This is my question........I received a letter titled "Garnishiment of Property other than Personal Earnings"
This is my Question: The debt is a small Credit card which was in MY NAME ONLY..........I am retired and and receive a tiny tiny SS check.
I live in OHIO,,,,,,since the debt was in MY NAME ONLY....and for about 1,200 dollars........can they come in and take my furniture? and other household Items? Since I am assuming those items belong to my husband also. I have NO car, NO bank account and NO valuable jewelry or furniture or collectibles.
Also my adult son stays with us.....please tell me they cannot touch his property? I mean the items in his room....stereo, computer, dvds/vhs tapes. he paid for those items ..they belong to him
Is my husbands pension protected since he was not on my card or responsible for it?
And lastly is any of our furnishings protected by and laws of exemption>? Thank you so much for any replies I'm worried.......its all junk BUT its MY junk
This is my question........I received a letter titled "Garnishiment of Property other than Personal Earnings"
This is my Question: The debt is a small Credit card which was in MY NAME ONLY..........I am retired and and receive a tiny tiny SS check.
I live in OHIO,,,,,,since the debt was in MY NAME ONLY....and for about 1,200 dollars........can they come in and take my furniture? and other household Items? Since I am assuming those items belong to my husband also. I have NO car, NO bank account and NO valuable jewelry or furniture or collectibles.
Also my adult son stays with us.....please tell me they cannot touch his property? I mean the items in his room....stereo, computer, dvds/vhs tapes. he paid for those items ..they belong to him
Is my husbands pension protected since he was not on my card or responsible for it?
And lastly is any of our furnishings protected by and laws of exemption>? Thank you so much for any replies I'm worried.......its all junk BUT its MY junk