For all members that search for information on bankrutpcy there are many manuals (some on this form) that offer a great deal of information on how to file, forms to use, what to expect, and the process of filing bankruptcy... etc.
There are new NOLO Books out for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filers. Full of forms, very useful information....
Also the the filer with a sense of humor there are two books out:
1. Personal Bankruptcy for Dummies
2. Personal Bankrtupcy Laws for Dummies
"The Dummy Book Collection" is quite known for its "human touch" regarding issues like - computer using, computer software, how to learn to do different things.
They touch on the humours side of the subject YET give you answers to the questions that you might have that EVERYONE ELSE may think is STUPID.... to ask....
These two books answer your questions on the process and the laws involved in "laymen terms" making it easier to comprehend the information.
BUT AS ALWAYS - be sure to contact an attorney regardings your case or go back to the NOLO BOOKS and Govt. postings on the laws for your state. DO NOT RELY ON THE DUMMY BOOKS TO GIVE YOU ALL THE ANSWERS.... ATTORNEYS ARE FOR THAT.....
Many questions can be answered by the Dummy Books.... so simple that it amazes you that you didn't think of it.... a lot of black/white upfront answers...
These books were designed to "help you thru the bankruptcy process, yet keep your humor in tact" while your in the process.....
These can be found in any bookstore right there with NOLO Books or on
Use them for a reference for questions you might have that you can't find an answer too..... you may find it there, or they may give you a link to check out you question.
REMEMBER - these books are there to help - but with humor attached..... to the situation....
Bankruptcy is a serious time in our lives - but it too has humor in it that helps us get thru it.....
LIfe throws up punches ...... we ride with them and a chuckle doesn't hurt once in a while on the ride....
There are new NOLO Books out for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filers. Full of forms, very useful information....
Also the the filer with a sense of humor there are two books out:
1. Personal Bankruptcy for Dummies
2. Personal Bankrtupcy Laws for Dummies
"The Dummy Book Collection" is quite known for its "human touch" regarding issues like - computer using, computer software, how to learn to do different things.
They touch on the humours side of the subject YET give you answers to the questions that you might have that EVERYONE ELSE may think is STUPID.... to ask....
These two books answer your questions on the process and the laws involved in "laymen terms" making it easier to comprehend the information.
BUT AS ALWAYS - be sure to contact an attorney regardings your case or go back to the NOLO BOOKS and Govt. postings on the laws for your state. DO NOT RELY ON THE DUMMY BOOKS TO GIVE YOU ALL THE ANSWERS.... ATTORNEYS ARE FOR THAT.....
Many questions can be answered by the Dummy Books.... so simple that it amazes you that you didn't think of it.... a lot of black/white upfront answers...
These books were designed to "help you thru the bankruptcy process, yet keep your humor in tact" while your in the process.....
These can be found in any bookstore right there with NOLO Books or on
Use them for a reference for questions you might have that you can't find an answer too..... you may find it there, or they may give you a link to check out you question.
REMEMBER - these books are there to help - but with humor attached..... to the situation....
Bankruptcy is a serious time in our lives - but it too has humor in it that helps us get thru it.....
LIfe throws up punches ...... we ride with them and a chuckle doesn't hurt once in a while on the ride....