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Little bit stressy.

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    Little bit stressy.

    Next Tuesday I am temporarily leaving the state for a temp job. Worth it? YES!

    Even if the Trustee takes every last dime I earn on this job, (which I am sincerely hoping he will not), but if he does - - I will be able to modify my plan to reduce the number of months, and be out of this obligation years sooner. (Since I am under median, yes I can do that.)

    But besides the move next week, I have a slew of deadlines on the calendar coming up.

    08/17 suspense on the Trustee's Recommendation Concerning Claims.
    08/20 suspense on 2 more objections to claims I filed.
    08/30 suspense on a separate plan modification I submitted to reduce my general monthly obligation to the plan. (Even though I have to submit another plan mod next month after the job starts. I wanted this base mod done, regardless of that.)

    So far, not a peep out of anyone. I guess this is a good thing, right?

    good luck tigergem! We're kinda worried about the same thing - but different scenario; hubby was just offered a new job (YAY!) making about 18K more a year. Know its impossible that the trustee will look the other way on it *booo!* but we'll adjust our schedules and do what we have to do in order to not raise our payment too much - given we arent confirmed yet Not that it would matter if we were confirmed, he'd still take it LOL

    Fingers crossed for ya!


      Yeah, those job things are kind of bittersweet blessings, aren't they? But I am not willing to just spend the next 4+ years maintaining the status quo. I need to change the overall situation, and this is going to help me do that, one way or another.


        It's been a long time since posting. I too have gotten some employment from family (wired a whole house for my brother). That being said, take it while it is here. My opinion is it won't be here long. If you adjust up, you can adjust down as well. If worse comes, you can convert to 7.

        Grats, 'Tiger' on your job increase. 'Hub
        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


          Go get em... Tiger!
          Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
          Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
          Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

          Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


            Originally posted by justbroke View Post
            Go get em... Tiger!
            In your experience, was a 14 day thread helpful while waiting for such things?

            Of course, I am likely to be offline for several of those 14 days, which perhaps might help alleviate my latest PACER obsession. I've been very good, only checking after court hours, only once per day. But still. Every day.


              Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
              It's been a long time since posting. I too have gotten some employment from family (wired a whole house for my brother). That being said, take it while it is here. My opinion is it won't be here long. If you adjust up, you can adjust down as well. If worse comes, you can convert to 7.

              Grats, 'Tiger' on your job increase. 'Hub
              Thanks Hub. I also got an offer to do some electrical work for a friend, whom I did electrical work for last year. I told him it would have to wait til I get back though. Last year I had to clean up the mess his other friend made when he reversed the polarity on the whole house. He's just darn lucky it wasn't my house. Gators gotta eat.


                Originally posted by tigergem View Post
                In your experience, was a 14 day thread helpful while waiting for such things?
                The 14-Day Thread was to ease my mind. It did help! Especially the "itious" part of it!
                Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                  Originally posted by tigergem View Post
                  Thanks Hub. I also got an offer to do some electrical work for a friend, whom I did electrical work for last year. I told him it would have to wait til I get back though. Last year I had to clean up the mess his other friend made when he reversed the polarity on the whole house. He's just darn lucky it wasn't my house. Gators gotta eat.
                  LOL! Yes'm, that could cause a bit of trouble. For five bucks you can get a plug that proves the three wires. Reversing polarity sure could mess up expensive CGFI's and GFI's. Also could burn the place down.

                  My bro's house was Two wire 10 guage and 30 amp FUSES for half the house with seven circuits. I did code (no permit but by code) and he has 24 lines and all are safe, by code, and well done. (I never twist unless I solder). Always use the paste for electrolysis. I pulled more wire with loose screws due to degradation.

                  Hope you get many more jobs. 'Hub
                  If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                    Originally posted by justbroke View Post
                    The 14-Day Thread was to ease my mind. It did help! Especially the "itious" part of it!
                    Maybe I'll do something fun with it after get settled, next Friday. I think I have enough to do to keep myself occupied between now and then. Can always seem to find something that needs cleaning.


                      Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                      LOL! Yes'm, that could cause a bit of trouble. For five bucks you can get a plug that proves the three wires. Reversing polarity sure could mess up expensive CGFI's and GFI's. Also could burn the place down.

                      My bro's house was Two wire 10 guage and 30 amp FUSES for half the house with seven circuits. I did code (no permit but by code) and he has 24 lines and all are safe, by code, and well done. (I never twist unless I solder). Always use the paste for electrolysis. I pulled more wire with loose screws due to degradation.

                      Hope you get many more jobs. 'Hub
                      hehehe. I've had that gadget since it cost $3 I'm sure. For sure that stunt burned up the guy's dryer and his refrigerator, it did. I told my friend to NEVER EVER let that guy touch anything electrical, ever again. So what does he do? Brings me a three way switch. "Can you replace this?" I go to the box and look. Sure enough Mo had cut the wires short in the box, plum with the fitting. "Not this week buddy, because a) all that wire has to be repulled because Mo there cut the wires short. And b) I am not getting up in your attic in this heat." And he finally figured out that he wants an outlet run for a spa tub, but I reckon since the tub has been sitting in the dining room for nearly a year already, it can wait another couple of months for me to get back.


                        Just wanted to say good luck and
                        congratulations on
                        the job and hope for an uneventful
                        next several days/weeks.


                          Originally posted by Alumofuf View Post
                          Just wanted to say good luck and
                          congratulations on
                          the job and hope for an uneventful
                          next several days/weeks.
                          Thank you. I'm a little on edge, but I guess everything is going to be alright.


                            Good Luck, Tigergem!



                              I'm a bit tardy in replying since I notice you wrote all this aug. 13th, which was Friday the 13th.

                              [You write, "I'm a little on edge, but I guess everything is going to be alright."]

                              Forgive me for asking, but one naturally wants to know, Are you superstitious?

                              Best of luck on your new adventure. [Will you be moving back from whereever to whereever, and is it far?]



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