I am the treasurer for my church. I have signature authority on the church checking account and on some investment accounts.
My name is not on them as an owner, only in the functional role of Treasurer.
I am also listed as an assistant Treasurer for another organization, though I have not been set up as a check signer for that one yet.
Should I or these organizations be concerned? I have not retained an attorney yet, so I have not disclosed anything to the organizations yet, either. (Too embarrassed to do so until my decisions are made, I guess.)
Edited to add: The church pays me a whopping $25 per month for Treasurer, the other org doesn't pay anything, if that matters. And my state is NH and we're under means because I'm otherwise unemployed as of mid-August.
My name is not on them as an owner, only in the functional role of Treasurer.
I am also listed as an assistant Treasurer for another organization, though I have not been set up as a check signer for that one yet.
Should I or these organizations be concerned? I have not retained an attorney yet, so I have not disclosed anything to the organizations yet, either. (Too embarrassed to do so until my decisions are made, I guess.)
Edited to add: The church pays me a whopping $25 per month for Treasurer, the other org doesn't pay anything, if that matters. And my state is NH and we're under means because I'm otherwise unemployed as of mid-August.