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Judgment Awarded Against Our Credit Card Debt in Florida

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    Judgment Awarded Against Our Credit Card Debt in Florida

    Judgment Awarded Against Our Credit Card Debt in Florida , can it (Award) be put into bankruptcy?

    I'm 69 and my wife is 72 years old. we have just answered the summons from Target National bank for a dept of about $6200.00. We are trying to fend off a foreclosure on our house and was told by a HUD Councilor that it looks as if the foreclosure will happen as we didn't qualify for any of the FHA or B of A programs. We are without funds to pay a lawyer for a bankruptcy but have a 1984 trailer that we can sell for about $1000.00 to cover that expence. If we sell the trailer will that be concidered a fraudulent transfer?
    Also can an awarded judgment against us be put into a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
    Thank you,

    RD....sorry to hear you are going thru so much.

    now, the way i understand it is as follows: (make certain someone will correct if i'm wrong).

    this could also change with the state you are filing in, however, as far as i am aware it goes as follows.

    if you have judgments at the time of your filing and are discharged, your atty will have to go back to get them removed. judgments can come in different formats...just has liens against your car or well as wage garnishments. each one will cost you more legal fees to have if possible i would attempt to maneuver around the situation if you can.

    if i were you, i would answer the summons and stall until you file bk....that way any action would have a stay and there could be no movement forward for them. if you thinking about filing soon...that is what i would do.

    i have noticed in florida...many times each districts have their own set of rules and regs. do you have an atty already for the bk...if may be time to seriously find one for you and your wife.

    hope that helps a bit.
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      oh...i want to add one more thing...atty's will take payments! they will.
      8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


        Bankruptcy Forum
        Thank you Tobee43 and that does help. I have answered that credit card summons and am hoping for time before a judgment is given to the Credit Card company. I just don't have a clue to how much time before we have to go to court (We answered summons 9-10-2010). But I'm worried that the judge will make us sell our belongings and our 84 trailer to pay some of the CC dept. So we will start today in the pursuit of finding an attorney.


          please....RDz...the judge will NOT make you sell you belongings...i promise...(these TERRIBLE HORROR of CC companies...doing this to people..I HATE IT!).

          please please PLEASE...there are some great atty's in florida...get on the phone NOW and set a consult...they will work with you with payments... they may even handle things once you even give them 100.00...ours did....with only a payment of one hundred dollars...his office took care of everything.
          8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


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