I filed statement of intention to retain my car and reaffirm. The auto loan is with Santander. I was current on payments only because I paid past due to have the car released to me after repo. I haven't heard from Santander. Neither have I received notice from court for reaffirmation hearing or denial of agreement. Should I have heard from Santander? Should I have contacted them to come up with reaffirmation agreement? The deadline for creditors to file objection to disharge is Monday (4/18/11). Will Sandander contact me after discharge to reaffirm? If the disharge is granted without signed agreement, does this mean they have right to repo after Monday? Please help
Filed Ch 7 1/14/11
Meeting of Creditors 2/17/11
Filed Ch 7 1/14/11
Meeting of Creditors 2/17/11