Need help. Do I list everything I have?
Catagorys are broken down on form.
4. Household goods, furniture, including audio, video, and computer equipment. (This is one catagory) Do i list indiviual items? Or just value all of it together.
5. Books, pictures, art objects, compact discs, collectibles. (Again just the total value or list indivdually)
Im thinking of creating a spreadsheet for my attorney. Please this will take all day.
Also is ther a chpter 7 value list I could use for the Fair Market Value instead of guessing?
Catagorys are broken down on form.
4. Household goods, furniture, including audio, video, and computer equipment. (This is one catagory) Do i list indiviual items? Or just value all of it together.
5. Books, pictures, art objects, compact discs, collectibles. (Again just the total value or list indivdually)
Im thinking of creating a spreadsheet for my attorney. Please this will take all day.
Also is ther a chpter 7 value list I could use for the Fair Market Value instead of guessing?