I work for my county government. I'm doing quite well after accepting the promotion that was offered when my position was eliminated earlier this year, but today was the last day of work for many who have been bumped off their jobs, reassigned, or laid off. Some who have been around for 30+ years but are still young, have been forced to retire earlier than they planned. So today was sad in many ways. The worst part is that this doesn't seem to be the end of it...
I attended my director's quarterly management meeting and confirmed that things in our department are about as dire as our national economy. Transit routes may be cut in a few months due to budget constraints, which means bus operator jobs will be lost too. The worst isn't over, I'm afraid.
I attended my director's quarterly management meeting and confirmed that things in our department are about as dire as our national economy. Transit routes may be cut in a few months due to budget constraints, which means bus operator jobs will be lost too. The worst isn't over, I'm afraid.
