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As Debt Mounts, Bill Collectors Get Tough...

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    As Debt Mounts, Bill Collectors Get Tough...

    Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
    Early Buy-Out: April 2006
    Discharge: August 2006

    "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"

    This is actually a good thing because now someone will take notice of this and start regulating these debt buyers and debt collectors. Unfortunately, until now, they have carte blanche to say and do whatever they like. I was a victim of theirs 3 yrs ago. I know how horrible they can be. It took a large portion of the population being treated like this to make someone stand up and take notice. My biggest hope is that they will pass a law that says that debt buyers cannot collect more than they paid for the debt. This is the worst example of price gouging on earth.


      AFNI, I have heard of them. About 4 years ago they tried collecting money from me. I sent them a letter asking for verification, never did get a reply.
      Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


        Recently found out that my relatives have been getting calls from creditors. Is this legal? Apparently they are trying to "find" me, but I know for certain that I have spoken with some of them and they are quite aware of my whereabouts.
        Filed: April 2009
        341 Meeting: April 28, 2009
        Discharge: July 1, 2009


          Originally posted by newbeginning View Post
          Recently found out that my relatives have been getting calls from creditors. Is this legal? Apparently they are trying to "find" me, but I know for certain that I have spoken with some of them and they are quite aware of my whereabouts.
          On credit applications is a space that is required to be filled in giving name,address and phone number of a close relative that does not live with you. Whoever you filled in for that question can/will get contacted if your bill is not paid and they cannot contact you directly.
          Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
          Early Buy-Out: April 2006
          Discharge: August 2006

          "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


            I had a problem with a collection agency named Bass & Associates located in FL. They would call and harass me several times a day. They would tell me things like, a sheriff will be at my door within the hour with a warrant; I would be charged with bank fraud, etc. They were trying to collect on a defaulted internet payday loan that I had. I filed complaints with the BBB and the Attorney General of FL. Bass & Associates response to the Attorney General was, "we never threaten, or try to scare debtors into paying." Of course, that was a lie. I never heard anything else from them once the Attorney General contacted them. I've also heard they may have been shut down.
            Filed: 5/22/07; 341 Hearing: 6/27/07;
            Confirmed: 8/13/07; DISCHARGED 4/17/2012


              The solution to avoid them calling your relatives is to answer the phone verifying that it is you but that you do not wish to discus the debt. They'll call back tomorrow but if they can reach you they can't call your friends/relatives.


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