I would really be in the dumps about it, especially if it happened continuously. The more widely used credit checks are becoming, the more they are becoming a fence rather than a tool.
    These are emotional arguments that can't be considered in the equation. Our freedoms (and those afforded hiring employers) can not be modified so as to make one feel good.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      When I run a chexsystem it could turn you down based on your credit..


        Yes, of course you may ask.. I smoked for 3 years and stopped back at age 25 after the warnings started coming out. Hubby smoked off and on for a long time, but he also started before the warnings and was hooked. For me once I quit it took about a year to not even like the smell, but for him he was hooked and has never been able to not want one. We both smoked doped too for the record and gave that up early with no problem.. perhaps they would be better off to sell it since you don't get hooked on it?


          WE, actually there is a law against that. If I fire someone because they were fencing my jewelry and selling it off to put the white poweder up their nose, as long as there are no crimminal charges I can not tell a hiring employer that was ever an issue.. All I can say really is yes they worked here and for how long if why they left or you could get sued. So, you can break the law and work, but abide by the law flunk a credit check and not get a job.. interesting


            Originally posted by momisery View Post
            WE, actually there is a law against that. If I fire someone because they were fencing my jewelry and selling it off to put the white poweder up their nose, as long as there are no crimminal charges I can not tell a hiring employer that was ever an issue.. All I can say really is yes they worked here and for how long if why they left or you could get sued. So, you can break the law and work, but abide by the law flunk a credit check and not get a job.. interesting
            If they broke the law then there would be criminal charges which would be revealed on a background check.
            Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
            Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
            Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
            341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


              Great point.. or perhaps you give to a certain organization and they disapprove of that hobby or event or club... no job...


                Maybe we need to find out why this happened instead of fighting against it... there could have been a better way I am sure but based on my age of 60 I still remember the days when someone didn't like you they could black ball you even if you did a good job. People who tried to get unions started up usually ended up black balled. I have no problem with back ground checks as long as the person giving my references is honest... I have worked a lot of places and seen a lot of hard workers get bad references because they didn't "make nice" with the new male boss... things happen.. how do you protect peoples rights without laws? Of course with laws come issues, but growing up the whole class was punished when one idiot acted up because it was the only way to stop the action for happening again. Like a event was cancelled and never done again because a kid misbehaved.. Our whole society is based on one rotten apple in a barrel attitude... a street person is a lazy sob right? Not always but still everyone of them wears a label we all do... laws prevent people from them stopping your rights to the pursuit of happiness based on their convictions and attitudes...


                  my privacy..... they don't belong in my bedroom, my family, or my spending habits.


                    When I worked in CA we had to have the SS card in hand so you can feel for the raised edges on it.. then we had to call the SS office to verify the name, age etc.. most of the cards were for people over working age, so if you had a 19 year old in front of you and the card belonged to a 65 year old you pretty much knew you had a problem. The card numbers are not reported as stolen, so a credit check does no good not everyone even has a credit report and employers will still hire you if you don't have a fico at all. The idea that a credit report being run will stop illegals doesn't float at all... Business like Walmart like to check to see if you filed a BK against them.. or any other retailer not because they are afraid you might steal because you would have a crimmal record if you did that.. but it is a form of punishment to get you to not filed a BK.. to simply find a way to pay those bills.. which will lead to stealing when there are no jobs...


                      Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                      These are emotional arguments that can't be considered in the equation. Our freedoms (and those afforded hiring employers) can not be modified so as to make one feel good.
                      Freedom isn't free when people are stuck on welfare and/or unemployment because of unreasonable fences.

                      Why exactly does an employer have a God-given right to find out all sorts of confidential information about an applicant anyway? That piece of paper that you sign in haste when you're desparate for a job? What if the employer, or one of its HR reps wants to commit identity theft?

                      On top of being a weeder, it's an invasion of privacy.
                      Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


                        Originally posted by momisery View Post
                        Great point.. or perhaps you give to a certain organization and they disapprove of that hobby or event or club... no job...
                        And this is a problem why?
                        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                          You are correct. .the last thing and illegal wants is attention so they don't use it to open accounts etc.. they use it to get a job and that is it.. It is a smoke screen..


