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She did not commit any crime. She protected herself and her family from "storm". Debt is not a crime in the US. If it were , well just look around. I do say bless her, and good for her. After all she worked, contributed, never collected welfare, and raised a family alone. If she saw the storm coming and had an escape plan good for her. Social security benefits and a $70.00 month retirement check, do not strike me as extravagant. I wouldn't consider her living under the radar. She rents a senior citizen apartment, has a bank account, cell phone and a mailing address. LOL , if I was a debt collector , I wouldn't see her worth my time pursuing.
You said she withdrew $50,000 in cash, stashed it and is now getting food stamps and is getting utilities and health care for free. I don't know what the eligibility requirements are for food stamps and other programs she is probably getting aid from. But, someone reading the story might assume that she is not disclosing the cash on applications for benefits. If she has done that, she committed a crime.
LadyInTheRed is in the black!
Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
$143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!
Everything she did was legally sound. Giving away money is not a crime. The lady only received food stamps because the senior citizen coordinator suggested it. Before getting free flu shots she paid Blue Cross $385 a month for over 2 decades. Only upon visiting her senior center, was she offered and alerted to the benefits , she was eligible for. She had been living on her SS and retirement. I do see your points morally. However, she is one of the good people. The volunteering on its own , is probably more than a $100 food allowance.
Actually, giving away money to make herself eligible for public benefits and not disclosing that on the application, would be a crime, regardless of who suggested she apply for the benefits.
I'm not saying this lady did anything against the law. Just explaining why somebody may suspect she is based on the story you have told. None of us, including you I suspect, have enough information to know if she did anything illegal.
LadyInTheRed is in the black!
Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
$143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!
You said she withdrew $50,000 in cash, stashed it and is now getting food stamps and is getting utilities and health care for free. I don't know what the eligibility requirements are for food stamps and other programs she is probably getting aid from. But, someone reading the story might assume that she is not disclosing the cash on applications for benefits. If she has done that, she committed a crime.
You can not have more than $1,000 in the bank or in cash to qualify for food stamps (this is a federal requirement). And most other assistance programs have requirements far below the $50k. So I can only assume she is not disclosing that money ever.
If anyone here remembers the little old lady I met who had escaped the system so to speak.
Pleased to report one very happy update. I came across her again on of all places a holiday cruise! She is living a modest lifestyle on her social security and retirement funds.
On paper she has no assets ,except for her monthly checks. Her funeral arrangements have all been paid for. Upon her death, there will be no estate hassles , as she has none. She has never been sued or even contacted by a creditor. She votes, has a checking account owns a car, lives in senior citizen housing. She volunteers at a soup kitchen and runs errands for disabled residents.
I truly love a happy ending.
After reading the first post, I strongly suspect that she committed fraud. I used to work for a welfare office and there is no way she would have qualified for food stamps with a $50,000 cash asset. The fact that she got them indicates to me that she LIED on her application. To be honest, it's people like her, who willfully commit fraud, that makes it harder for the honest people who have no assets, literally, don't lie on their applications and genuinely need assistance.
Everything she did was legally sound. Giving away money is not a crime. The lady only received food stamps because the senior citizen coordinator suggested it. Before getting free flu shots she paid Blue Cross $385 a month for over 2 decades. Only upon visiting her senior center, was she offered and alerted to the benefits , she was eligible for. She had been living on her SS and retirement. I do see your points morally. However, she is one of the good people. The volunteering on its own , is probably more than a $100 food allowance.
Committing fraud is not legally sound. And if the state ever finds out what she did, they can go after her estate for reimbursement. If she had $50K in cash, she was not eligible for food stamps. Or any other type of assistance.
After reading the first post, I strongly suspect that she committed fraud. I used to work for a welfare office and there is no way she would have qualified for food stamps with a $50,000 cash asset. The fact that she got them indicates to me that she LIED on her application. To be honest, it's people like her, who willfully commit fraud, that makes it harder for the honest people who have no assets, literally, don't lie on their applications and genuinely need assistance.
Agreed! I still don't feel all warm and fuzzy for this lady.
Those in glass houses should not point fingers , or throw stones.
Excuse me? It sounds as though this woman defrauded the welfare/food stamp system by hiding assets. Your comment implies that she broke the law and that we shouldn't criticize her because we are in the same boat. We are most certainly not. My wife and I sat before the Trustee at our 341 meeting and didn't sweat a drop because we had nothing to fear-we had nothing to hide, laid it all on the table, and we were taking advantage of a legal means of remedying our financial situation. If you think BK is somehow wrong or immoral you are in the wrong place. If you think BK is somehow fraudulent you simply have no idea what you're talking about.
Those in glass houses should not point fingers , or throw stones.
I have never committed fraud. And from what you stated, the person who "escaped" bk did just that. Which, btw, is illegal. How's that glass house you are living in?
Beautiful thank you!! Two sons at UNC Chapel Hill. Two paid 2012 Mazdas , 5 bedroom home, nothing under water, nothing in collections and life is spectacular. Empowerment is a beautiful thing. Jealousy can do nasty things to your head, as can fear. Best wishes for 2013.
Beautiful thank you!! Two sons at UNC Chapel Hill. Two paid 2012 Mazdas , 5 bedroom home, nothing under water, nothing in collections and life is spectacular. Empowerment is a beautiful thing. Jealousy can do nasty things to your head, as can fear. Best wishes for 2013.
Aaaaannnd with that, I think this thread has run its course.
Last edited by ValleYum; 01-20-2013, 08:34 PM.
Reason: typo
~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~