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If Trump were elected POTUS, would that mean a more debtor favorable BK law?

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    Originally posted by disconapper View Post
    Much agreed tobee43, much agreed. Trump for POTUS? I cringe at the thought. How embarrassing to have a former reality star as leader for the Free World. Yikes, it's a double whammy....horrific hair and reality star fame!
    and what's scary is....he's being to catch some momentum in the polls...but we are a ways off...i hope!
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
      and what's scary is....he's being to catch some momentum in the polls...but we are a ways off...i hope!
      AGREED! I hope America gets it right. It's one thing to run a company, whole new ballgame to run a country. I'm not sure his foreign policy skills would be any good. I sure do hope the momentum in the polls is temporary. Hopefully, it's just something new and exciting for the country, and people are chuckling at the thought of it all. Afterall, Americans do love their reality shows.....maybe he'd market a new show...."Celebrity POTUS"....oh geez...haha
      Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


        Originally posted by disconapper View Post
        AGREED! I hope America gets it right. It's one thing to run a company, whole new ballgame to run a country. I'm not sure his foreign policy skills would be any good. I sure do hope the momentum in the polls is temporary. Hopefully, it's just something new and exciting for the country, and people are chuckling at the thought of it all. Afterall, Americans do love their reality shows.....maybe he'd market a new show...."Celebrity POTUS"....oh geez...haha
        actually, when one really gives it any thought at's a complete distraction to what's actually going on out there.

        now let's see....let's all worry that trump may run.....while we are busy thinking about that....our is being cut off....and medicare and medicaid are being slammed for the old and we are looking again at trumps hair do..........why not give the banks a few more trillion...LOL!!
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          LOL! So true....and while we're at it, let's add Charlie Sheen as his VP and sit back and watch the downward spiral of the United States....since we're all worried about what they celebrities are doing...and they're hair do's!

          In all seriousness, it's quite concerning. There is a certain sense of security that comes with being an American and that security is currently under threat. Hopefully the current and future administrations will straighten out the ship and leave Trump for the reality shows.
          Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


            You know, I actually wouldn't mind seeing someone from a successful business background running things. (From an Independent...)

            And frankly, get our money affairs in order...
            - call in all those loans to other countries
            - pay off our own debts
            - equal 10-15% tax across the board for everyone, no IRS, no tax returns...whether you make $1,000 a year or $100,000 a year or $1,000,000 a year...everyone pay the same flat tax rate
            - quit paying government employees to work in circles
            - massive centralization and regulation of insurance companies, but allow this industry to stay private (and yes, I consider this a money problem...when you have people going bk because they don't have insurance coverage when they're self-employed, or insurance doesn't cover their illnesses or diagnosis, or they've reached their plan max...this is a money problem and I don't think the answer is universal healthcare, the answer is making the insurance companies absorb a little more risk than they are now)

            And then stop worrying about all the social crap. Let people live their lives. If you want an abortion, fine. But you pay for it. You want 10 kids, fine. But you pay for it. Go to jail, okay. But it's even less cushy than it is now. Marry whoever you want, we don't care. Successful business leadership know how to cut the fat and make things work and stay profitable...heck, let them turn this ship around. I honestly think that if we even the playing field and stop catering to politicians, social issues, rich vs. poor as far as taxes, and get out of debt as a country, there will be a lot less need for big government and social programs and all of the fighting we're all doing with one another. Money is the root of all evil right? Let's fix the money problems and start pushing individual responsibility in everything else.

            What he would do with bk laws, I dunno. ;)


              Just finished watching Trump on Hannity's show...survived about five minutes of it altogether....

              I honestly don't see him getting any real support within the Republican Party, but I've been wrong before...

              Then again, he could tell all of them to sod off and run as independent...something like Ross Perot 20 years later...

              Good luck to us all.
              No person in their right mind files a Ch. 13 with lien strip pro se. I have.Therefore, please consider me insane and clinically certifiable when reading my posts, and DO NOT take them as legal advice of any kind.Thank you.



                The United State's is currently in debt to the tune of $46,000 for every citizen. Now that everything is on the table for reducing maybe it's time for the United States to reduce foreign aid. We give foreign aid to 150 countries in the world. This works out to be about 78%. Some of these countries don't even like us. Cuba and Venezuela to name a couple. Why are we giving Russia foreign aid? Then what about Military aid?
                The United States has given Israel over 10 BILLION dollars in military aid in the last 10 years. The United State Government says it gives foreign and military aid to enhance our national security. Time to rethink this!


                  Totally agree. I'm a fan of isolationism.


                    Originally posted by brokeinal View Post
                    You know, I actually wouldn't mind seeing someone from a successful business background running things. (From an Independent...)

                    And frankly, get our money affairs in order...
                    How about we start by going back to the Clinton tax rates were we had a surplus and vibrant economy, then get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. A "flat tax" is not the answer. Actually with your acknowledgment that money is the root of all evil, that supports a progressive tax with ultimately very high marginal rates. After you have made your first 10 million and anything over gets taxes at 90% you lose your incentive to screw people to make more.


                      Not to worry - Trump will never be the President of the USA. If he gets elected, that would be a sure sign that there is no longer a country called the United States.


                        Originally posted by kornellred View Post
                        Not to worry - Trump will never be the President of the USA. If he gets elected, that would be a sure sign that there is no longer a country called the United States.
                        You are probably right. However, the fact that so many even take him seriously is a sad commentary on this country.


                          He's not going to get elected. And I doubt that he would do anything for the "little" people, anyway.


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