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Chase to raise minimum due to 5% in August

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    Chase to raise minimum due to 5% in August

    June 25, 2009

    Thousands of Chase credit card customers have gotten some bad news this month. The bank has informed them that the minimum monthly payment on their accounts is being raised from two percent of the balance to five percent.

    That might not sound like a huge increase, but for many who are carrying large balances and are tightly budgeted, it’s a severe and unexpected blow. Kay, of Pottsville, Pennsylvania, said she contacted Chase and was told the change in policy was related to the poor economy.

    “I was told I could possibly re-negiotate a lesser monthly payment but my interest would go from 3.9 percent to 21.99 percent. I was told that out of over a billion credit card holders 850,000 were effected by this change,” she told “My monthly payment from my four accounts will go from $961.00 a month to $2394.00 a month. Needless to say I will not be able to make these payments and will end up defaulting on my accounts and probably claim bankruptcy.”

    The change in minimum payment has little to do with how long customers have been Chase cardholders, or their credit ratings, though in an analysis of complaints to in the last few days, many customers do seem to have one thing in common. They all mention that they took advantage of a previous promotion and signed up for a Chase credit card, with the promise of a low, fixed rate for an extended period of time.

    “In the past year I took advantage of balance transfer offers with their life-of-the-loan low interest rate offers of 5.99 and 6.99,” Wendy, of Cardiff By The Sea, California, told “I basically used the card as debt consolidation this year in lieu of the economy, wanting to close some other accounts and just use the Chase card to pay this amount down. I am horrified at the new five percent minimum! This will increase my payment by about $475 a month.”

    Dana of Dacula, Georgia, also took advantage of the promotion and transferred money to a Chase account at 4.9 percent. In August her minimum monthly payment goes from two percent to five percent.

    “This could put me in default since it would cause my payment to more than double each month,” she told “I do not want to use the card, I just want to pay it with the terms I agreed to when the card was issued.”

    With new credit card rules on the way, thanks to changes by regulators and legislation passed by Congress, lenders are preparing for a new consumer lending environment. By increasing its minimum monthly payment for customers with low, fixed interest rates, Chase recovers that low-interest money faster, and can loan it out again at much higher rates.

    The new credit card rules that go into effect next year prevent lenders from arbitrarily raising interest rates, but do not address the issue of minimum monthly payments. In fact, regulators in the past have encouraged lenders to increase the minimum payments, so that consumers pay down their balances faster.

    But a number of consumers who thought they were doing the smart thing — transferring large balances to cards with locked in, low rates, are finding themselves in a trap. The increased minimum payment is now unaffordable. The price of keeping their payment the same is to give up that promised low rate, so that more of their monthly payment goes to interest each month, not paying down the principal.



    A 150% increase! This will devastate a lot of people. The other banks will probably follow suit so those with several cards (like I had) are going to sink fast.
    Last edited by Flamingo; 06-27-2009, 05:36 AM. Reason: To conform with forum posting rules - OP PLEASE REVIEW POSTING RULES!

    This is probably going to hurt a lot of folks, but in the long run it might be a good idea.
    May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
    July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
    September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


      In the long run, yes - but insane that they can do that with existing balances! And they're going to push people who obviously had good credit and intent to pay right into BK.
      BKForum Blog: The Journey



        To the OP - Your entire posting was edited to conform to the posting rules of this forum. Please review the posting rules at the top of the forum page before making any further postings in this forum and review what was done to your posting to conform. That is the format that is used for posting in this forum. Further nonconforming postings can and will result in a temporary forum ban.
        Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
        Early Buy-Out: April 2006
        Discharge: August 2006

        "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


          I have 3 chase cards and I used all of them for low transfer rates. Now that they raised the payments, I would go from a total of 450 a month on those cards to about 1000 a month. Plus FIA raised their interest rates on me, even though I signed up for a promotional rate for 12 months. They both went from 9.9 to 14.9. I carry large balances on those and those minimums went up alot. Also, Citibank raise their minimums.

          So basically, there is no way in heck I could ever pay the minimums. I already retained my lawyer and file for BK13 on July 14. Even though I never have been late on a payment and have had wonderful credit.

          Thanks, economy!
          $124,000 unsecured debt
          $700 a month for 36 months.
          Case completed 6/15/12, waiting on papers!


            Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
            To the OP - Your entire posting was edited to conform to the posting rules of this forum. Please review the posting rules at the top of the forum page before making any further postings in this forum and review what was done to your posting to conform. That is the format that is used for posting in this forum. Further nonconforming postings can and will result in a temporary forum ban.
            Wow, I simply attempted to share some news here. Treat me like a troll and threaten banishment? Thanks... I don't get enough crap from creditors every day.


              I got my notice this week. Ever since then, I've been researching in the library, internet, and forums on what to do before talking to a BK attorney. My payment will go up $390. With Chase controlling a large portion of the market place, I would expect other issuers to start following suit.

              Going to meet with a BK attorney in a month.

              Here is a question: My alimony payments expire June '10, if I file this year, will my payments to the trustee change once alimony is paid off?


                Am I the only one that feels that we are experiencing something similar to the sub prime debacle? When this shoe has finally dropped to the floor the credit status of many good hard working families will be ruined by bankruptcy - so then what happens to future home sales, and everything else. I know many of us spent money based on our job staus and finances prior to the "fall" - but is seems so unbelievable that people who were making more than their monthly payments (me for one) and have good credit, and "could have" continued without the increase in rates and the short billing cycle, are now being forced into bankruptcy. I believe that the majority of damage will have been done by the time the new laws go into effect. It is so sad - so very sad.


