[QUOTE=floridian;226504]its starting to look like the french revolution all over again...
refresh my memory, as it was a long time ago that i read the 2005 bk rules... doesnt the new rules exempt those who are in the upper income levels?[/QUOTE]
What in the "new rules" exempts upper income people?
Exemptions have not changed with the 05 reform except for the amount of time needed to reside in a state with high homestead exemptions.
refresh my memory, as it was a long time ago that i read the 2005 bk rules... doesnt the new rules exempt those who are in the upper income levels?[/QUOTE]
What in the "new rules" exempts upper income people?
Exemptions have not changed with the 05 reform except for the amount of time needed to reside in a state with high homestead exemptions.