Trash,Mobile Phone,Cable,Internet-340
Home Maintenance-100
Laundry/Dry cleaning-25
Transportation(gas,maintenance,tolls,repair,taxes& registration)-400(2 cars)
Charitable Contributions-20
Auto Insurance-75(2 cars)
Student Loans(wife&myself)-510
child care-325
Pet supplies/vet care-50
Work Lunches-100
Personal grooming& hygiene(haircuts & supplies)-85
gifts for holidays/birthdays-50
That totals $4543 which gives us $-89 dmi. We are a family of 3 and about $8000 under the median for Virginia. Do these numbers look acceptable? Here are my concerns.
1. We do not own any automobiles. We both drive cars that are(and have always been)owned by my parents but we are responsible for gas, maintenance,insurance,registration and repairs of these cars. They are both older cars 10+ years old. ow will the trustee look at this expense? Its a legitimate expense. Even is we did own the cars they would both be exempt because of the wildcard we have left to use.
2. $250 of the student loan payment wont start for 2 more months. That is when my wifes 6 month grace period is up. I do not believe she is eligible for a deferment or forbearance as she has already used both.
3. I was laid off from my job about 4 months ago
and get unemployment. This money is taxable however I did not elect to have taxes taken from it automatically. I save 10% per week ($40) so that I don't get stuck with owing a huge tax bill at the end of the year. Can I include this as an expense on sch J?
Trash,Mobile Phone,Cable,Internet-340
Home Maintenance-100
Laundry/Dry cleaning-25
Transportation(gas,maintenance,tolls,repair,taxes& registration)-400(2 cars)
Charitable Contributions-20
Auto Insurance-75(2 cars)
Student Loans(wife&myself)-510
child care-325
Pet supplies/vet care-50
Work Lunches-100
Personal grooming& hygiene(haircuts & supplies)-85
gifts for holidays/birthdays-50
That totals $4543 which gives us $-89 dmi. We are a family of 3 and about $8000 under the median for Virginia. Do these numbers look acceptable? Here are my concerns.
1. We do not own any automobiles. We both drive cars that are(and have always been)owned by my parents but we are responsible for gas, maintenance,insurance,registration and repairs of these cars. They are both older cars 10+ years old. ow will the trustee look at this expense? Its a legitimate expense. Even is we did own the cars they would both be exempt because of the wildcard we have left to use.
2. $250 of the student loan payment wont start for 2 more months. That is when my wifes 6 month grace period is up. I do not believe she is eligible for a deferment or forbearance as she has already used both.
3. I was laid off from my job about 4 months ago