Filing in MA, I've found the Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Blog at quite interesting. For instance, it mentioned how,
I don't know if there are good national blogs for this kind of thing, but I'd certainly encourage petitioners considering going pro se to hunt down and follow the newsletters and blogs that their local bankruptcy attorneys use. Also, those local attorneys often have interesting blogs of their own. Wherever you live, it's worth searching the web for information and reports from people in the "industry" -- especially those in the district you're filing in, given the variations between districts. While you can't be sure they're always correct, at least you can get a flavor of what might fly and why.
I don't know if there are good national blogs for this kind of thing, but I'd certainly encourage petitioners considering going pro se to hunt down and follow the newsletters and blogs that their local bankruptcy attorneys use. Also, those local attorneys often have interesting blogs of their own. Wherever you live, it's worth searching the web for information and reports from people in the "industry" -- especially those in the district you're filing in, given the variations between districts. While you can't be sure they're always correct, at least you can get a flavor of what might fly and why.