Hi there my regular Schedule J is very different from
my local form no.16 regular expenses from operation of business,profession or farm
Here is my local form
I have a sole member LLC
I'm basically trying to add my expenses from my business
no.16 regular expenses from operation of business,profession or farm
Debtor 1 __________________________________________________ _____ Case number (if known)_____________________________________ First Name Middle Name Last Name
Official Form B 6J Schedule J: Your Expenses page 2
Your expenses
5. Additional mortgage payments for your residence, such as home equity loans 5. $_____________________
6. Utilities:
6a. Electricity, heat, natural gas 6a. $_____________________
6b. Water, sewer, garbage collection 6b. $_____________________
6c. Telephone, cell phone, Internet, satellite, and cable services 6c. $_____________________
6d. Other. Specify: _______________________________________________ 6d. $_____________________
7. Food and housekeeping supplies 7. $_____________________
8. Childcare and children’s education costs 8. $_____________________
9. Clothing, laundry, and dry cleaning 9. $_____________________
10. Personal care products and services 10. $_____________________
11. Medical and dental expenses 11. $_____________________
12. Transportation. Include gas, maintenance, bus or train fare.
Do not include car payments. 12. $_____________________
13. Entertainment, clubs, recreation, newspapers, magazines, and books 13. $_____________________
14. Charitable contributions and religious donations 14. $_____________________
15. Insurance.
Do not include insurance deducted from your pay or included in lines 4 or 20.
15a. Life insurance 15a. $_____________________
15b. Health insurance 15b. $_____________________
15c. Vehicle insurance 15c. $_____________________
15d. Other insurance. Specify:_______________________________________ 15d. $_____________________
16. Taxes. Do not include taxes deducted from your pay or included in lines 4 or 20.
Specify: __________________________________________________ ______ 16. $_____________________
17. Installment or lease payments:
17a. Car payments for Vehicle 1 17a. $_____________________
17b. Car payments for Vehicle 2 17b. $_____________________
17c. Other. Specify:__________________________________________ _____ 17c. $_____________________
17d. Other. Specify:__________________________________________ _____ 17d. $_____________________
18. Your payments of alimony, maintenance, and support that you did not report as deducted
from your pay on line 5, Schedule I, Your Income (Official Form B 6I). 18. $_____________________
19. Other payments you make to support others who do not live with you.
Specify:__________________________________________ _____________ 19. $_________________
my local form no.16 regular expenses from operation of business,profession or farm
Here is my local form
I have a sole member LLC
I'm basically trying to add my expenses from my business
no.16 regular expenses from operation of business,profession or farm
Debtor 1 __________________________________________________ _____ Case number (if known)_____________________________________ First Name Middle Name Last Name
Official Form B 6J Schedule J: Your Expenses page 2
Your expenses
5. Additional mortgage payments for your residence, such as home equity loans 5. $_____________________
6. Utilities:
6a. Electricity, heat, natural gas 6a. $_____________________
6b. Water, sewer, garbage collection 6b. $_____________________
6c. Telephone, cell phone, Internet, satellite, and cable services 6c. $_____________________
6d. Other. Specify: _______________________________________________ 6d. $_____________________
7. Food and housekeeping supplies 7. $_____________________
8. Childcare and children’s education costs 8. $_____________________
9. Clothing, laundry, and dry cleaning 9. $_____________________
10. Personal care products and services 10. $_____________________
11. Medical and dental expenses 11. $_____________________
12. Transportation. Include gas, maintenance, bus or train fare.
Do not include car payments. 12. $_____________________
13. Entertainment, clubs, recreation, newspapers, magazines, and books 13. $_____________________
14. Charitable contributions and religious donations 14. $_____________________
15. Insurance.
Do not include insurance deducted from your pay or included in lines 4 or 20.
15a. Life insurance 15a. $_____________________
15b. Health insurance 15b. $_____________________
15c. Vehicle insurance 15c. $_____________________
15d. Other insurance. Specify:_______________________________________ 15d. $_____________________
16. Taxes. Do not include taxes deducted from your pay or included in lines 4 or 20.
Specify: __________________________________________________ ______ 16. $_____________________
17. Installment or lease payments:
17a. Car payments for Vehicle 1 17a. $_____________________
17b. Car payments for Vehicle 2 17b. $_____________________
17c. Other. Specify:__________________________________________ _____ 17c. $_____________________
17d. Other. Specify:__________________________________________ _____ 17d. $_____________________
18. Your payments of alimony, maintenance, and support that you did not report as deducted
from your pay on line 5, Schedule I, Your Income (Official Form B 6I). 18. $_____________________
19. Other payments you make to support others who do not live with you.
Specify:__________________________________________ _____________ 19. $_________________