I' wondering that if I do a bk should I take my name off the mortgage? we have a valued 225K home, owe 180K. Wife is the breadwinner and has basically been paying the mortgage anyways. SHe could qualify to have it in her name alone. Should protect ourselves (and her) and see about getting my name off the mortgage? If things don't get better for me, I
m going to have to declarer BK on my 150K of CC debt. Not saying it's going to happen, but I'm losing a vast majority of my income and if things don't change by years end I'm looking at a 2011 bk
m going to have to declarer BK on my 150K of CC debt. Not saying it's going to happen, but I'm losing a vast majority of my income and if things don't change by years end I'm looking at a 2011 bk