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Ther's always a surprise!

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    Ther's always a surprise!

    Received a notice from my insurance company (which covers house and cars) that due to my poor credit (bk filed in Dec 2011) they were raising my car insurance by $800 a year! Needless to say I am looking for new insurance - we've been with this company for over 10 years and filed a claim about 10 years ago - otherwise, just kept paying insurance like good customers! Nothing like getting kicked while you are down.

    That sucks. Good luck on your insurance hunt. May want to contact an independent insurance broker, they can shop the more "obscure" providers and can sometimes get good deals.


      Does your state allow credit profiling? Many states do not. A call to your State Dept. of Insurance or an online search of your State's website should give you that information. If it does not allow it, call your Insurance Commissioner and advise him/her of your increase.
      Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
      Early Buy-Out: April 2006
      Discharge: August 2006

      "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


        as flamingo points out, see if you state does credit profiling. we found in florida, for example, they do both! at first we were quoted a very high price and we have never (thank heavens) had any tickets or accidents, however, the price was ridicules.

        we shopped around and actually i called AAA, and found out, to my surpise, they have many companies that work with them, and they most likely can help you find a company that does not do the credit profiling...hopefully.

        best of luck to you!
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          This comes from the AZ Dept of Insurance Website.

          Arizona law prohibits insurers from
          using the following types of credit history
          to calculate an insurance score to
          determine premiums:
          • The absence of or inability to
          determine a person's credit history
          (see question No. 8)
          • Collection accounts identified with a
          medical industry code
          • A bankruptcy or lien satisfaction that
          is more than 7 years old
          • The consumer's total line of
          available credit (except they can
          consider the ratio of the amount of
          debt to the amount of available
          • A credit score that is derived from
          the income, gender, address, zip
          code, ethnic group, religion, marital
          status or nationality of the consumer
          as a factor.

          Many insurers are using insurance
          scores to both "underwrite" and "rate"
          “Underwriting” is deciding whether to
          issue you a new policy or to renew
          your existing policy.
          “Rating” is deciding what price or
          premium to charge.
          After your automobile insurance policy
          has been in effect for 60 days, an insurer
          can not cancel or non-renew your
          automobile policy based on your credit
          history or insurance score. There is no
          similar law limiting non-renewal of
          homeowners insurance.

          So a premium increase would be a "Rate" increase so it seems it is legal in AZ.


            My auto insurance provider (Progressive) plainly states that they consider a person's credit history a factor in determining coverage rates. I have four months left in my Chapter 13, and I also have an ancient Chapter 7 (1994). I have never seen a significant premium increase. It could be that the Chapter 7 was irrelevant when I first applied for insurance with Progressive, and I was already insured with them for two years when I filed for Chapter 13 in 2007. Go figure.


              Originally posted by kornellred View Post
              My auto insurance provider (Progressive) plainly states that they consider a person's credit history a factor in determining coverage rates. I have four months left in my Chapter 13, and I also have an ancient Chapter 7 (1994). I have never seen a significant premium increase. It could be that the Chapter 7 was irrelevant when I first applied for insurance with Progressive, and I was already insured with them for two years when I filed for Chapter 13 in 2007. Go figure.
              I notice that you stated that you are four months short of completing your chapter 13. I am about to start mine with a proposal that I think is manageable, however someome today just quoted a stat that says well over 90% of chapter 13's fail, if that is true, I think better odds are someplace else. Why did yours succeed, did you live a somewhat normal life, could everyone tell that you are in a chapter 13. That stat scares the living daylights out of me if it is true


                magic 13 - I am 63 years old, long since divorced, went out of work on long-term disability in March of 2011, and I am now living on Social Security Disability and the remainder of my Long-Term Disability benefits, which, fortunately, I am entitled to until age 66 - my normal retirement age. I was making $65,000 per year when I filed for Chapter 13 in March 2008 (my plan is actually 54 months in length - don't ask me how my attorney got that done for me). My unsecured debt was close to $60K. My payment is $311 per month. I started making a lot more money in 2009 and 2010, but my trustee does not require income tax return submissions, and I did not volunteer any financial information. When I became disabled, I was making $75,000 per year. My LTD benefits amount to 66.6% of my 2009 earnings, so my income dropped to less than $50K per year since March 2011. Turnabout is fair play, right? No sense telling the trustee that I can hardly afford the plan payments any more.....(actually, I can - just being facetious).
                My Chapter 13 was a cake walk - almost too good to be true. But, that is because I live alone, have very few obligations, and have everything that I need to survive. There was no point in continuing to pay my creditors, who received far more from me than I ever received from them, after years and years of minimum payments at 18 to 20 percent APR. I wear my bankruptcies like a badge of honor, and get a cheap thrill from making well-adjusted people cringe at my nonchalant attitude.


                  I believe that my state does not allow credit profiling for auto or homeowners insurance. However, this year I received a lengthy list from my homeowner's about things that will no longer be covered, such as loss/damage of "contents" in the house. I haven't had any kind of a claim in over 15 years, and it's like they are saying they are "stuck" with me, so they will insure me as little as possible.

                  I'm 19/48 months into my chapter 13, and I guess the insurance company was probably notified from my mortgage company.
                  Last edited by lillymarlene; 04-30-2012, 05:43 PM.


                    Exact same coverage for us:

                    Progressive $340.00
                    Geico $1680.00

                    Wonder which on we should go with?
                    All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                    Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                      Originally posted by frogger View Post
                      Exact same coverage for us:

                      Progressive $340.00
                      Geico $1680.00

                      Wonder which on we should go with?
                      LOL!!! so frogger that's YOU doing those commerials? and, wow, what a difference in price!

                      i know here in florida the dept of insurance just gave the companies a raise and didn't matter about credit or driving records. personally, i can't believe how much we pay for car insurance that we paid in florida and we thought new jersey was bad...OH WAIT! i really do know why, just go on rt 4, rt 50 or the turnpike and you will know why. people in florida don't know what a signal is, or a speed limit, or i was wondering where in the drivers ed books it says it's ok to slam on your brakes in the middle of any road at any speed because you just want to. i have NEVER seen such bad drivers as here. not even NYC where everyone is just crazy so it's ok.

                      i was told that florida has the most accidents in the country, i am guessing that the elderly population has something to do with it, but i don't know. it's pretty bad here!
                      8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                        Originally posted by frogger View Post
                        Exact same coverage for us:

                        Progressive $340.00
                        Geico $1680.00

                        Wonder which on we should go with?
                        hello my little green buddy Good to see ya!

                        Gah.. wish they were that cheap for us (progressive)... we've yet to find anything cheaper than Erie Insurance, and we are in a profiling state (which is utter b.s. IMO).


                          Originally posted by Pandora View Post
                          hello my little green buddy Good to see ya!

                          Gah.. wish they were that cheap for us (progressive)... we've yet to find anything cheaper than Erie Insurance, and we are in a profiling state (which is utter b.s. IMO).
                          Hello Darling.
                          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                            Originally posted by frogger View Post
                            Hello Darling.
                            I heard you singing to me from my pond out back last evening.... beeeyyyooootiful musak you make



                              Originally posted by Pandora View Post
                              I heard you singing to me from my pond out back last evening.... beeeyyyooootiful musak you make


                              ok...that's quite enough from you two!!!!....pandora back to your box and frogger get back to the pond, we want no princes or princesses suddenly appearing and roaming the halls of the forum
                              8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


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