I've been watching some of the news on this Healthcare Bill (HB) that is in the Senate. Max Baucus, the chairman of the committee, says that the States will have to pay part of the costs, no including the Federal $900B over 10 years. While he says the Fed has the largest portion... the fact that he's saying that the States will be burdened, gives me pause.
What I derive from this, is that States, which are already in deep financial crisis, will now have to fund this Plan as well. Please someone, where does everyone think this money that the individual State's are responsible for, s coming from? I'll give you one guess... and the answer is not "from God himself".
What I derive from this, is that States, which are already in deep financial crisis, will now have to fund this Plan as well. Please someone, where does everyone think this money that the individual State's are responsible for, s coming from? I'll give you one guess... and the answer is not "from God himself".