Originally posted by helpmeout
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Originally posted by momofthree
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I would think that if she could show that the gasoline expense was necessary for work that this would be able to be justified.
Also, my cable/internet/phone is $140 and my cell phone is about the same. My attorney didn't say anything about those being too high. I have a year contract left on both. She did list the cable/internet/phone in the utility/phone section and the cell in utility/other.
I have no misc. section but she put down personal care and cleaning supplies at $150 and household goods/paper products at $35. Recreation at $100
Now maybe I'm just stupid and she knows that these amounts aren't going to fly with the trustee. I can't imagine that she in good faith would tell me that this plan will work if it wouldn't. (naive maybe?)
I would take the advice on here as general advice. Only your attorney knows exactly what will and what won't fly with the trustee where you live. In other words, don't get all worked up about what people say that are specific to your plan. As you can see above, opinions differ