Our petion for CH. 7 was filed today. The only "RED FLAG" my attourney saw was the fact that over a year ago we bought our daughter a refrigerator when hers went out. (did I mention that she has 5 kids-3 in diapers and 1 w/special needs). Then last summer before we even thought about filing we replace her hot water heater when that went out. The fridge was about 1400 and the heater and installation was about 800.
My attorney didn't hink it would be a huge issue, but it was really up to the trustee.
Any guesses from any one what might happen with these things??
My 341 is in mid Jan.
Our petion for CH. 7 was filed today. The only "RED FLAG" my attourney saw was the fact that over a year ago we bought our daughter a refrigerator when hers went out. (did I mention that she has 5 kids-3 in diapers and 1 w/special needs). Then last summer before we even thought about filing we replace her hot water heater when that went out. The fridge was about 1400 and the heater and installation was about 800.
My attorney didn't hink it would be a huge issue, but it was really up to the trustee.
Any guesses from any one what might happen with these things??
My 341 is in mid Jan.