one thing i do want to mention as well......we never rec'd the 99 weeks.....we are cut off over 50 weeks early because of the nov cut off date...slapped hard...we feel.
I will be looking at federal assistance programs in December that may help a small amount with assistance, but if they don't extend this, that is going to really put me in a scary situation.
The timing of these steps is so scary because you don't know when any of them are going to happen or if they will happen in that order. I can only imagine how many millions of people fall into a similar situation as us.
I don't even want to mention a list of stressful items, such as the arguments I get into with my girlfriend because of a tight budget, the stress of seeing family and them asking about your situation (or praying for you to get a job at the dinner table on Thanksgiving, while they are doing financially well, etc. etc. etc.).