Very ashamed right now...I met with a BK attorney on Monday for my initial consultation. I was foreclosed on and condo was sold 3/2/11, he advised me to file. I forgot to ask him something very important. I got sober in 2004 and turned my life around. In 2010, I lost my job, condo and had to leave my family and take a job out of state. In November 2010 I relapsed. There are about three weeks where I had ATM withdrawals of $100 - $200 every other day. I put myself in rehab in January for 30 days. I went back to work out of state and relapsed again for a week (about 14 days ago). Again, I had daily ATM withdrawals for a week. This money is gone, spent on drugs. My family and I decided I needed to come home where my wife and sober friends are to focus on my sobriety and getting my life back in order. I'm very worried about these withdrawals and how it may seem that I've been stashing money or something. Probably will be filing in the next couple of weeks.
Is this going to be an obstacle to filing? Thanks for your help!
Is this going to be an obstacle to filing? Thanks for your help!