I filed for a chapter 7 pro se, my 341 meeting was December 12, so today was 62 days from the 341. I can't believe how quickly this process seemed to go. And my total cost for all of this was less than $70 because I got a fee waiver. Not bad for getting rid of almost 200k in bills (almost all medical). The only costs I had were for copying all the documents, mailing everything to the court, and my PACER bill for spending too much time looking at other cases. Also, I filed in the Illinois northern district in Chicago, so I'm kind of surprised to have gotten the discharge so quickly after the 60 day period ended. Now I've got to get to work trying to find a secured card that unsecures and trying to find a decent car loan. I'll try to hold out on the car loan for as long as possible, but given that I drive a 13 year old car with 225k miles on it, I know it could go at any time.