You really must do what is in your best interest and if that is filing a 7 then that is what you need to do. If you keep paying on the car and are not currently behind then you should be good. Will FIL find out, more than likely. You say he is not a nice person and would make your life miserable, maybe this is a good time to sever ties at least for a while and do what you need to do. Your family and quality of life is your priority and if he cannot come to terms with that and support your right to a decision (or at least not make it worse) then why do you want this man around your children and in your life anyway.
I know this is hard but please do not base your entire life decisions on this person, he cosigned but the car is being paid for and on time, it is what it is at this point. This might be a good time to tell him, get it over with and move on. Sorry you have to go through this but you need to focus on your family and your future. Good Luck!
I know this is hard but please do not base your entire life decisions on this person, he cosigned but the car is being paid for and on time, it is what it is at this point. This might be a good time to tell him, get it over with and move on. Sorry you have to go through this but you need to focus on your family and your future. Good Luck!