                  There is a lot goin on here. Many of us baby-boomers can remember when there was no such thing as "free" checking. Many of us remember when there was a time of no 0% down auto loans, 20% down minimum requirement for middle class on all home sales, and 8% - 14% interest on mortgages was a deal. The problem there was inflation. EVeryone thinks inflation is bad. Yet, in the end we created a worse inflation; the inflation of debt. It is cheap credit that created the housing boom and a situation where folks wre willing to spend $20K - $40K on a vehicle. The recent past economy seems to have been built on the ability of folks to make "monthly" payments, not on the true wealth or value of the individual. While it is unfortunate that current homeowners have lost billions (trillions?) of dollars in real estate value, perhaps we will eventually settle into an economy that recognizes a realistic process for purchasing homes and automobiles. Think of it this way. A reasonable rate of savings is probably about 12% of takehome pay, rate of healthcare perhaps 10%, retirement 10%, education savings for your children's future 3%, living life (utilities, groceries, energy, etc) 30%. There are other costs that are not accounted for, so let's add another 10%. In the end, why would anyone think it realistic to reserve 25+% for homes and cars?

                  I think the general population is getting it. Individual savings account are increasing at a rate not seen in decades. Once folks have the cash for their TV's and crap, 20% down minimum for autos and homes, etc, the economy will rebound. It is unfortunate for many on this forum (a bankruptcy forum) that you/me are feeling the brunt of an economy that needs to seriously readjust itself. How many folks on this forum seriously "saved" 10-12% of income, put aside 6-8% for uncovered medical costs, put 20% down on vehicles, etc. This is above and beyond what we paid for healthcare insurance and put into retirement accounts (these are separate monthly percentages.)

                  I'm not being judgmental. I for one got caught up in the cheap and easy credit. When I needed medical care above my insurance, a different vehicle, other items, etc, I would just reach for the unsecured debt. With everyone doing this, the economy was booming. But, as we know now, the economy based on so much borrowed money was doomed to failure.

                  I find it amusing that the new administration keeps trying to find a credit compromise to slowly bring us back to reality, but it appears to me that folks are not buying into the idea; consumers or banks.

                  Give everything some time. The free market is in control. Where has it ever been stated that the free market leads to continuing wealth?


                    One bit of misinformation in the article - Chase does not have 1 billion cardholders. I know amongst all the cards they process including Kohl's, BP, etc, they might have 100 million.

                    That said, they did a story on the news here in Atlanta and interviewed a BK attorney. They said that something like 9 out of 10 people they see have a Chase account. They said that this min. payment increase maybe what sends folks over the edge and force them to file BK.
                    March 2009 - Filed Ch 13 April 2009 - 341 Meeting
                    Sept 2009 - Confirmed April 2014 Plan completed May 2014 - Discharged!!


                      Originally posted by trueblues View Post
                      Wow, I simply attempted to share some news here. Treat me like a troll and threaten banishment? Thanks... I don't get enough crap from creditors every day.
                      We only enforce the rules and if you read the rules before posting you will note that it is indicated that one can be banned for posting consistent nonconforming postings in this forum. You didn't even post the article - you just put in the link with your comment. We could have deleted the posting for that but I edited it so your article could be viewed and I included the article for you. The rules were posted by the Forum Owner/Admin. and everyone is asked to read them before posting (see top of this forum) and if you have any questions or problems as to the rules for this forum (BK & Credit News), please contact him.

                      No one is treated as a troll in this forum unless one is actually a troll. We ask that everyone comply with the forum rules.
                      Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                      Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                      Discharge: August 2006

                      "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


                        So chase corners the market by acquiring wamu and then jacks up the minimum payments? Talk about render unto caesar!


                          Originally posted by musicbum View Post
                          So chase corners the market by acquiring wamu and then jacks up the minimum payments? Talk about render unto caesar!
                          Chase also jacked up the interest rate for WAMU former cardholders during the switchover by .5%. This occurred, from what I read and from other postings on here, for everyone who was a former WAMU cardholder. Ours went from 11.99% to 12.49% with just a change of name and we had the card for over two years with never a late payment or any other issue, almost always paid in full. The only way out of not accepting the .5% increase was to close the account and not make any further charges. Rates can be raised at any time for any reason (read that glorious small print in your Credit Agreement). However, those folks that did balances transfers or advances with a certain interest cap for the "life of the loan" have a case unless there is specific small print somewhere in the agreement taken when the balance was transferred or the advance made. If not, there will be another class action started taking years to settle with everyone involved getting a $2.00 check when settled.
                          Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                          Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                          Discharge: August 2006

                          "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"



                            Chase upped my interest rate to 29.9% because I was late on another card - by mistake. If they also make my minimum 5% then I really will have no choice but to file BK. I'm pretty sure I will have to anyway, but this would cinch it. And lowering my credit line to what is owed has already destroyed my credit. Bank of America has done the same thing. And I am not behind in my payments. Sigh.


                              Originally posted by bambooshed View Post
                              Chase upped my interest rate to 29.9% because I was late on another card - by mistake. If they also make my minimum 5% then I really will have no choice but to file BK. I'm pretty sure I will have to anyway, but this would cinch it. And lowering my credit line to what is owed has already destroyed my credit. Bank of America has done the same thing. And I am not behind in my payments. Sigh.
                              Amazing! Most well run businesses usually love it when a customer stiffs a competitor. Not the cc business.

                              They will punish you for being late with their competitor, then setoff a chain reaction, next thing you know their customers are in default, bankrupt and they have no more customers and go to the fed to print more money so they can do it again to a new generation.

                              The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


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