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Changing Phone number?No help at all

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    Changing Phone number?No help at all

    Well changing my phone number didn't help. changed it 4 months ago & somehow the creditors got it, even though IT'S UNLISTED. So now I went and purchased a phone that has a on/off switch.
    Everyone I know & care about calls me on my cell phone, the ONLY reason I have a house phone is for the Internet, and a DRY LOOP cost 18$ more a month then having a phone, so until I file....I guess turning off the house phone is my only option.
    It really (*&^% me off, that all the trouble I went thru plus paying a 25$ fee to change my phone number & they still can get it!

    Unfortunately, there are databases out there that collect your information and are available via subscription. Most people think that the World Wide Web is 'it' as far as the Internet. It is not. The World Wide Web is only about 20%, if even that much. The rest is various database collectors and providers that are available for subscription.

    If you go to your local public library, they will have subscribed to a certain set of reference databases. Go to your local college library, and it will be a different set of databases. There are databases that private investigators subscribe to, and so on. Nothing is private on the Internet....
    Last edited by AngelinaCat; 09-10-2010, 08:46 PM. Reason: grammar
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      so what your telling me is the PEIVATE NUMBER I pay for each month & cost me 25$ to get, is available to anyone on the internet???? that pretty much sucks!


        I am sorry, but that is the case. I'm just the messenger....

        Though as I said, these databases are NOT usually available to the general public, like you and I perusing the Internet in our homes. But there are those professionals and institutions that can and will subscribe to these databases. These people have to be serious because the database subscriptions are very expensive.
        Last edited by AngelinaCat; 09-10-2010, 08:44 PM.
        "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

        "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


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