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Obamacare and us poor folks

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  • Nursemikki
    My suggestion was to go with a state plan, but it looks like you've already tried that. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

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  • keepsmiling
    We don't have an extra 700+ a month. We'd have to give up eating completely.
    I really meant it when I said we are (working) poor.
    We used our home equity to pay for health ins for years. A huge part of why we are bk.
    Was on state plan at one time, took a little job, made just too much to qualify, got kicked off and it's been a downward spiral ever since.

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  • ExplorerZ
    Have you tried applying for new individual insurance? The rules for pricing and pre-existing conditions are already in effect.

    I'm waiting for 2014 to try shopping around, but that's just because the state exchanges are slated to go online and should greatly improve the process (I live in Florida though and the state is trying everything it can to get out of it, so we'll see).

    Doesn't really change much for those of us in the donut hole between medicaid and group plans.

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  • keepsmiling
    started a topic Obamacare and us poor folks

    Obamacare and us poor folks

    Please no flaming... I really need to get some answers and I have no idea who to ask.

    So... I currently buy health insurance thru a college... frankly it's a PITA having to go to school but it was the only way to get something affordable. Dh has none as we couldn't afford for both of us this semester- have to pay in lump sum.

    I don't even know where to look to get info as to what to do next so that we can both have insurance. do we have to go without for six months to qualify? You guys are about the best resource I know... any thoughts? Does anyone have any solid info on how Obama care will work for us well-under-the-median people?

    The precarious nature of our insurance is one reason we can't file yet.

    Thanks in advance.

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