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When Bankruptcy Makes Sense / The Case for Walking Away

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    When Bankruptcy Makes Sense / The Case for Walking Away

    January 3, 2009
    In January, we're supposed to sit down and organize our personal finances. This year I'll risk my good-girl reputation with a subversive idea: go bankrupt in 2009. If you're reaching the end of your rope, don't try to hold on. Save what you can.

    It's painful and humiliating even to consider bankruptcy, let alone join that crowd in the courthouse corridor, waiting for your name to be called. Normally I'd say suck it up, cut spending and repay your consumer debt. But that's not always possible, especially with an economic tsunami rolling over your home, job and health insurance.

    Most families, honorable to the end, struggle longer than they should, says Katie Porter, a law professor at the University of Iowa. By the time they give in, they've lost assets they could have used to start over again. That defeats the point of bankruptcy—to stop the self-blame and hopelessness that goes with bad luck and bad bills, and give yourself a second chance.

    The right time to go bankrupt is when you're financially stuck but still have assets to protect. You can use Chapter 7, the most popular type, only once in eight years, so draw upa "no kidding" plan for living on your income when you're finally clear. "If you're out of work, try not to go bankrupt until you have a new job and can see what's ahead of you," says Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren.

    It's a mistake to tap your retirement accounts to make minimum payments on monstrous bills. IRAs and 401(k)s are largely protected in bankruptcy, as is most of your child's 529 college-savings account. This money is your future. Leave it alone and use credit cards for your necessities. Card issuers know that some of their customers will fail. That's why they charge elephant fees.

    Your health is your future, too. You're doing your family no favors by forgoing medical treatment because you can't pay. Bankruptcy eliminates medical as well as consumer debt.

    Bankruptcy can even help you save your home, especially with home values down and so many mortgages underwater. You're allowed to keep a limited amount of home equity in most states. If the house is worth less than the mortgage plus your home-equity exemption, you can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, wipe out your consumer debts and still keep your home, provided that your mortgage payments are up to date, says Stephen Elias, a California bankruptcy attorney and coauthor of Nolo Press's do-it-yourself bankruptcy books. If your house is worth more, however, or you're behind on your payments, it will likely be sold.

    When you're behind on the mortgage but have a new job with money coming in, choose a Chapter 13 workout. Your lawyer will negotiate a three- to five-year plan for paying your debts, including the mortgage arrears. Some people stay in the plan just long enough to get current on their mortgage and then resume their normal lives, Porter says. The next Congress may sweeten Chapter 13 by allowing a judge to reduce (or "cram down") your mortgage principal if the debt amounts to more than the house is worth. That would save a lot of homes.

    Don't try to preserve your house if you're going broke. Stop making payments, stay there while foreclosure is underway, then move out and rent. If the mortgage is underwater, "you're already functionally renting because you have no equity," says Adam Levitin, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center. In theory, many states allow lenders to chase you for the sum still owed after the house is sold. But that's rare, Warren says. Lenders know that you probably can't pay.

    Foreclosures stay on your record for seven years and bankruptcies for 10. If you re-establish good bill-paying habits, you may get decent credit even sooner. And you'll start fresh, which is what a new year ought to bring.

    Reporter Associate: Temma Ehrenfel

    The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government

    Right ON !!!!
    And remember - filing bankruptcy is actually bailing yourself out.
    Washington just bailed out AIG, banks, and automakers.


      Thanks for posting

      This is just what I needed to read to make me realize that filing is the best thing for my family. I really took to heart the part about forgoing medical treatment. My husband and I are self-employed with no health insurance and I have needed to have surgery for over a year now. I have put it off because with our debt I knew there was no way that we could afford it.

      My husband had a small remodel business and he has not had a job since Oct.
      We also have a seasonal business that we have made some money from but that money is running out fast. I have still been making our $2,700.00 cc payments just from the fear of having to deal with the phone calls.

      We went to see a lawyer the first of Dec. and she said that our case would be complicated and that we need to get some things gathered up from our bookkeeper, so it might be several months before we could file. I have a called another lawyer who is a former trustee so hopefully she can offer us a little more insight.

      Again thanks for the post


        Originally posted by magyar123 View Post
        Right ON !!!!
        And remember - filing bankruptcy is actually bailing yourself out.
        Washington just bailed out AIG, banks, and automakers.

        And we will need our own bailout to pay higher taxes for everything you mention not to mention higher inflation cause by the Fed's printing presses working OT.
        The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


          Originally posted by nodollarsnomo View Post
          This is just what I needed to read to make me realize that filing is the best thing for my family. I really took to heart the part about forgoing medical treatment. My husband and I are self-employed with no health insurance and I have needed to have surgery for over a year now. I have put it off because with our debt I knew there was no way that we could afford it.

          My husband had a small remodel business and he has not had a job since Oct.
          We also have a seasonal business that we have made some money from but that money is running out fast. I have still been making our $2,700.00 cc payments just from the fear of having to deal with the phone calls.