                            Originally posted by Pizza View Post
                            Freedom isn't free when people are stuck on welfare and/or unemployment because of unreasonable fences.

                            Why exactly does an employer have a God-given right to find out all sorts of confidential information about an applicant anyway? That piece of paper that you sign in haste when you're desparate for a job? What if the employer, or one of its HR reps wants to commit identity theft?

                            On top of being a weeder, it's an invasion of privacy.
                            I don't understand your first claim regarding freedom not being free.

                            An employer has the right to hire anyone he so chooses. You have the right to refrain from sharing any information you choose not to share. Background checks and credit checks are done with the applicant's consent. You don't like this employer's process, go somewhere else. That too is a right you have.

                            No document should be signed in haste regardless of how desperate one may feel.

                            If one is afraid the employer has dishonest, identity thieving HR staff members why would one be interested in working there?

                            How is giving consent to an employer to research one's background an invasion of one's privacy? An invasion of one's privacy would be a potential employer bugging your cell phone or installing a hidden camera in your bedroom without your consent.
                            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                              Originally posted by Pizza View Post
                              Freedom isn't free when people are stuck on welfare and/or unemployment because of unreasonable fences.

                              Why exactly does an employer have a God-given right to find out all sorts of confidential information about an applicant anyway?
                              Why does an employee have a God-given right to keep things about himself secret that the potential employer thinks (maybe rightly, maybe wrongly) are important about who he hires and doesn't hire to work for his business?

                              Why do employees get to choose who they work for? They go around demanding ever higher wages. They quit their jobs and go to work somewhere else when offered a higher wage or better working conditions. They try to improve their skills so they can earn ever more money. Enough! Not only is this unadulterated greed, but it causes inflation. Not only that, it interferes with interstate commerce when potential employers have to compete with each other for the limited pool of potential employees. There oughta be a law! No longer can potential employees shop around for who they want to work for. No longer can potential employers make decisions about who works for them. From now on those decisions will be made by the government based on a compatibility profile test that the potential employee would take down at the post office. Everybody will get paid the same. The cardiovascular surgeon will make the same as the truck driver. Nobody will ever be unemployed. If someone does not have a job, an employer will be required to hire that person. The government will get to decide which employer it is. It may be on the other side of the continent, but he will have a job. And it will pay the government rate.

                              See how good government control is? Why are you so afraid of it, OhioFiler?
                              Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                                I've never seen more obsession on any board about the illegals than this one. Who's going to blow my leaves off the sidewalk if all the illegals are sent home? Those gas powered leaf blowers are heavy...

                                Funny I have to admit.. but I live in Springfield MO, and we are 97% white and never have a problem finding someone to bus tables, mow grass, or shovel snow.. That really isn't true at all. Kids will even do the farm jobs part time.. the problem is parent complain when you ask their children to crap in the fields, go without water for hours, and work 12 hours shifts in the AZ sun. In the midwest the farm jobs were in the summer so it was easy to find kids to do it and keep the costs down for the local farmers. In the warmer climates of course that is different, and today many farms are not "family" farms, but rather huge corporations. The larger corporations were using green cards. What happened out west was green cards do not designate the JOB they will be doing or WHO they will be working for.. So they used the green cards to get into construction where the wages were much higher than working in farming. Those jobs not only paid better but worked all year long, so they became illegals in our country because the card usage is illegal time frames. Of course there are those who swan across the Rio too... but the green cards could be used FOR the PURPOSE and that would have stopped a lot of this. Just the other day I spoke to a kid who moved here from AZ and he worked for Shey homes... they hired illegals because they worked long hours, for lower wages, complained less about needing a drink or potty breaks but did eliminate in the houses they were houses they were working on so they had to work on that behavior. Is that the new American Dream for our kids??? Longer hours, no breaks, lower pay??? If it is, fine but count on a third world nation here because our kids will have to live like they live 5 families to a home to afford thoses wages.


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