          We went to see a lawyer the first of Dec. and she said that our case would be complicated and that we need to get some things gathered up from our bookkeeper, so it might be several months before we could file. I have a called another lawyer who is a former trustee so hopefully she can offer us a little more insight.

          Again thanks for the post

          Glad I can help...;)
          The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


            Wow, my eyes blurred reading all that. Thank you though. Go for your new start. Love in God to you. Appreciate you helping others. (as well as Mrs. and I). 'Hub
            If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


              In the current economic climate I think bk in 2009 may well double the ones filed in 2008. The companies realize folks can't pay what's on the books that's why some are trying to offer deals, trying to get something rather than nothing. Still others are towing the hard line and in the end it only hurts themselves.

              Easy credit is most likely gone as it should have been. Out of practicality we'll still have to accrue debt for homes, education and possibly transportation. Other uses of credit most likely will see a decline in the next 3-5 years. Since the majority of the GDP is dependent upon debt induced spending then it is likely the GDP will shrink for at least 2009 and possibly 2010. It may start to recover thereafter but could shrink for several years in truth.

              I think everyone should indeed take a business like approach. If you are drowning in debt and there is no other way, something many of us find out to be true, then bankruptcy is the relief you are looking for I think.
              May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
              July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
              September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                An excellent article. I'd hope our members really zero in on the following paragraph.

                The right time to go bankrupt is when you're financially stuck but still have assets to protect. You can use Chapter 7, the most popular type, only once in eight years, so draw upa "no kidding" plan for living on your income when you're finally clear. "If you're out of work, try not to go bankrupt until you have a new job and can see what's ahead of you," says Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren.


                  Thanks for the advice

                  Thanks for the advice and information. It's true, I sit here everyday trying to think of reasons not to file, but I don't have any other options now.
                  filed 10/5/09
                  341 11/5/09 score 450
                  discharged 1/5/2010 score 550


                    Having filed before the change over in the fall of 2005, I feel like a BK pioneer. Being a typical Aries & the leader of the pack. People did criticize me at that time & shook their fingers. Well, many of those people have now lost their homes & also, have made the move to file. In fact, it seems like everyone's filing now....

                    I did clean out my SEP as I was losing so much in the stock market, it made sense to bail out & keep what I could for current debt before I lost it all, as well....I would have a -0- balance if I left it alone, go figure....

                    To anyone who's considering filing, if you have to consider it, you probably need to do it. No shame these days; about the same as getting divorced. The only shame you'll experience is that after it's all over, you'll wish you would have done it sooner.
                    Filed Oct 2005discharged February 2007,Shapeless in the fire's glow, tell me if you think you know,
                    Who it was we were below, where we've been and where we go


                      Wow, this is powerful stuff. Your right, treat it as it were a business. i have actually heard people to refer to bankruptcy as now being "en vouge". These are all good ways to think about it. I very much doubt that GM, Chrsler, AIG and every other big company filing, are looking at to try to get some support. If the feds can help them out, they can help us out!
                      Filed Aug 28 2009
                      341 Oct 2 2009-Asset Case
                      Discharged Dec 16 2009
                      Waiting for tax return and asset buy back to close


                        Good article. And I read this about the correction in the market when people declare bankruptcy and have to start living on their own money rather than creditors...but I wonder if that has already happened as people grew their debt to such a point. I know that for the past 8 years we haven't spent money on anything BUT paying the credit card payments and eating. We have lived like paupers. When we quit paying our credit cards, we will actually HAVE money to spend and to save. I will be able to go to the dentist, get my kids in braces, buy some clothes etc...things we have only done in the bare minimum for the kids for the past 8+ years. We may even go on a vacation. The possibilities now look endless, where we had no options before.


                          Even if you don't intend to file, start living your life like you do. Get your affairs in order, protect your assets, document, document, document.

                          I should have filed several years ago, but being hardheaded, refused to even consider that as an option. A few years of stress later, and after loosing most everything, now it's time.

                          I could have avoided several years of stress and would have been on the road back to financial recovery by now. Instead, I'm still getting time in...
                          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                            Great post from the OP. After consulting with my BK lawyer, his assistant said to go to and read everything. I am just very thankful to come to this point after receiving a complaint to the local court from the BoA, one of my creditors and my rep from a debt settlement company I was enrolled in telling me if I do not keep up with their fees on time, she would turn over my account to the creditors and have them hound me. That was when I decided, I have to go to the BK route and here I am. Anyway, thanks for the post as it is very helpful.

                            Debt settlement companies is a no-no

                            Starting all over and learning from financial mistakes and unexpected financial curves is a yes-yes
                            Chapter 13 filer since Feb. 2018 under a 60 months payment plan
                            Please think positive and do not give up!


                              The gift that keeps on giving.

                              Maybe a mod will make this a sticky.
                              The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


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